Even Israel is pointing this out.
Any user can tell me why Austrians are so nazi?
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what do you mean, "even israel is pointing this out"? Of course fucking israel is going to kvetch and moan about it, I'd expect them to be first in line!
Now if Poland or Hungary were to start complaining about the rise of the "far right" in Austria, then I'd be shocked.
Did you even read the article you illiterate fuck? where's "israel" pointing this out?
(((cnaan liphshiz)))
Who is Mr. Liphshiz working for? Aren't all Israeli journalists mandated to work for Israel, as they are all soldiers?
No, he isn't a solider and doesn't even live here, probably some diaspora kike.
And JTA isn't an Israeli organization
You sure? Looks to me, he works for Israel. How else would his articles make sense?
there can't be a mistake of whether he's Jewish or not. Quintessentially Jewish
T. Peter batavius pannenkoek
Some mudslimes insinuated that he's a "zionist spy", imagine my shock. Mudslimes even accuse sharks and eagles as being zionist spies.
Anyway, he lives in the Netherlands and doesn't represents Israel in any form or way, only his own opinion.
mr lipshits should try some manual labour, maybe construction, it would do him good
Israel has not accepted its Nakba guilt. Is this why its far right is on the rise?
People can only be pushed so far..
The right rises due to the actions of the left.
>do everything in your power to build multiracial peace and unity
>70 IQ shitskins rape and murder your people while Jews celebrate it
The Far Right's rise is absolutely inevitable and desirable, and when it happens it will be a pan-European rise that will result in the mass slaughter of shitskins and kikes the likes of which the world has never seen before.
>accepeted its holocaust guilt
>Cnaan Liphshiz
lmao who is this dumbcunt author? austria has taken no steps to deal with its nazi history especially when compared to Germany, just ask literally any austrian historian
Such a dumb article. In multiracial Latin American societies you still have a racial hierarchy in spite of nearly everyone being mixed race. I think countries like Mexico are cast societies, that only provide upward mobility to a select few Mestizos and a tiny number of Amerindians who are ruthless/intelligent/lucky enough to get wealth and power. These people then usually proceed to get a light skinned Mestiza or a European-descended Castiza wife, hereby bleaching their family tree.
Guilt turned into pride.
...because we simply do not care. Gott erhalte!
Btw Austrian here, ask questions if you like...
Austrians are natural schemers and kikeish which makes them harder to subvert, germans think they are great but historically you always have been a bunch of semi-mindless drones for your alpine overlords outside of a very brief period when prussian brutes took control and failed pathetically.
>I think countries like Mexico are cast societies,
caste societies*
recht so
whiny lipschiss will not change that
Ur spy blew his cover bro. They all do.
Haha, I like that one! Btw still pissed at you Frenchmen about Marie Antoinette ... how dare you?!
What do Austrians think of Germans? And what do they think of the Dutch?
Makes sense. They accepted the guilt of not finishing the job last time so this time they hopefully follow through.
>(((cnasn liphshiz)))
This better be a false flag or """they""" just straight up don't care anymore.
Isn't it obvious? They bear no responsibility for WWII so they can be nazi all they want.
Why should they accept any guilt? They didn't do shit.
Because every jew on earth would not even be enough to replace the number of turks in germany. This is not a question of picking on a minority but stopping an invasion.
Back to work Abutbul.
I learned about WW2 2 times during my school life.
the first one was from some commi italian cunt who got facts wrong all the time (probably on purpose) during middle school.
she just pushed for the nazis bad, everyone else good agenda, without getting into too much detail.
asking questions would almost always result in her screaming at you.
the second time was a based german and history teacher who went through the different operations and moves with us during high school.
The best thing about him was that we had him both in german and history, and he made sure that while we learned about the history we also learned about the litterateur and political movements of that time.
Mind you, he was probably one of the most strict guys from that school, but pretty much everyone who had him said he was an awesome teacher when we finished school.
