>Black """Power""" Farm
>Nothing but grass and weeds
africa belongs to white people
niggers get deported into the sun
Man I love Libya :)
The sure know how to handle niggers there
White devils, Nigger power!
Trade ya
>nothing but grass and weeds
dats wey you aww ron, white boi, many many good hunting in deeya
wewuzzing again
uh ok no prob
"lets more chinese in"
I'm surprised that boy can spell
Why is it so easy to mock niggers?
Shouldn't you be working to feed your people nigger? Oh that's right. The whites still in Africa feed your black asses. Go ahead, kick em out. Then starve like you deserve
We are more prepped for them than they know and shit is going to be hilarious for whites when it begins especially since the faggy lefties will be the first to be purged and raped into the dirt.
Best part is we don't even have to fight much, just hole up, build and defend a community and wait.
Whites down here no longer even care if the rest of the world condemns us, we're so used to being your scapegoat villain that we're starting to like it.
Cool. Can we stop sending aid and digging your wells? (not talking to op)
You're not worried about the UN genociding you for protecting your land? I would be. Don't underestimate the r
You're fucked but good luck still.
yea whiety clear the are so bio weapons can be dispersed on a large scale
If race war will happen in South Africa I will volunteer
they wouldn't even have so many rats if it weren't for whitey, that's how STUPID the subchimps are
>the UN
You mean the guys who elected Robert Mugabe as the goodwill ambassador?
You mean the guys more concerned about mean words on the internet than child soldiers in the Congo?
You mean the niggers more concerned with diversity than peacekeeping?
You mean the guys who couldn't do something as basic as stop chimpanzees with machetes in rwanda?
You mean the guys with a budget of like $8bil. and about 120 000 soldiers total?
That UN? Yea I'm real fuckin scared. We'll just call them faggots and gun them down while they try lecture us about how offensive we are.
Also see pic related.
Even after manipulating the figures to try feel better about themselves this is still a good example.
Now tell me what do you think 3 mil. whites could do?
Then you and any future family will likely be the proud owners of a decent-sized chunk of land once the dust settles
How about a trade? Return all the blacks from Europe and North American in exchange for the whites on the dark continent. Looks like a win-win to me.
I have a couple of friends I know from the rugby scene in SA. They say they cant let their womem outside alone and always have to carry a gun in their car because of nogs chimping out. The wife of one of my friends was also raped by a kaffer.
I would come over there and help out if I could.
Wish you guys the best.
ofcourse you will Joe Slovo
Europe is our common home.
North America belongs to PoC.
Easier said than done
>just another neoliberal lie about Mugabe
Surely mutt
Nah dude I want to live in Lithuania
That guy was a Jew, Jews are not Lithuanian
It will literally be a war of shits and giggles.
Niggers literally think that sticks, rocks are valid weapons against guns and that eating an albino's penis will make them invincible.
Have a few of the funnier ones to pass the time:
Thats fine too, just means you'll have land to sell or keep as an investment
No. We have the right to be there! Niggers own us poor oppressed, saggy pants white boys welfare and EBT and Nike shoes and Jewport cigarettes since we was really the KANGS of Egypt n sheeeeiiittt!
Primitive Tech guy is amazing. Is he an Aussie?
Fuck - I'd love to see the white minority suit up - Get battle plan - And wipe these black fuckers out .
>That UN? Yea I'm real fuckin scared. We'll just call them faggots and gun them down while they try lecture us about how offensive we are.
Except now they get to kill white people. Imagine a military without any red tape or care for killing the enemy, a world-wide news media in full support of their actions, and it would be political suicide to be against their actions in a western country? You're going to get slaughtered while all westerners cheer.
The word of Western Europe means nothing. All it will do is embolden the far right in Europe. They will see South Africa as their future unless they are willing to put their lives on the line.
Ons wag.
No i'm not scared of the UN you dumb fucking kike you faggots will get blown out of both sea and air a thousand miles from the coast
Burn the carcasses, do not forget to burn the carcasses.
Damn right he is.
and the sad thing is, once we become the minority, this will happen in our own countries.
These niggers are fucking retarded. The same thing happened in Haiti where they got rid of all the whites, now look at where they are.
Blacks GTFO off non African land or be kilt
put a chimp in a bright blue hat and what do you get? An easy target.
It doesn't matter what the world thinks. last time the world hated on us we were doing pretty fucking great before "diversity" got involved.
UN would come down here and either be blown the fuck away very swiftly if the nogs dont fuck them up first since they have a habit of wrecking themselves and those who aid them
of course. Ash makes good fertiliser