I just wanted to say you fucked up cucks. When the time comes Melbourne and Queersland will be the first to go. Have fun cucked faggits.
Aus Queensland vote edition
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I'm happy so long as the future of the Reef is secure.
Isnt labor pro Adani?
Fuck off cunt, this needs to happen.
Not our fault your party is ran by a retard
When did conservatism start to mean neoliberal free market cuckservative?
Conservative should just mean a consideration of the sanctity of family and the value of a nationalist society.
Somewhere conservative become synonymous with cuck globalists who want to import 500,000 migrants a year and erode other rights.
>yfw nsw is only based because of the huge shitskin population
QLD always votes in labor.
Pretty sure worker's unions are the cause of it.
Isn't half of it dead...
Don't blame me cunts. I voted no.
No, the cause is that house owners are the majority and want to fuck over everybody who doesn't own a house by increasing immigration and so on. Whether Labor or Liberal gets in, it is irrelevant. They are so close at the polls, it is pretty much just random chance.
Fuck u young lib fag. U sold us out to the Chinese ur the fucking first to go
Wow, I guess one of the two parties that are effectively the same in the grand scheme of all things will win.
Pity about One Nation floundering, to be fair to them though, they got loads of raw votes, just not seats.
Bring back Joh then secede.
can anyone here prove that Australia even exists?
they didn't even get 13% of the vote, that's hardly "loads of raw votes"
we don't exist and nobody should come here.
How many seats did One Nation get?
They campaigned to be pro-reef last time then about 6 weeks later the premier was busy bending over for the fat poo fuck to come in and get gibs
Wasn't it more than the Greens got?
Obviously it's no major victory, but it's not the terrible defeat it's been said to be.
What in the fuck have ONE done at any level? They just vote Liberal. It's not like they propose any original policy or get anything through with tough negotiation.
All the rhetoric from them has eventuated in fuckall and I expect why they did so poorly in QLD.
>yeah we're all about nationalism and stuff
>please don't be difficult
yeah right how dumb do they think people are? if things don't appear to change, they havn't changed, and people won't keep voting for you when you promise change
0 last I checked lmao. All seats haven't been called yet though.
>When did Capitalism become synonymous with Conservativism?
When your party is so corrupt and morally bankrupt that you do not vet your candidates and members and will appoint anyone who has a big enough wallet.
Not much really, they're a garbage party. However, they're the only important one actively whining about immigration and trying to push it into being an issue major parties must acknowledge.
Any step in the right direction is a step at least.
Zip.. maybe one..
1. Why did you change what I wrote to make it seem I wrote something different? Very dishonest and bad form.
2. I don't know why you think capitalism means neoliberalism and complete serfdom. False dichotomies.
>read what I wrote
>When did conservatism start to mean neoliberal free market cuckservative?
Clearly you don't read what you write.
But it's all fake rhetoric if they don't negotiate for it. As is they just lie down and do nothing.
Show me Pauline in the Senate being as obtrusive about immigration as Xenophon is about anything he decides to be a cunt about.
They're fake nationalists until they can prove they aren't by actually doing something.
One nation part is and are a bunch of mongoloid cuck-traps and Australia is better of withoou them. Bloody maggots.
You changed what I wrote from
>>When did conservatism start to mean neoliberal free market cuckservative?
>>When did Capitalism become synonymous with Conservativism?
Which is a blatant retarded misrepresentation and not even remotely the same thing.
Asian invasion , it's illegal to have another language sign on any community setting. Side eye cunts are outright flaunting their invasion to us.
Thank fuck I moved into the country. Fuck Sydney and Fuck this traitor government.
>Had a chicken stew for dinner and Maggie Beer ice cream yum yum
Yes, they do nothing but shout and pretend. Better than the other parties do. I'll take what I can get at this stage, mate. Anything that shifts the national dialogue towards immigration.
Is Australia more cucked than Germany or Sweden?
In Germany the Afd got seats in every regional and federal election they participated in.
Last time i checked the Swedish Democrats were about to become the biggest party in parliament.
Neo liberal free market is a form of Capitalism.
To say "it isn't Capitalism" because its not "real Capitalism" is a logical fallacy. Its a form of capitalism, arguing the semantics of it is the real intellectual dishonesty here.
>and Australia is better of
Haha no. We are fucked no matter which way we look at it. I'm voting Greens from now on to accelerate this painful decline.
I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Labor party is the most corrupt party Australia has ever had.
I have seen this first hand with horse racing at Hendra.
