How can both Christians and Muslims

Claim to be Red Pilled while simultaneously practicing an (((abrahamic))) faith?

Explain this to me, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread: 10:22-42&version=GW

I always say this and I'm going to say this again. Christianity and Islam are both Judaism for the Western and Eastern Goy respectively. As goyim we need to stop being followers of Abrahamic faiths and adopt our own traditional ones or have no religion at all. All of the Semitic religions overemphasize on punishment.

The whole thing is just straight-up, unabashed divide and conquer to me.


Christianity is the one thing Jews hate the most because of the fact it makes them believe God cursed them for killing Christ and of how integral it is to an anti degenerate society. With society degenerated it'll be a lot easier to subvert people against each other.

So.... uh, the migration is a Zerg rush on Europe?

I honestly don't think they believe God cursed them for killing Christ. Christ was just another goy that other, dumber goys decided to put on a pedestal after a display of capital punishment. Why would they give a shit?

Think about who benefits the most from goy killing goy. Lots of news stories to spin, lots of ad revenue to make and a whole lot of weapons to sell.

Fear goes beyond the rational mind. What you fear you end up hating regardless of ideology. Unless you decide to face your fears and confront them using hatred as fuel to your fiber, you will forvever be catatonic

They can't.

Both Christians and Muslims are kike-worshippers.

>Fear goes beyond the rational mind.

Nah, not really, bruh. Fear is what happens when something we don't understand presents itself in our own logical sandbox in an unexpected manner. They've had plenty of time to spin the whole crucifying a carpenter thing into something good and they've done a fine job at it. The fact that the only place you'll see discourse like this anymore is on Sup Forums proves that. I can almost 100% assure you that they give absolutely no fucks about what Christians think.

You didn't grasp what I meant with the first line.

Fear goes beyond the rational and into the irrational. Fears on a spectrum.

Jews don't fear Christian's anymore because they think we are so culled and easily manipulated at this point that we are non threatening to them.

Are they wrong? An overwhelming amount of Christians voted in a President who's Secretary of Treasury is Jewish.

>we need to stop being followers of Abrahamic faiths
All hail the God Emperor! (no, not Trump)
Otherwise, I agree.

Better then a Satanist with allegiance to them regardless

shut up fag, you're a tengrist turko mongol rapist from the steppes of Turan. "GENGHIS KHAN FUCK MY MOMMY AND SIS AND ME WITH YOUR MICRO MONGOLIAN CHODE"

Jews hate the fucking shit out of both christians and muslims. Why would the 1000 year Jewish plot be to make an ever growing group of enemies?

I'm so sick of this meme, it fails under scrutiny from any direction. C&M both have anti Jewish sentiment in their holy books. Both promise a final war against the Jews. Both contain violence against Jews and money lenders.

Unless you yourself are a kike, please understand you fell for basic bitch kike programming and are being used to weaken the biggest enemies of the Jew.

>from the steppes of Turan.
So much jealosy...At least I got 1000 year long history, what have you got? 240 years with nothing but war to show for? Losing every war sincs WW2 btw...nothing to be proud of.

I fail to see how I'm weakening congestive heart failure.

btw, at least I get fucked by a REAL MAN, unlike you who are constantly being fucked by the little chopped dicks of kikes, mudslimes or big, useless, worthless niggs (safe for the exception).

From your comment here, you seemd like someone with actual intelligence...well, guess not.

only christianity is an abrahamic faith. abraham was a great man.

>Being jealous of a 3rd world country that's a 1000 years old


Fucking read
Don't you think it is an awful (((coincidence))) that (((SOMEHOW))) you, a kike hater, came to the conclusion that THE THINGS KIKES HATE THE MOST are kike puppets?

Look in the mirror faggots, the puppet is you. Both of the so called "puppet religions" reserve the worst fate for any man to ALL THE FUCKING JEWS.
Use your fucking brain.
>be kike
>trick half the world into thinking you are satanic scum that must be destroyed before earth can become heaven
>perfect plan.


They've killed millions of Jews. How many Jews have you killed, pagan larper?

dude the kikes arent that smart. they are footsoldiers of satan which is a pretty stupid arrangement to be in. i guess they get some riches out of it but whatever.

satan has been using them for centuries to take control of the world. every time they got kicked out of countries was another failed attempt. basically satan uses a spray and pray approach to subversion. he tries shit and if it fails, well whatever some followers of him die, but its ok because theres always someone who is willing to sell their souls for cash (aka become jews).

unfortunately these many attempts have finally paid off and satan now has control.

>Both of the so called "puppet religions" reserve the worst fate for any man to ALL THE FUCKING JEWS.

This is objectively incorrect.

Jews are eternally separated from god and die the second death for being the synagogue of Satan.
Muslims must cleanse the Jewish menace.

What human has it worse than the jews according to either religion?

>no refutation of thesis
>unrelated subject matter
Are you retarded or a kike?

what do you want to know?

i just You'd you because you were the last post

You have absolutely no understanding of what Christianity means or what history it has, since your "culture" has nothing to do with it. You have never experienced life in a majority Catholic country, or any other branch of Christianity, for that matter, so you can't say shit. I'd advise you to shut the fuck up. Christianity has done more good for the Western world than bad, so fuck off and die. You clearly have no clue about what you're talking about.

LOL Muslims serve the same master.

Hitler put you losers in the trash where you belong.

