Long-nose man come to cave, tell me that six long-nose tribe die in holobunga. Six? That a lot. Me think holobunga fake.
Long-nose man come to cave, tell me that six long-nose tribe die in holobunga. Six? That a lot. Me think holobunga fake
Elijah Edwards
Landon Sanders
This is actually one of the most original threads I've read in a while lmao
David Allen
lol wheres that jews are neanderthals meme
Jaxon Perry
Why that black tribe steal all my rocks?
Sebastian Sanchez
prefer the jews are mitochondria meme desu
Nathan Torres
Ugh not see how can make fire good hot burn six bodies in two hours. Holobunga math not add up.
Wyatt Nelson
squint eyed tribe stole wheel, made more of shit rock, now me cart am no work
fucking slant eye tribe
Benjamin Sullivan
Urg think we need ban on assault spears
Joshua Ramirez
urg have to takem from grog's cold dead hands
Jaxson Torres
Big nose tribe tell me let black tribe live on land. Tell Grong make us stronger.