I fear that if that guy would still teach, he'd lose his job pretty quickly, as he didn't give a shit about being PC
>Austria gassed 6 million jews and all this time they've been blaming Germany for it
Yeah, they better apologize for destroying Germany's reputation.
germans are arrogant
dutch cant ski for Shit
Can't say I disagree
Kek, it's so funny that I read similar stories from Pakistan about India
If the holocaust was real, these faggot jews wouldn't be alive to write these articles today.
And we would be living in a golden society.
Fuck You Bongs, you should've listened to Mosley.
Germans? Oh well ... they talk a lot. They are effective, kind of like robots. Their cuisine is unpalatable (except Bavarian cuisine). Germans tend to simply not get the Austrian mentality. To them, we appear lazy and kind of stupid ... and in a way we are but that is more like a form of mental inertia. It can take a while to get an Austrian going. Maybe some kind of energy conservation mechanism ...
Dutch? Can't say much about them ... to far away from us.
my grandmother is from austria never felt that was something exotic, there is no deeper going difference we shittalk each other but it comes from the heart.
autria is prettier
>To them, we appear lazy and kind of stupid
Austrians are useful idiots. They prepare our skiing slopes in winter and our mountain biking routes in summer. They also vote how we tell them in the EU.
That guy if from fucking Mettmach! :D
It so crazy it has to be true, the cia bugged cats en.wikipedia.org
Not anymore I think, my German friend! We are again on a megalomania trip after the recent vote and Germany is going full Weimar Republic mode. Mutti is the new Hindenburg. I think you guys may need an Austrian again...
>Germans? Oh well ... they talk a lot. They are effective, kind of like robots.
I agree
>Their cuisine is unpalatable (except Bavarian cuisine).
Northern Dutch cuisine is similar to non-Bavarian German cuisine. I think it has to do with northern Dutch and northern Germans being protestants. It also has to do with the fact that Protestantism is all about living a shitty life, and that includes eating shitty food and eating small amounts of them.
>Germans tend to simply not get the Austrian mentality. To them, we appear lazy and kind of stupid ... and in a way we are but that is more like a form of mental inertia. It can take a while to get an Austrian going. Maybe some kind of energy conservation mechanism ...
Would say a German thinks the same of Dutch too. Germans are just a hyperautistic super moral culture that always tries to give its 100% in any venture, even if it has horrible societial effects (Refugee Crisis, Energiewende etc.).
But to be serious when I was barely paying attention in K-12 they said it was 6 million Jews all throughout Europe.
About 4 years later they said it was 6 million German Jews and more to be found throughout Europe.
Now (((they're))) claiming 10 million German Jews. There were only 15 million Jews in Europe altogether from what I recall for that time, and the World Almanac before and after the Holocaust reports no decrease in Jewish population.
They also do not suffer the repercussions of such a decline. We know this because there are people that suffered a decline like this (Russia) and even to now they haven't recovered fully. They have changed as a people as their culture has, possibly forever.
Jews to this day seem to have the innate desire to subvert their host population. I can't wait for some big leak that exposes their hand. It's coming in the near years.
yeah i've heard you have a new boyfriend named sebastian; now you have those rosy cheeks again.
i am happy for you.
maybe we anschluss this time?
Austrians are chill guys. Less robotic than germans
as long as there's obstler, we're cool
>About 4 years later they said it was 6 million German Jews and more to be found throughout Europe.
No they didn't you stupid nigger
never met any Austrian, but damn, Vienna is a dream city. Everytime I pass through it I feel awesome
tripple obstler for you
>never met any Austrian, but damn, Vienna is a dream city. Everytime I pass through it I feel awesome
How can you go through a city, where Austrians live, and not meet ANY of them?
because it's full of shitskins and asians
Germans are arrogant and assertive.
Due to the last crisis a lot of Germans work in Austria and when you hear someone complaining about something ludicrously ridiculous chances are that the person has a German (not Austrian) accent.