Not to mention all the dodgy stuff they are doing with unions.
A family friend, carpententry business owner (Stegbar), got a large job for the refurbishment of a public building and was pushed out by the unions and a labor mp because he wouldnt pay a $200,000 levy to the union.
As far as im concerned a vote for labor is a vote for corruption and downfall of civilisation.
>AUstralia more fucked than Germany
Australia will never be more fucked than Germany, for one thing it is an island for another Queensland politics is highly volatile and doesnt reflect anything other than how retarded the State is at the moment.
I'd keep demanding real nationalists. If I cared about gambling and Xenophon was always yelling about it pre-election and then when he gets into parliament just sits around and passes everything infront of him I'd be pretty pissed off.
I was interested in ONE last federal election but they've revealed to me that they're just fake, they have no ambition in policy.
You are deadset fucking retarded mate and good luck
We don't have parties half as decent as the AfD or Swedish Democrats, I'd say. However, we're also not as overcome with hordes of Somali migrants, and we're also not as prissy or tip-toey about race as you lot, culturally. There's not such a strong element of accomodating foreigners among the actual population, and it was only a little while back we had people in black/brown face on the telly.
>voting Greens
You might get some dumb Green pussay while you're at it. Assuming you're not a filthy soyim.
You're a deadset fucking faggot. Fuck off cunt.
Mate you only have to look as far as them employing fuckloads of public servants to cover for the lack of actual employment growth over the past couple of years to see how corrupt they are. Then factor in selling us as fast as possible to the Indians with a side of LNP selling the rest to China.
I still demand better nationalists, but there's hardly anybody else to vote for mate. I'm not going to stand around waiting for the metaphorical Prince Charming of nationalism in such dire straits, beggars can't be choosers. I'd much rather we have a fascist party, but I'm not going to not vote for a nationalist party because they're not fascist.
Getting salty about Labor barely scraping a majority - even with dodgy backroom deal with Greens, ON and all the independents...
>he's probably too young to know abow any of the royal commissions...
Yeah I get that, I'm just big on being critical so someone does stand up one day who does want to improve the quality of life for australia. If the absolute best we had to ever hope for was what ONE is doing (nothing) it'd be pretty bleak. Probably better migrating unless the trajectory we're on is what I like.
Thing is, Germany and Sweden has it so much worse, so more people are aware and desperate, hence vote for a populist party in a hope to end the nightmare. To really have some sort of political shift, things are going to have to get much, much worse here - to the point where people can't pretend everything's fine and ignore it anymore.
it's certainly not the "kingmaker" status they were hoping to get. They were predicting 12 seats and massively overestimated their support.
Fair to be critical, best option. But still, vote for the best you got.
Migrating as in leaving Australia? Because that's for cowards and traitors. That is, when your reason for doing so is because you think things bleak.
> One Nation get 13% of the vote, shits all over the Greens and Bob katters farming meme party
> 0 seats
> preferenced Labor, handing them LNP seats
What the fuck us wrong with these people.
I trusted them to fuck the shit out of the other two parties, and a couple hundred thousand other voters did too, and they just give the election to those corrupt unionists?
Blood is boiling, I'm beyond mad
it depends who pays them, adani had more money than coral did.
like it fucken matters all the politicians here (no matter what jersey they wear) sell off parts of australia if you so much as shout them a snag at a free sausage sizzle, all of cunts should be fucken hanged
Why is One Nation so bad?
I think you are unintentionally misrepresenting that Germany wants to house immigrants. But this is not true. It's was a lone decision by Merkel to let these hordes of orcs in.
There was never a popular vote on immigration.
There was never a vote in parliament on opening the borders.
Merkel's decided like a dictator and got the worst result in history for her party in the last federal election.
Queensland is redpi...
Yeah we should stay trapped on our shitty little penal island while generation after generation are sold out, pushed aside in favour of foreigners, gradually impoverished and brainwashed to simultaneously hate the country they are born in. That's real fucking patriotic right there.
Argie will become the new white haven, mark my words.
That jew rat bitches husband is literally the one bending over backwards to secure government funding for the shitskins mine
Greens at least knew to only focus on a couple of seats they were likely to win. PHON tried to get as many as they could so they could play "kingmaker". They vastly overrated how much actual support they had in the seats they were gunning for.
>fuck off we're full
Thats strange, considering the fact how much does your embassy promote migration to Australia, even here where I live
Mate some of our families migrated here involuntarily in 1788. If there's no nationalists representing me and it's just going to be shit for my family I see no reason not to pull up stumps and find somewhere else better. They stuck around because it was the best country in the world.
