>augustus actually looked like this
many a mednigger have been brought to tears in the face of this evidence
>augustus actually looked like this
many a mednigger have been brought to tears in the face of this evidence
Other urls found in this thread:
His chin looks like a butt.
Looks a lot like my uncle desu.
By the way his chin closely resembles a pair of buttocks.
He looks similar to me when I was a lad lul
>ignores the sauces
Yes this is also Montolivo who plays for italy
He looks like Barron Trump.
cherry picked example of Italian who retained his white genes vs most of Italians being swarthy shitskins
Oh no, another episode of Bro-History
Where is his Butt chin though
This is most likely what the majority of them looked like
>we wuz caezars and romanz even though they called us barbarians and massacred us
n*rdic delusion
wtf he looks like me
Then what the fuck are you arguing with me for? You're basically saying the same thing i am.
racial type =/= landmass
They definitely weren't nordcucks or some aryan masterracewhich a lot of people are implying
Romans were blonde? I have a degree in ancient history and this made me laugh. You guys look like "we wuz kagz" nordic version.
For 600 years nordic were an inferior race and you can find hundreads of racist insult in roman's epigraphs
Join the club faget. We meet on Tuesdays
do you serve comped sushi?
What ethnicity are you Aussie?
As long as you don't work at Taco Bell.
>dey weren't nordics
>i just post pictures of nordics and say they looked like them
>i have a degree in ancient history
Just like how you fucked my mum last night?
I like how you can't counter any of the evidence or sources that were presented. Stay mad mednigger.
Archaeologist here. Over 90% of Italian genes, including those from the south, originate from the inhabitants present within the old Roman Republic.
Nice "source" you got there
Nordcucks so desperate it's hilarious
Yeah because arguing to you is not a loss of time. Stay frustrated, we made history. Your ancestors maybe fucked some goats. Now you live in Australia, the country of english prisoners. Good genes bro
>my dad works for nintendo
>Over 90% of Italian genes, including those from the south, originate from the inhabitants present within the old Roman Republic
So your saying their 10 percent Negro? Even Italians will tell you Southern Italians are mixed
>what is Pliny
>what is Suetonius
>what is Malalas
It's like you retards can't read
>Yeah because arguing to you is a loss of time
>what is Pliny
>what is Suetonius
>what is Malalas
Are you implying you actually read them?
Citation needed.
Yeah but we are in Sup Forums, in every thread there are some blonde kid who says "Costantinople was build by nordic, egyptians were nordic, monkeys were nordic".
And of course they depict italians like turks or arabs, i'm a blonde italians from the north and i never saw black italians, maybe someone quite dark in Calabria and Sicily, the others are mediterranean
Malalas = John Malalas, Chronographia.
Pliny = Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia.
Suetonius = Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum: Divus Iulius, Divus Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Divus Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Divus Vespasianus, Titus, Domitianus.
You can find the actual chapter and page for yourself in the 20+ sources that are listed for you.
t. 89 iq southern italian
Italians need to stop falling for D&C bait
Aussies need to stop shitposting for easy bait
Those are egyptian romans of 50/350bc. They were more whiter than now, that's because of arabs and ottomans dominations.
I'm not taking a photo of my degree, fuck off
>So your saying their 10 percent Negro? Even Italians will tell you Southern Italians are mixed
No, the rest mostly comes from immigration from other parts of the Roman Empire. The South and North East, for example, received immigration from Byzantines (greek speaking christian romans) fleeing the Islamic conquest (Levant, Anatolia and Constantinople). Byzantines are responsible for most of it, Negro genes are actually non-existent. There are studies that claim Mediterraneans have between 1-3% sub-saharan african genes, but they are misleading because they wrongly include Hamitic people (Ethiopians) who are technically Caucasians and share certain ancestry with meds in general.
t. varg
OK I see you don't understand the concept of citation.
Who would have thought.
