The narrative is of course the US wanted to prevent Communism from spreading further. I'm no expert at all but it seems like that was just an excuse, just like *muh WMD* in Iraq. Why would the US use so many resources just to prevent some shithole from becoming communist.
What was the real reason? Any expert here on Sup Forums?
Real Reason for Vietnam War
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Have been wondering this myself lately.
The "preventing communism" narrative seems like a pretty lazy answer, figure there must be substantially more to it.
Why doesn't 'preventing communism' seem like a reasonable answer when the US was engaged in a life-or-death struggle against communism across the globe.
Kennedy won the 1960 election in no small part because he promised to remedy the perceived 'missile gap' between the US and the Soviet Union. You can't really run on a 'fuck the Soviets' platform, and then just say 'nah, it's alright, they can keep expanding into South East Asia, we don't mind'.
A man Kennedy's age had seen the world go from having no communist governments to having almost half the world's population living under communist rule. That kind of rapid expansion worried people.
>Why would the US use so many resources
As with all wars the US gets involved in, they thought they were more competent than they actually were and didn't plan on expending so many resources on the effort.
Communism wasn't even that big of a deal for the Vietnamese. They were communist in name only. More than anything they were fierce nationalists and also ethnically homogenous - which the US kikes didn't like of course so they had to inject diversity and globalism there. Saigon was objectively shittier and more degenerate than Hanoi.
You will find the story repeats with every other 'communist' nation JewSA has ever fought. The Cold War was almost as lied about as WW2.
Lyndon "my wife totally isn't a major stockholder in Bell Helicopters" Johnson
Because if vietnam fell faster than it did, the rest of indochina would too and india might've followed. Revolutions are a domino effect
t. so far-right wing that you actually defend Communism as less degenerate than capitalism
Golden triangle heroin.
Making money for the military-industrial complex and protecting the drug trade US profited on.
The thing that makes me hesitant about it is mostly the fact that our military has only been used primarily for... nefarious purposes for the last several decades. With seeing this pattern, I'm inclined to (possibly incorrectly?) assume that Vietnam was no different.
I'm keeping an open mind on this subject because I'm quite sure the limited information I do have on it could be lies altogether, and this could be an interesting thread.
vietnam was a French colony. vietnam wants independance. "Uncle ho" goes to America (where he was educated i think) American Gov refuses to meet with him. Russia says hell yes. Proxy war
might be mistaken..might be Cuba.... Dont shoot Hillary
Apparently the French govt pushed for war
fucking this
Only reason the war lasted so long was so Johnson could make a quick buck
War is good for troop readiness. In fact if you’re not always in a war, your army will eventually just become retarded and lose.
Never listen to an American when they call someone a communist. Communism is a buzzword to them for anyone that is against the jewish puppet states(USA) interest.
Only thing I can think of is the military industrial complex Ike mention when he left,and kenndy went all gun ho' on a false attack on a USA boat and started the war
in all honesty it must be a huge fucking temptation for every president to not do something like this. I mean just pick any company, buy up loads of stock and then do something to fuck over their competition or back legislation that will give them a big bump. It must be the easiest fucking money you'd ever make (aside from speaking fees)
Well we already know that Trump does it. But that was pretty much a given when we elected him.
At least with him, we'll know the paper trail (unlike with Clinton will make her dirty money disappear like Bill's rape accusations).
>Never listen to an American when they call someone a communist
literally this
The Catholic Church.
Before Afghanistan and CIA poppy fields there was the golden triangle of Burma, Cambodia and Laos...
And the fake Royhinga BS Sup Forums has threads about links back to that time - when the CIA ran drugs out of SE Asia.
liberal neo-colonialism striving for the destruction of all sovereign nations and institutions, until all that is left are 7 billion atomized individual slaves
>nefarious purposes
I mean, you're defining any conflict after WW2 as nefarious. Good amount of people would say that was the last time we fought a war where we were inarguably the "good guys", and even then it's a stretch.
Proxy warfare.
Do you even Cold War bro?
WW3 never kicked off because rather than U.S. and Russia just nuking each other off the planet, they kept the war machines satisfied with stupid little fuckin war games like Vietnam.
Opium trade.
Yes there is an alternative motive America has set itself up to basically make money off of wars this is just one possibility but the other is obviously resources of some sort such as the poppy fields it makes no sense for them to attack communist countries because quite frankly America's economy has been mainly socialist for a very long time so it's definitely going to be a different motive than the fact that they're coming this trying to take over an area
Fuck you faggot. Ever heard of pol pot?
'Good guys' dont turn up late user
Like all wars, there are a variety of reasons. USA was in a proxy war against the Russians and faggot swedes, and ultimately got more and more involved. The French (as usual) retreated with their tiny dicks tucked between their legs.
Vietnam really was about keeping communism out, Ironicaly the Vietnamese turned out as pretty nationalistic.
And yes, like any Empire going into ist downfall your Soldiers have become chesspieces for the corrupt fuckers on top.
