Is the day of the rope a really hard objective to achieve? Would it be possible to even achieve such a goal?
Day Of The Rope
It's not hard at all, just out with a noose and string up your local nigger today.
Whites won’t unite with enough numbers or power and organisation. It’s a pipe dream.
Unless there is an organised outbreak of violence like in Rwanda that exploded from one racial group to the other you’ll never see it.
It’s one thing to speak of killing another human it’s another to do it.
Very true
Shit like this is why nobody is going to take you faggots seriously
go to work
it's not really hard, it just requires hard times.
it's a sincere question, I just want to get answers and people's ideas desu
Most whites are lemmings. It's never going to happen so long as there is a system giving off the illusion of control.
requires overt government oppression and militarised euro-american disenfranchisement give it another generation
there maybe some siberian rebellions before than but the federal government won't collapse until it's exclusively anti-white
nice divide and conquer, juden
The lemming meme is for people who can't function in society so they make endless excuses
Katrina has an outbreak of mini race wars. All it takes is for a big enough power outage and things get tribal right away
>lemmings meme
Important to contemplate but do NOT let it demoralize you.
good image
It really makes me think
Impossible. And even an attempt at such a grand scale happening would create so much dormant guilt that the leftists and neurotic Jews of today would seem like compliant toddlers in comparison. This would ensure that the leftists of the future would succeed in their goal at destroying everything and setting us all back to the 7th century. Do you really want that?
insurrection should galvanize. It would only demoralize you if you are some alt-lite retard trying to "redpill" the normies.
This meme is well presented, but still false. Look at the movements that utilized this sort of thinking and worldviews - they never achieved anything apart from fringe status and scorn from the general public.
Do not get attached to the movements and ideas of previous generations, especially ones that failed.
This is a perfect analogue to the Russia scenario: it has the potential to become a leading power in the world in more ways than one, but it is still stuck in shit because they still hold on to Soviet sentiments and worldviews.
Rope Day includes the White Guilters.
You don't win a war by leaving the generals alone after destroying their footsoldiers.
You have the power. Lead by example.
Spread inspiration.
Your current mindset is part of the problem.
Even when everyone who thought just like you before ended up failing or even setting eveything back even more.
This is the definition of insanity: trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Just keep in mind that it is not just you yourself who you are failing here, but the group itself.
No, but I do think we will see terrorism from lone wolfs. I don't think the organized far right wants violence per se. I could totally seeing some rogue madman going around giving lobotomies to politicians, reporters, and professors. Something truly terrifying to such people. I think we will see that, and of course the media will blame all white people, but who knows what the world will be like.
I'm not reading your posts
It will be achieved once those EMPs put you back into the stone age.
It's the last step of a complicated plan you mongrelli won't ever understand because of your ignorance and dumbfuckedness.
What are you going to to to the "white guilters" who are to be born, say, 5 generations later? Implement a barbaric society were such things are generational and common? That is not a future worth going all this length for.
muh white power
For white guilter to be born indoctrination into the school system is necesarry.Butbif you have something like nationalism and education that teaches whites that the strong eat the weak and they are strong then the next generations will grow with a fascist mentality and the equalitarians will be a fringe minority.
That is what TDOTR is a purge to set society on a different course.
Indoctrination is neccessary for things that were insignificant or didin't happen. Something as big as the DOTR would echo thorughout the ages. The moment you let off "white guilt" would come roaring, guaranteed.
Just look at the Soviets and their atrocities, their schooling system swept ALL OF IT under the rug, and in result our boomer eqivalents came out brainwashed pro-Soviets, but their children sprung back to the default that is reality anyay,