Nah, he believe in bro history and after that he puts random iq statistic. He's too dumb to be a troll
It's really starting to look like most Ancient Civilizations looked like that.
Red and Blond haired Pharaohs are the norm.
I know where we are lol
I'm 75% Calabrian and got a bit of blonde from my Calabrian side. The problem with generalising the south is that the coastal regions are ethnically different from the mountainous central regions. If you examine people from individual municipalities in the south, you'll notice that the people are overwhelming Italic the further away from the coast you go. But also, coastal people, who live in the sun, get dark hair and skin from environmental factors more so than genes (coastal terroni are still predominantly italic).
>I'm not taking a photo of my degree, fuck off
Because you don't even have one you larper
>The South and North East, for example, received immigration from Byzantines (greek speaking christian romans) fleeing the Islamic conquest (Levant, Anatolia and Constantinople). Byzantines are responsible for most of it, Negro genes are actually non-existent. There are studies that claim Mediterraneans have between 1-3% sub-saharan african genes, but they are misleading because they wrongly include Hamitic people (Ethiopians) who are technically Caucasians and share certain ancestry with meds in general.
so Med are just Arabic? Thanks for playing yourself. But next time actually use sources, for an archeologist you don't really act like one.
Lighter races rule over the swarthy ones: every human society ever
Listen you retard, I've given you direct sources, just look them up.
Mixed with arabs? Only sicily and calabria (less), the other ones are mediterranean. Everyone in the world has a % of african dna, even swedish. They color of your skin say many things but not all, a proof? Sardinians have less nigga blood than danish people, they have proto european genes like swedish. But if you look at them they are 100% mediterranean
Saying more darker more africans is dumb like saying romans were blonde.
>Because you don't even have one you larper
Yes I do, it's not even a hard course to get into faggot, you only need an ATAR of 70% (at least when I got in).
>so Med are just Arabic? Thanks for playing yourself. But next time actually use sources, for an archeologist you don't really act like one.
Bad trolling m8, I'm only replying for people who are reading this and a generally curious about Italian genetics. There is no such thing as 'arab' genes. 'Arabs' are arabised local natives everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula. But yes, Italians have some West Asian genes, though they get it from multiple sources. They are however predominantly Celt-Italic. The joke is on you, skippy, because 90% of all white people's DNA comes from the exact same place and is directly related as these 'arabs'.
Said by a finnish, one of the most irrelevant country in the world.
It dosen't matter that they only occupied the south, people move around and the diluted blood slowly spreads. Not mention you've had plenty of wars all along Italy, and compared to Spain or Greece, well, lets just say you guys are on average whiter. But this dosent't mean every single person born in a med country is mixed, but a lot of you are.
One minor correction, Sicily didn't get moored, they all got booted out or killed. They get their square heads from Phoenicians and Greeks, and their North African DNA from Punes, not Moors nor Arabs.
OK I see you're an ultimate brainlet.
Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, book IX - a literal book about fucking INSECTS, nothing about emperors and shit.
No need to look further.
You're an embarassment to your race.
*Book XI, that's it
Book IX was about fishes.
>Yes I do, it's not even a hard course to get into faggot, you only need an ATAR of 70% (at least when I got in).
You don't have a course in anything, literally every faggot on this board is a, scientific or doctor or researcher in the exact area they need to back up their claims. Pathetic way of arguing.
>90% of all white people's DNA comes from the exact same place and is directly related as these 'arabs'.
Yet you have zero evidence for it. Other then I think I might of heard somebody say this, surely with a degree you would be able to easily get a source on this? Meds are mixed you don't get occupied for hundreds of years and raped in wars and don't change you're genetic makeup at all.
>dosen't look for the page where he describes them
I know you just looked that up because you had no Idea who Pliny was.
Hey, just stating the facts, Luigi Napolitano. Your grandparents surely did a fine job in the cavalry, but they weren't the officers.
