I feel we have hit peak Low-T Soy-Boi. It's to the point that they don't stand up for their gender, their country, or even the human race. If you guys have seen the "Bike Cuck" meme, then you realize that their yellow stripe runs all the way to property rights. There's also that "Try Guys" video where they all come back with testosterone levels commensurate for men between the ages of 80 and 100. Is this what masculinity looks like during the death of a civilization, or do you think their behavior will route them from the gene pool and save civilization?
We need to talk about cucks
Other urls found in this thread:
>We need to talk about cucks
no we don't
>tfw my bike was stolen last year
When someone stole your bike you just want to kill him with a steel pipe.
Pewds is pretty fucking red pilled now though. So we let it slide. Not sure if "our boy".
Can you imagine there are countries where you can leave your bike unchained for hours, and it's still there when you're back?
tons of people in my town leave their bikes unlocked, long as its not near a maori infested area you don't have much to worry about.
I'm a paranoid cunt but honestly i've never heard of somebody getting a bike stolen.
Hell I dropped an old lighter in the grass out in front of my house yesterday as an experiment and an hour later it was gone.
Seems it mentioning Paris to try & shift away from "Blacks stealing bikes" but Paris is full of Blacks
The only city I've seen this in was salt lake and even then it was right outside a store. I think I took a picture I was so astonished. You leave yor bike out for two minutes to grab something anywhere else and that shit is gone
True. But arabs and gypsies can be also to blame.
I used to leave my bike unlocked in the schoolyard for years until it got stolen. CCTV showed the thief was a gypsy. This was ca 2006 so not many muslims around.
My neighborhood used to be safe. One time, we went to visit grandparents about an hour and a half away. Gone all day. When we get back, it turns out we left the front door WIDE OPEN. Nothing missing. Now, we've been overrun with anchor babies, and people have to lock their mailboxes.
White 75.1%
Black 2.6%
Hispanic 22.3%
Asian 4.4%
>Be me, riding bus, traffic is slow, am bored.
>Look out window, see nigger riding bike.
>open window shout " Hey that's my bike !!"
>See nigger start peddling as fast as he can
>I laugh since it was not my bike ---- good times.
really activates the old almonds
Poor mentally defective fuck..
I hope this author is a girl. He acts like one
gee why dont people ban soy if its causing so many problems. funny to think all this time every problem in society was caused by evil old soy
You’re cuck form
>I feel we have hit peak Low-T Soy-Boi.
I don't feel that. What's your rationale?
I still live in a town where I can keep everything unlocked.
Its nice.
Trips of kek
Man-made chemicals are at least one reason why low-t men are more common these days:
>Didn’t men use to be more masculine? They were more ready to fight back, right? They walked with more swagger, and just did more things their way.
>Researchers can’t measure swagger – but they can measure testosterone, the male sex hormone most responsible for masculine behaviors – and studies show that testosterone levels in men have been on the decline for decades.
>Two major studies have confirmed the phenomenon, one in U.S. men and another in Danish men. In the U.S. study, the total testosterone levels measured in men’s blood dropped approximately 22% between 1987 and 2004.
>Of course testosterone levels drop as men get older, but what makes the study shocking is that men today actually have less testosterone than men used to have at the same age.
>Why is this happening?
>Many researchers cited here mention changes in our environment, like an increase in the number of chemicals we’re exposed to in the womb, and throughout life.
Sup Forums
Which is funny because Sup Forums is full of over compensating fat virgins.
Cuck threads are now being spammed on Sup Forums like faggot and trap threads. Soon we will seen cucks become the new cancer of Sup Forums.
excellent adaptations
they have been the cancer of Sup Forums for months.
trap threads are good tho
kek, I want to believe
Gets me everytiem
This has to be a soop. After all that he came back with this? All hope is lost
There has been a recent influx of them. They are becoming more common I noticed.
I mean, where do they go from here? What degredations are left for them? Donating organs while still alive?
How does someone double down on being a fucking cuck. I mean I guess that's what they get off on.
Strong correlation between consuming soy, and nu-male degeneracy.
Heard that whole thing with a French accent.
it is pretty autistic to interpret the original comic as expressing the author's actual opinion rather than being the kind of retarded throwaway joke that all webcomics make
You never lived in a town full of gypsies or niggers
the joy I experienced losing my sides
>retarded throwaway joke
Who comes up with that as a joke unless it was to make fun of leftists way of thinking?
>he doesn't know that everything can become a meme, given the right thing at the right time
Tourist here. Japanese people regularly leave their bikes outside convenience stores without locks. Dozens of them sitting there.
We don't need to talk about cucks because it means less competition for roasties. They're nonthreatening by nature.
His response showed his true soy levels.
He is the uber-cuck.
There should be zero competition for roasties.
They should be pariahs.
My mum still never locks her door. Hell, when our dog ran off we had the front door wide open day and night until he wandered back home. It's nice that she can do that but I do worry about her these days.