1: You don't have any culture, so you cannot overpower us among the people.
2: You're smaller and weaker than me, so if you try to overpower me personally, I will kill you with my hands.
3: Your gay anti-religion will lose, and we will win, because we are superior to you. We've always been superior.

There's nothing you or your faggot prince Varg can do to stop this. He's going to raise his autistic kids in the shitskinned forests of France until they get raped and die. I am going to raise my children as Christians. I already have as many as he does, and I already have more than you probably ever will. Varg isn't important. He doesn't get a say in the discussion and neither does anyone who supports him.s

Many Jews were protected in Islamic caliphates as Dhimmi. Also John 4:22 and Romans 11:28.

Full-stop anti-Semitism was really rare. There were always caveats.

>you can't be a Christian and love your na-

Hope your kids enjoy getting turned out by all those good (((Christians))).


Stopped reading here since I know for a fact that you don't have any. I don't take advice or instruction from losers, and pagans and atheists are the best examples. Come to me with something of substance of stay quiet and go back to a MGTOW subreddit where you belong.

Go lick your Jewish prophet's anus, christcuck. Your kids are going to love getting spitroasted by (((Father Daniels))) and his Friday night poker buddy (((Imam Zaruganesh))).

You're the only one experiencing any sort of anal sensation here, pirate-worshipper, and I can tell it's extreme pain. This is to be expected in history's losers, but some dignity is meet, from time to time.

So take my advice and return to silence, which is your proper lot. And this you shall perceive to be very good advice if you only think about it for a moment. You can pretend that your retard friend Varg wouldn't call you controlled Op for using TRS echo memes, and you can even pretend that your retard friend Varg wouldn't call you an Amerimutt who has no right to a nation, but I won't pretend. That makes your sniveling ineffectual to the worst degree.

Meanwhile, later in the book of John 10:22-42&version=GW
>Jews reject Jesus and Jesus spurns them to offer salvation to the gentiles
Romans? Same shit different book.

Read the damn book before joining in the book club discussion.

>the same thing is better than the same thing.

>I literally worship a fucking Jew and I'm raising my children to do such but you just don't get it, I'm a completely underappreciated intellectual.

Absolute solipsism.

Islam is not an Abrahamic religion any more than Zoroastrianism is. You are erroneously equating monotheism to Abrahamic.

Muslims worship an old moon god from that region. It's why they have to go visit their moon rock. The only thing they share in common with Christians is their hate of jews.

The point is that both the Christian and Islamic view on Judaism isn't as outright authoritarian as christcucks and sand niggers would have you believe. There have always been (((concessions))) made.

>doesn't know what solipsism is
>can't read a book before attempting to criticize it
>moves on to the next person when he gets BTFO
Get a new hobby dude, you don't have a knack for this one.
>he even started the thread.
For fucks sake dude.

There is everything you need to know in these books.
You simply need to understand how to read them.
An advice; it's not litteraly.

They are literally called the synagogue of Satan. In the chapter YOU recommended god said he would save 7000 Jews (out of currently just over 6 gorillion) guess why? Because they become christians and didn't participate in the satanic shit. The rest die the second death for their rejection of Christ.

You are retarded. Get a fucking grip on yourself.

Why did Hitler let neopagan Alfred Rosenberg subvert your faith via Positive Christianity? I've asked hundreds of deluded idiots that think Hitler was Christian this question and they can never answer it.

Christians and Muslims will always be the kike's last line of defense when they're on the ropes, as you've so eloquently proven. You will lose because the entire fabric of your spirituality springs from a celestial litter box of Semitic lies. You would betray your entire lineage by falling in line with the tale of the desert kike god rather than stand for Anglo-Saxon principles and tradition. Don't claim to be about shit if you're not about shit you fucking amateurs.

Worshiping a middle eastern religion is based. It’s even better when that faith tells you that your native religion is evil and demonic.

You believe in your people’s faith? Fucking heretic my dude. Brb while I go smash some statues.

"I will make you the father of many nations"

"Through you the whole world will be blessed"

"Your descendants will be as numerous as the sands of the seashore"

Only the whites fulfill God's promises to Abraham.

The levitical garments and tent of worship were colored RED WHITE AND BLUE (and purple and gold)

Ancient Israel was always white, they went into Assyrian captivity, travelled north over the Caucasus mountains, and became the white people of Europe, naming every region and river after themselves. They adopted Christianity the instant it was brought to them (by Jesus himself, possibly)

There is a wealth of information on this subject, as well as the imposters who dwelled among the Israelites, just as they do now, claiming falsely to be of the Levitical priesthood, but being nothing more than scribes. These imposters call themselves JEWS, now.

Fuck our Religion, Christianity is based af.

>Boniface, asked the same [Emperor Phocas, in Constantinople] to order that in the old temple called the Pantheon, after the pagan filth was removed, a church should be made, to the holy virgin Mary and all the martyrs, so that the commemoration of the saints would take place henceforth where not gods but demons were formerly worshipped.

Hell fucking yeah, all things European are demonic filth.

notice that the appearance of consensus about Abraham was nothing but babbling repetition from a pack of liars

the instant the word 'imposter' is used, the jew flees, because he knows that he is, at his heart, a liar

Continue to use the word 'imposter' when referring to jews. That identifies them, and forces them to explain why anyone would assume they are the descendants of Abraham