Show me the fucking citation, you faggot. At least. Fucking. One.
Until then, you're a confirmed brainlet. If you prove anything, it would be the intellectual inferiority of nordcucks.
>You don't have a course in anything, literally every faggot on this board is a, scientific or doctor or researcher in the exact area they need to back up their claims. Pathetic way of arguing.
But I do lol. And who are you to talk, you have no evidence nor explanations, only insults. Archaeologist or not, I have explained my points in detail, so who the fuck are you to tip the fedora on arguments.
>Yet you have zero evidence for it. Other then I think I might of heard somebody say this, surely with a degree you would be able to easily get a source on this? Meds are mixed you don't get occupied for hundreds of years and raped in wars and don't change you're genetic makeup at all.
Google 'Agriculture' and go do some research as to how it spread into Europe. If you want a tangible artefact, go look up Otzi the Iceman.
U mad bro? Can't blame ya if all you got for dinner is party pies and sausage rolls.
He's right though. Even in middle school when I gave citations of books I needed to include the page number. Perform better than middle school children, or accept that we will view you as someone who cannot perform to the standards of an American public school. And I know actual retards that performed to the standards Of American public education.
This is new how? It's not like Augustus was not described as blond by ancient historians...
It's already fucking there you retards
>Pliny, XI, 143
god how stupid are you morons.
That's true. Were there many other blonde emperors except for Augustus?
Current day meds are semites
Yes its true most south europeans got raped by shitskins,BuT!Romans were not nords you retards they had similar skin,hair eye color but they were white europeans from a different region.
They were latin andand italic not celtic or whatever the fuck so stop larping when the romans and greeks were the nost advanced peoples the nords ancestors were basically snowniggers living in trees.
The page count varies from each fucking reissue you god damn gas huffing faggot. Give us the fucking chapter number.
Because it basically proves the Romans weren't all the shitskins they were today and how meds will just ignore it and scream WE WUZ to cope.
Plenty look at the op sauce.
>It's already fucking there
No it wasn't. This was the first time you posted it. Are you actually Chinese? Do you not understand the definition of 'already'. 'Already' implies it happened before the time in question. This is the first time in your thread (first meaning, it couldn't have happened before the time in question, as this post is the time in question and it didn't happen before then.) So take your fosters can from your gaping asshole you stupid cunt, it wasn't 'already there'. I hate you fucking idiots and your shallow grasp of the English language. Fucking chinks.
>Literally cherry picking by definition
>Has made five of these threads in two days
Did some Italian student fuck your sister and the fuck off back home after she told him she was pregnant?
lol how fucking simple are you? I'll give you a direct sauce. I know you Americans are stupid but this is just embarrassing.
Scroll till you see 143
see If you actually looked at the sauce it is right fucking their. Notice how nobody else is even challenging it because they can read properly?
>cherry picked
>all the roman emperors until they started letting in shitskins like Syrians and north Africans become emperor
yes but the ancient italians essentially have no living descendants
the closest living descendants are either germanics or northern italians depending on the statistical eighting
There are millions of racial insults of white who built this country even from reputable sources. In 100 years muslims in European cities will call the white who fled to the countryside savage pork eaters.
They were conquered and raped by Arabs, Then Normans(!), Ottomans, Germans, French. So what does that make them?
Yeah lmao you just know in a couple of hundreds years when Europe and America are B L A C K E D that they will be claiming it was always a nation of Arabs and Negroes.
>The late Emperor Augustus had azure eyes like those of some horses
You did it, Chang. You did it.
Mongrel shitskins.
No, really, what happened? Did an Italian wound you in some way?
Why do germanics have to WE WUZ about the Roman Empire? Are you not happy with your own history and culture?
No at all, I actually like Italians and see them as a good people. But to say they are white or same race they wew thousand of years ago is stupid. A lot like Americans I guess. Remember you're not a med, you're just swarthy because your grandfather was a Negro.