I have a lot of relatives in Germany and I always fought against the prejudice, but now I realize, most of the stereotypes are true.
Germans are assholes when abroad.
If something works differently here than at home they don't suck it up, but loudly complain without accomplishing anything other than pissing people off.
Note that Germans in Germany are mostly cool guys, they just can't handle being abroad.
>If you accept that the Holocaust happened you cant ever value the future of your nation and people
it's usually around midnight and through metro so there's no one except sandniggers and slavs. But what I meant was I never hold a conversation with an Austrian.
>Germans are arrogant and assertive.
projecting much?
it's exactly what germans say about ösis
American education is burgered with revisionist model of history, and it's pretty easy to spot out the differences. Some of us don't have the memory of a goldfish.
The first time I realized this was when I found my old school notes. That was back when I copied everything down verbatim. Didn't match up with the new information. I also remember watching videos of the Holocaust, and the subsequent chastising by the girls that the boys weren't driven to tears over it. I'm glad those days are over.
To be honest I'm sick of the Jews and their Holocaust. That was years ago. Most of the parties involved in the POW stuff are dead and gone, and now they're changing the figures. It's time to move on. Everyone else did.
Bavaria we would gladly take ...
Don't know if Basti is the right person for that though, I voted for him but do not yet fully trust him ... let's judge him by his actions in the coming years. Like his style though and I think he genuinely hates the Socialists so that is fine with me.
>let's judge him by his actions in the coming years
You made my day!
Btw I work only with Germans at the lab (and Slavs from our neighboring research group) ... and damn, I think I really do irritate them! And no, I at least try to always be nice and everything and I do not talk about politics when they are around except maybe one or two sentences I let sometimes slip...
it was already obvious Basti is going to win, so I went with FPOe, even though I don't like Strache's rhetorics.
The problem however is that people still vote for SPOe, no matter how bad they fuck up.
This election was a prime example that they are too big to lose (not like the pathetic Green party)
>Note that Germans in Germany are mostly cool guys, they just can't handle being abroad.
An autistic trait. Autistics and Germans can't handle foreign environments.
Other traits autistics have:
>Stereotyped behaviors: Repetitive movements, such as hand flapping, head rolling, or body rocking.
Back then: Heil Hitlering incessantly. Now: physically cucking constantly.
>Compulsive behaviors: Time-consuming behaviors intended to reduce anxiety that an individual feels compelled to perform repeatedly or according to rigid rules, such as placing objects in a specific order, checking things, or hand washing.
Work work work. Germans are the best engineers because they are the biggest autistics
>Sameness: Resistance to change; for example, insisting that the furniture not be moved or refusing to be interrupted.
Back then: Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer. Now: refugees welcome. Wilkommenskultur, konnen wir nicht andern.
>Ritualistic behavior: Unvarying pattern of daily activities, such as an unchanging menu or a dressing ritual. This is closely associated with sameness and an independent validation has suggested combining the two factors.[41]
Back then and now: The same bland food all the time. Now: Prepping the bull
>Restricted interests: Interests or fixations that are abnormal in theme or intensity of focus, such as preoccupation with a single television program, toy, or game.
Engineering and the Destruction of Europe
>Self-injury: Behaviors such as eye-poking, skin-picking, hand-biting and head-banging.[12]
World War 1&2, and the Refugee Crisis
True. Still there are some districts that are kind of clean. Architecture is still worth it though ... glad the Allies did not bomb everything to smithereens as they did with most German cities.
Well it's true. Ossis don't have tiger blood, they have Prussian blood
Maybe being far right and supporting the Holocaust do not always overlap?
Not every far righter is a nazi you know.
