A gun in the home increases the chance of being killed by firearms by 72%!
A gun in the home is responsible for almost all children killed by firearms!
A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a suicide or homicide or accident than for self-defense!
A gun in the home triples the risk for homicide!
A gun in the home increases the risk of suicide by 5 times!
An abused woman is 6 times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home!
Muh 2nd amendment
Other urls found in this thread:
a pool in the house inreases chances of drowning.
a roof increases chances of people falling and dying.
i guess what i should say is: Muh safety
more guns
less kids
I'd vote for you OP
Look, a cucc boi thinking guns cause those, not people prone to those things buying guns
If you don't like the odds, you have every right to not keep a gun in your home, it is your choice. Problem solved
We would all be dead by now, if your fake statistics were correct. Fuck off OP, my 2nd Amendment was given to me at birth.
so three fiddy right
the line is being drawn at three and I don't see your point
Your 1 gorrillion % more likely to be murdered by kike run governments if you don't have a gun in your home.
>not immunising your child to bullets at a young age
none of these are arguments
1% * 172% = 1.72%
wow. kind of like this user
>no gun in home
0.1 deaths by gun per 1000
>gun in home
0.172 deaths by gun per 1000
>72% increase
What are the stat increases for bomb ownership?
got a source?
WILL NOT eat shit, hippie fag.
You're 100% more likely to be killed by a nigger if you don't own a firearm. Your wife/daughter is 1000x more likely to get raped by a pack of feral niggers if you don't own a firearm.
American gun confiscation increases the likelihood of leftist death by 47% and the chance of civil war to 98%.
Do we really want to take a chance?
and the chance of these things happening is ultra low to start with
Nice cherry picking
What other people do with their 2nd amendment rights in their home is none of your goddamned business.
Do Good in your own home, not someone else's.
t. Faggot who is not responsible with guns or libshit
A picture of a toddler with a gun in his mouth is not going to work in Pol it is fucking retarded for you to try to play on I feeling so you can push your agenda especially considering you have no citations have you seen the ship that is on pol this is nothing matter of fact this is a giggle to us
I don't see the problem
kid isn't even long enough to pull the trigger from that position
walking in the street increases your chance of being hit by a car by x%
>he thinks the 2nd Amendment is only about guns
You are like a little baby.
You are such a faggot.
Big faggot.
Very big faggot.
Very very big faggot.
The CPSC reports that drowning in bathtubs, bath seats, and buckets is the number one cause of unintentional deaths for children between 1 and 4 years-old.
We need to ban water........
Now, why don't you grace us with this source that doesn't exist or is most likely as trustworthy as a kike?
this. it's pretty difficult to shot some one with out a gun.
>A 72% increase over nothing is still nothing
>Almost all of something that rarely happens still rarely happens.
>22 times nothing is still nothing
>triple nothing is still nothing
>5 times nothing is still nothing
>6 times nothing is still nothing
Do you see a pattern yet?
So is it 3x or 22x more likely to be used in a homicide
>everyone constantly bumping this shit
learn to sage please
so basically a sub promile chance is increased by 72%? k, that's still almost zero, and decreases with COMMON FUCKING SENSE.
>live in dangerous place
>own gun
I'm sure this doesn't affect statistics at all.
Also fucking bullshit, self defence to homicide in the US with firearms is something like 6:1 and that's not even accounting for the majority of homicides where both sides are criminals.
>A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a suicide or homicide or accident than for self-defense!
That one isn't true. (not that the other claims are either.) Even the most conservative estimates put the number of annual cases of defensive gun use above intentional and unintentional gun deaths and injuries combined. That bring into question the reliability of the rest of the data.