No Nordic people are actually doing this.
What culture? Notice how it is those who voluntarily excised their own culture or were forcibly exiled that REEE about Meds. Perhaps it is because they have something to be proud of while the German cannot and the Anglo does not.
My dude. You must be fucking dumb. I don't know how much petrol you butt chugged, but you are actually a dumb mother fucker. I will try and make this as clear as possible, just so you realize how fucking stupid you are.
Here, I requested you post a page number
This is the FIRST time you gave a page number, but for some reason you claim you had already given us the page number. You claimed that by saying "it's already there". It wasn't "already there" as "already" is a tense indicator, indicating that it had "already" happened in the past. Seeing how was the post you gave the page number, it is LITERALLY impossible for it to be "already there" because the same exact post was the first time you posted it.
I hate every single one of you minority fucks. Stop coming to English speaking websites if you can't speak English. If English is your first language, Steve Irwin yourself, you uneducated Fuck.
No not really their living descendants are in Italy,Spain,France and south England.The parts of Europe that they did conquer since in the middle east they got overrun by shitskins.These peoples even if they got mixed still carry their blood its a fact even if you dont like it.
Are they inferior to the romans and will they forever fail to achive the same grandor(except for the british empire)?Yes,defenetly,but todays germans and nords have almost no relation to the ancient romans except maybe representing their values in the past before 1945.
Ahhh that should show him
>This is the FIRST time you gave a page number, but for some reason you claim you had already given us the page number.
Germanics wewuzzing Roman culture is the same as SWARTHY Italians, the average Italians, wewuzzing Roman culture, that's the key takeaway here.
The page number is in the sauce you gave? Where?
If these people did a bit of reading they will see alot of the Holy Romans in Germany were descended from actual Roman nobility. And why is it Roman architecture only developed after being taken to the North? It's almost like the creative element was carried by a certain type of people? Nordics first came about probably some where in the middle east but they always get pushed away by niggers cramping their style even today.
you don't have a good reccolection of the history
places like sardinia NEVER got retaken by italians. they got retaken by germanics from the holy roman empire
they don't have living descendants that arent greater, proportionally, germanic, arabic, etc.
they got completely replaced
the old spanish got replaced by the goths
the english of today are also NOT the english of that period. they also got completely replaced
complete replacement is the NORM historically
roman nobility of the late republic are literally germanic. you have it reversed
Do nords still think they are Romans?
Jesus that's worse than the KANNGZ N SHIEE
True roman decendents are the Italians;Romanians;Greeks;Vlachs might even be a few frenchmen or krauts
Personaly my grandparents where Vlach so I know I am Roman
without doubt since they kept their laugadge and names safe from slavs turks and so on.
Vlachs are the purest romans they don't mix with niggers
>Personaly my grandparents where Vlach so I know I am Roman
>that flag
>Do nords still think they are Romans?
Nordic people don't actually believe this, no. Aussie shitposters are not Nords, just like Slavic-Gypsy Bulgarians aren't the descendants of Alexander the Great.
I knew someone would say that. By the time the late republic came about romans were already blacked. All the whites fled to the north to live a country life and probably connected with other nords who were there already and realized the bigger they build an empire the quicker someone comes to ruin it. It would be like a Swede going to rural US and becoming a cowboy and later teaming up to reclaim his homeland with them.
>It would be like a Swede going to rural US and becoming a cowboy and later teaming up to reclaim his homeland with them.
Sounds like a good plan bro
See this fucking sauce, this one, this fucking one I posted in the op. Yeah that's what I've been referring to this entire time. You utter imbecile.
To be more exact, what I'm referring to here are the Italians on this board saying, "Fuck features like light hair, eyes, and skin; Arab-looking people built the greatest civilization on earth!"
It happens every time bro. It will be easier than you think all the infrastructure will be in shambles. Just like how the mighty roman empire was conquered by "barbarians".