I love the US but seeing the corruption of rich families and corporations spread is heartbreaking to me
Good guys lost WW2.
You're on the right track.. America was beginning to realize the profitability of war
>French (as usual) retreated with their tiny dicks tucked between their legs
and what did YOU do eactly ?
oh right the same thing buy with 10x more budget
Money. Every war is for money.
Believe a Marine. Pic related.
John Pilger spent 10 years in Vietnam as a war correspondent. He has a website:
He is an exquisite writer:
Bill Clinton came to Hanoi. He runs an AIDS charity that does work in Vietnam.
In 1995, he "normalised relations" between Washington and Hanoi .....
Vietnam was allowed to join the World Trade Organisation and qualify for World Bank loans provided it embraced the “free market”, destroyed its free public services and paid off the bad debts of the defunct Saigon regime: money which had helped bankroll the American war. The reparations agreed by President Richard Nixon in the 1973 Paris Peace Accords were ignored. Normalisation also meant that foreign investors were offered tax-free “economic processing zones” with “competitively priced” (cheap) labour.
The Vietnamese were finally being granted membership of the “international community” as long as they created a society based on inequity and exploited labour, and abandoned the health service that was the envy of the developing world, with its pioneering work in paediatrics and primary care, along with a free education system that produced one of the world’s highest literacy rates. Today, ordinary people pay for health care and schools, and the elite send their children to expensive schools in Hanoi’s “international city” and poach scholarships at American universities.
Whereas farmers in difficulty could once depend on rural credit from the state (interest was unknown), they must now go to private lenders, the usurers who once plagued the peasantry.
And the government has welcomed back the Monsanto company and its genetically-modified seeds.
Monsanto was one of the manufacturers of Agent Orange, which gave Vietnam its chemical Hiroshima.
Last year, the US Supreme Court rejected an appeal by lawyers acting for more than three million Vietnamese deformed by Agent Orange. One of the justices, Clarence Thomas, worked as a corporate lawyer for Monsanto.
The reason is the same as for the Korean War: the US wanted a beachhead in the back of communist China.
The French gave up after getting their asses handed to them at dien bien phu. America would have funded them to continue, but they were no match (let's be real - who hasn't shit all over the French over the last 100 years). USA fought hard, but communism was too far spread throughout rural Vietnam and soon to Cambodia.
More Pilger
there is no place like Vietnam. Within my lifetime, Ho Chi Minh’s nationalists had fought and expelled the French, whose tree-lined boulevards, pink-washed villas and scaled-down replica of the Paris Opera, were facades for plunder and cruelty; then the Japanese, with whom the French colons collaborated; then the British who sought to reinstall the French; then the Americans, with whom Ho had repeatedly tried to forge an alliance against China; then Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, who attacked from the west; and finally the Chinese who, with a vengeful nod from Washington, came down from the north. All of them were seen off at immeasurable cost.
The military industry needed more money so US spend money on a lengthy war with no winning strategy so it keeps going and cash flowing.
All this while Yankee boy got his guts blown in the jungle.
Pic related using political strategy from the Bismark days cause he's such a smart man.
.....And when it was all over on May Day, 1975, Hollywood began its long celebration of the invaders as victims, the standard purgative, while revenge was policy.
Vietnam was classified as “Category Z” in Washington, which imposed the draconian Trading with the Enemy Act from the first world war.
This ensured that even Oxfam America was barred from sending humanitarian aid.
Allies pitched in. One of Margaret Thatcher’s first acts on coming to power in 1979 was to persuade the European Community to halt its regular shipments of food and milk to Vietnamese children.
According to the World Health Organisation, a third of all infants under five so deteriorated following the milk ban that the majority of them were stunted or likely to be. Almost none of this was news in the west.
Austerity, grief at the millions dead or missing and an incredulity that the war was no more became the rhythms of life in a forgotten country. The “democracy” the Americans had invented and life-supported in the south, which once accounted for half of Amnesty’s worldwide toll of tortured political prisoners, had collapsed almost overnight. The roads out of Saigon became vistas of abandoned boots and uniforms.
......Aged 16 and 13, “Mado” and “Dany” were recruited by the National Liberation Front ( US: Viet Cong). To blow up the Saigon regime’s national intelligence headquarters, where torture was conducted under tutelage of the CIA.
.. they were betrayed and seized as they cycled home from school.
When Mado refused to hand over NLF names, she was strung upside down and electrocuted, her head held in a bucket of water.
They were then “disappeared” to Con Son Island, where they were shackled in “tiger cages”: cells so small they could not stand; quick lime and excreta were thrown on them from above.
At the age of 16, Dany etched their defiance on the wall: “Notre bonjour a nos chers at cheres caramades.” The words are still there.
That's interesting actually, good on them.
>seeing the corruption...
Absolutely this. I find myself thinking about the stark contrast between what "could have been" and what did happen... and it fucking hurts, man.