Would you fuck her?
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she belongs to Ataru
also reboot when
Of course electrocution is my fetish
No. The voltage would fry my genitals.
You can't fuck cartoons you fucking degenerate.
Inside a faraday cage
I'd fuck most of the other girls though.
Especially Shinobu-chan!
If I was pic related, then yes.
Dumb frogposter
I'd fuck this bitch.
Your dick turns into an icicle and breaks off.
Yes, and?
I'd marry her.
Ataru's a big dumb faggot
Careful. She wets the bed.
>implying Lum would ever want to be with a disgusting beta NEET like you instead of having a dedicated Alpha of a man like Ataru
>has a girl that wants the D
>is so afraid of any sort of genuine feeling that he pisses her off constantly by chasing other tail he can't get
Ataru's not even close to alpha, he's so beta that he runs away from pussy when he can get it
>not wanting a challenge
>also reboot when
I'd rather have annual OVAs.
A good wife is enough for me
No. Shinobu.
Too bad she'll never love you :^)
like how my waifu will never love me
And don't come back.
Nope; But this girl...
That disregard for courtship is exactly why you aren't attracting tag-maniac space devils in the first place.
Go to sleep grandpa
Lum is an old school waifu.
The whole OST for movie 2 is basically the best OST for its decade. And possibly anime itself.
Fucking this. It works for Lupin goddammit.
Newer style Lum is not as cute as the old one.
Lupin was reboot with its original creators input. And Takahashi is crazy old bat who hates what that 'evil Oshii did to her story'. A reboot would suck because the original team wouldn't be a part of it and Takahashi would purposefully sabotage it.
nah it's all about /benten/