Chances of season 2 being confirmed friday?

Chances of season 2 being confirmed friday?

Is this real? Please be good.

0, retard

As in the actual studio that recently opened up.


Founder of Gainax follows the account

>Chances of season 2 being confirmed friday?
God I hope not.

Lmao, no. It sold like shit and definitely won't help Gainax out of their shitty situation at the moment, especially with Anno's lawsuit.

Gainax was fucking dying, Khara was going to destroy them.
Founder of Gainax creates two smaller studios with no economic or capital connection to Gainax: Gainax Yonago and Gainax West.
Gainax Yonago got all the animation equipment from OG Gainax and their remaining animation staff.
Gainax West is now the owner of the licenses for TTGL and PSG.
OG Gainax has been murdered by Khara but their spirit lives on.

I'm not even joking.

Gainax is dead, this is Gainax West.
Yamaga literally came up with a very scammy move to "save" Gainax.

Original Gainax had already reincarnated into two separate bodies: Khara and Trigger.

Mods will sticky the fuck of that announcement and everyone will fucking rage again like when Gainax ruined christmas

The likelihood of its return is close to zero.

Still won't save them. They're better off rehashing TTGL than PSG.

Maybe, but it isn't zero. And for me, that makes it the same as a hundred percent chance!

>Wanting this shit when the people that worked for it left Gainax and created their own studio

Even if it was a season 2 it would be shit as post 2010 Gainax is awful, hell 2007 was pushing if it wasn't for TTGL.

They're also rehashing TTGL alongside Trigger, anyway.

If it's actually happening Trigger would need to be involved since the copyright is Gainax-GEEKS and GEEKS is a group composed of Imaishi, Amemiya, Koyama and Wakabayashi and 3 of them are part of Trigger and the other is a Trigger regular.

>everyone behind the original fucked off to form Trigger.
Why do you want more?

>They're also rehashing TTGL alongside Trigger, anyway.

its going to be a collab

Well, Imaishi is working on a TV show Wakabayashi specifically said "Gurren-Lagann fans should look forward to" and Gainax WEST hinted that they have some TTGL-related thing coming for the 10th anniversary.

that seems like marketing hype more than a confirmation.

Sure, but it's confirmed that Imaishi is working on a TTGL-like thing. Could just be another CRAZY ACTION SHOW rather than something directly related to TTGL, though.

Panty & Stocking Period (Tomato) Juice

>They will ruin Christmas for a second time.

This makes me much sadder than it should. I realize that much of the last generation's anime old guard are bowing out, but still.

>OG Gainax has been murdered by Khara but their spirit lives on.
OG Gainax was a shell of its former self after losing a lot of its big names to other studios. Then they owed a shitload of money to Khara and got sued.

Finally gonna get that Platinum PSG game everyone has been moaning about for years.