Hahaha, nice analysis. However, watch it, I am most certainly an Aspie too (highly adapted but nevertheless) ... else I would not be in science. Shitty pay, shitty working hours but at least I can poke around the insides of biology and satisfy my morbid curiosity about how life works by breaking things in cells and then seeing what happens to them... btw my only repetitive behaviours are heavy metal music and beer consumption.
in what kind of a shithole do you live that wikipedia is more factual than a text book
Yea, I've heard a lot of people don't want to go to Vienna cuz of sandniggers, only to western Austria because its cleaner. But yea, architecture is worth it, I always orgasm at the site of the buildings in Vienna (as well as in Budapest)
My grandfather was a dumb poor peasant drunk that was barely surviving and had nothing to with any of the sides of the hollowhoax but I'll accept the guilt, sure.
>in what kind of a shithole do you live that wikipedia is more factual than a text book
The West.
t. Historian
Only thing keeping the Socialists in Vienna still floating are sandniggers and Green libtards ... that is the big problem why we do even have all those shitskins here.
>be white, don't have white
kike getting closer and closer to snipping your genitals
Back then? Texas. You have to understand in the US, the largest influence when it comes to nationwide textbook standards come from California and Texas. They buy the most. One of those states is cucked and corrupted beyond reason and it really does harm the rest of the country's educational system.
Maybe you can talk some sense into this fucker.
What is your opinion about Slavs living in Austria?
I'm a Slav (Serb from Bosnia) myself and I know a lot of young people my age studying in Vienna. And every fucking time I pass through Vienna I have to hear my native language and that is one of the reasons I wouldn't like to live in Vienna. Also Serbs are the third or fourth minority??
Jews are like niggers and bitches where they really somehow think their shit don't stink.
>Hahaha, nice analysis. However, watch it, I am most certainly an Aspie too (highly adapted but nevertheless) ... else I would not be in science.
I think most intelligent people are autistic. You need this to be able to get anywhere in science, engineering, business, or government. Uhh scrap that last bit, you can be an utter moron and still get far in government.
>Oy vey goyim you can't be proud of your ancestors that would just be silly because you personally didn't do all those great things
>But you better feel guilty about things your ancestors did or else you're an anti-Semitic Nazi!
What's up with all these journalists being leftist/marxists?
There are so many people attached to the state like parasites who would lose A LOT if the Socialists finally succumb to their death throes. They have cemented themselves in quite heavily ... similar with the old ÖVP though. Hope Basti somehow manages to clean house ... afterall he now got a partner who has not much to lose in a political cleansing of the old structures. Looking forward to what they will do with the constitutional majority they now would have together with the libtard NEOS... this might be fun!
Because the nationalist socalist party is a left wing ideology.
>Maybe you can talk some sense into this fucker.
Not easy. You have had to live through the indoctrination and then get redpilled in order to really understand the 1984 society we live in.
It is like how Westerners don't really understand how life was like in Communist Eastern Europe. You needed to have lived through this retarded system and get out under it, to really understand it.
At least the Slavs I know from working at lab are all great guys. Very warm-hearted people .. sometimes they even bring food for everyone when they have a holiday for some obscure Saint of theirs ... quite fatty but tastes great!
One may almost forgive you guys for pic related ;)
>In multiracial Latin American societies you still have a racial hierarchy in spite of nearly everyone being mixed race
not disbelieving you but have you any good sauce or proofs?
Sounds tragic, but can't save them all I suppose. But to stay on topic the Jews need to find closure as a whole and just shut the fuck up at this point. I'd be hard pressed to find a group as large and as passionate about genocide like it never happened in other points in history.
Weed lmao and cheese
History: en.wikipedia.org
Current: vdare.com
There's much more, but I really like Steve Sailer's style of writing so check out that article first.
Free obstler for you, neighbour.
well most of south slavs that come to Austria/Germany are doing the low paying jobs and you can find scum amongst them (not necessarily). About archduke Ferdinand, Bosnia would be better if we were under Austria for more time but still it was occupation. The city of Banja Luka(Bosnia) didn't have a city status until Austrians came and built it. So from that side I value you presence here, but still it was occupation. Was an assasination a bad way to do that? I don't know what to say about that. I know that you were angry as fuck when that happened
Fuck off kikes