At one point the government mandated every man be paid a wage enough to support his wife and 3 children and himself.
Now that's regarded as communism and socialism and marxism because the neoliberals and globalists have completely brainwashed us. We are a nation rich in agriculture and minerals and we've got high quality intelligent people. There's no reason why we should have any people living shit. But we do because we bought into media memes that if we don't fuck each other over and give our money to multinational corporations who don't pay tax we're bad commies.
They said we were commies because we didn't want to accept mass migration, it wasn't a free market ideal to be so isolationist. Look where we've ended up. An entire generation are either in debt or rentserfs for national and international landlords.
Labor is pro-Adani but conveniently went anti-Adani in the first week of the election.
The funny thing is they asked the Commonwealth to get help financing the project because poo-in-loo is so damn fucking poor even after getting tax exemptions and securing a billion dollar loan to build the damn thing. Who did the Commonwealth ask? None other than the Chinese to fund it.
So in sum the Adani mine is being built with Australian taxpayers money owned by some Poo in loo funded by the Chinese, and Queensland has just decided to reward Labor another term...
Go figure.
Yeah we should abandon the home we so love and go live with a bunch of fucking Spaniards. Real patriotic right there.
Your home has abandoned you and your family is cheering
If it was up to me, we'd have a parliamentary pogrom just to get rid of all these corrupt corporate and unionist whores and gibs niggers.
In my perfect dream land, we would have a politician hanging from every lamp post on the Pacific-Bruce highway.
>abandoned anti Asian policy
>jumped on anti Islam to replace pro white policy
>most candidates have no affinity with public speaking
>Why is One Nation so bad?
They do nothing.
>I think you are unintentionally misrepresenting that Germany wants to house immigrants. But this is not true. It's was a lone decision by Merkel to let these hordes of orcs in.
Wants or not, it has taken a while for things to swing the current direction. Besides, migrants aside, you lot have been allowing in hordes of Turks and other such through legal means. All the west has.
Just because my family is blinded and without a leader to make their true will manifest means naught. They are my family and this is my home.
You fucking cuck. I voted for One nation goy
>Mate some of our families migrated here involuntarily in 1788. If there's no nationalists representing me and it's just going to be shit for my family I see no reason not to pull up stumps and find somewhere else better. They stuck around because it was the best country in the world.
If you will so easily leave then I feel you weren't much devoted to Australia in the first place.
Then yours will be a long life of bitter fucking disappointment
queensland has be fucked constantly, cambell newman had a similar thing with the fireies and ambos then backstabbed them first chance it came up, then the whole if your wearing a leather jacket you are considered a bikie bullshit. when queensland is not backstabbed by a polly i dont think they will know what way is up
>one nation
>do nothing
To be fair, you need to have seats to do something
Why haven't we razed Brisbane yet?
>expecting the Bruce Highway to have lamp posts
Not so fast goy.
I served in the Australian army. I was willing to give up my life in an instant. But the way this country is becoming rapidly more fucked by the down breaks my heart. I really feel no connection to this progressive shit hole any more. Australia can go fuck itself, especially Melbourne.
Pretty much this. The candidate for my electorate was a paki who had no original ideas, constantly preached about how Australia needed to be multiracial, and was completely fucking delusional thinking he would win the seat, given it's always been labor except for 1 or 2 times in the last 100 years.
> not so fast
> on the highway.
Hello rabbi.
The LNP deserved the shit it got. I was hoping One Nation got the balance of power but they flopped so hard it basically handed Labor the government because they diluted the Opposition vote and double dealt with LNP and Labor in preferences.
>Not obstructing blockade and any other bill
cmon son the entire purpose of small parties is to refuse to do anything unless they get concessions
i cannot think of anything hanson has done in that regard
Lol get rekt faggots. Labor for the win!
Hello cuck
They need to pull their fucking thumb ajd head out and actually try to accomplish something beyond memes.
I'm sick to death of Australian politics, I want all these MPs to blow their own brains out instead of selling. The country even further to the chinks.
It's fucking infuriating.
You're the only one getting cucked in the polls, fag
We should do that in Germany too
The problem is relative to Australia every other country seems worse off.
Liberal Party of Australia and the National Party of Australia need to be seperate again. The LNP is cooked.
It's fucking blood boiling.
I think I hate politicians worse than I hate Jews.