Trump got BTFO here you gotta admit
Trump got BTFO here you gotta admit
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The Russia collusion investigation is going to end in either Trump literally losing the presidency, or literally years of CNN protractedly eating crow, bit by bit.
The future is bright, OP
>lol no we aren't lying you are
I thought CNN was ran by adults
Still assuming a fruit?
Its a fucking banana.
To report, AND distort the news
CNN participated in the Japanese Koi Fishing Controversy along with other journalists.
CNN won't do shit. Until Trump is impeached (which is never because all they have is lies) CNN will continue to throw media and journalistic ethics out of the window in favour of lies and slander that garner views and literally nothing will be done about it because liberals would rather a happy lie full of confirmation bias than a sad truth full of facts.
They are clearly Talking to a Child
>the cnn pr department needed 12 hours to come up with a retort
kek those trump tweets must sting
I have never in my 30 years of life seen such a large agglomeration of media commit so hard to a narrative that is going to have to be conclusively proven right or wrong. And so far, it's been a year and they don't seem to have found any smoking guns, unless they've somehow had something in store this whole time.
As soon as we find out for sure, all the media narratives will have to completely change. The sooner the better.
Teh fact that they lie about something so amazingly pedantic speaks volumes about how shit they are.
When a news org is so consistently lying about the potus and politics in this country, they’re representing our country whether they like it or not. They’re showing the rest of the world that even in the us donor money can change slant and distort what used to be the one of the trusted news sources in the world.
>CNN didn't deny being fake news
Pick one, and only one. You should know this by now, you fucking idiot.
I'm not particularly fond of any of the ignorant stooges who win your presidencies but I was trying to explain to people yesterday that international news is full of bias and propaganda but we're less aware of it than we've ever been in recent history. We have more faith in cryptopropagandists than we ought to.
Wtf gave you that impression?
>report the news
Yeah, the fucking FAKE NEWS.
It's funny how these pictures never consider the fact that most Jews in the US are located in Southern California and New York, where they take up a much larger portion of the population than 2%, especially of the educated population. It is also the case that Hollywood was the result of WASPs on the east coast chasing wealthy Jews out of the east to California. So that there are large amount of Jews makes a lot of sense. It's not some conspiracy.
>CNN news coverage a poor representation of what is happening in the USA
>CNN is not a representative of USA
Wow they really owned Trump this time.
I can't believe I voted for that orange retard
Although it seems unlikely to happen, if Trump were to lose the presidency then that would... Well, I don't know what would happen but trum/pol/ would definitely implode and I kind of want to see exactly what that would look like. I assume the first days, pol would be filled with threads attempting to incite some coup and threads trying to figure out exactly how this is a conspiracy. Eventually though, the trumplerinas would go the way of the paulbots and just dissipate over time and return to wherever they came from as they've nothing in common anymore.
I actually welcome it at this point if it means reducing the amount of traffic to this board. It's been tumbling down the hill ever since this nonsense started and now we're full of boomers and milquetoast conservatives.
I have never understood why Trump has it out for CNN so much in particular. He doesn't spend much time on any of the other outlets like MSNBC, NY Times, and WaPo, despite the fact that the latter two in particular are by the most actively involved in exposing Trump-Russia. What exactly did CNN do to him that other outlets did not?
Hitlary is a zombie but enjoy your corporate acting clown whore.
When asked what will he do if he went broke Trump said he'd probably run for president.
Trump's biggest problem, not being liquid.
Please archive it
>independent co uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-businesses-owe-debt-18-billion-150-institutions-study-source-of-study-president-elect-a7512586.html
Has anyone replied to said post with the koi feeding edit? or even with the BHO vs DJT China welcome pics? Would seem a crime not to.
You already archived it in a different thread.
Wtf is your problem? Fuck normies!
>When asked what will he do if he went broke Trump said he'd probably run for president.
DJT has been mulling the idea of running for president since before the Comedy Central Roast.
>Hitlary is a zombie
No. As the first resurrection has not occurred. So if anything she would be a demon.
Hey Rabbi
Fuck off newfag. Nordbro is a god compared to your stupid shit being.
CNN completely ignored his statement. How exactly did he get BTFO?
That's before the roast.
>Hypnotized mutt talking about value
Keep eating MCDs with your fluride drink on Pedowood special mindwipe, while you shit yourself in your 20s coma goy
2% of New York.
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
Did they actually reference that hilariously retarded apple banana campaign?
You also forget that hollywood pumps the most degenerate filth at young goyim. It's a giant money laundering operation like their free porn sites. They rarely crack a profit directly.
>guy you make fun of for being inarticulate literally blows you the fuck out
>instead of making an actual counterargument, remind everyone that he's more important than you, and then remind them of the job that less than 10% of the public believe you perform adequately
More people believe in Bigfoot than trust CNN.
You're a good leaf and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise
The hacker had a RUSSIAN IP ADDRESS and some of the code they used was written in RUSSIAN! What more proof you could possibly need?
>Report the news.
Silly CNN your job is to produce as much disinformation to the masses as possible. Everyone knows this an so should you.
>report the news
That just means you are larpers who are not even supporting the cause.
and what cause would that be?
Lol. U dont get it summer boi
Duh, how about fuck liberalism?
Wow Cnn Nbc and Nyt are semicist companies i'm surprized!
>oy vey goyim, nothing to see here
Since when has CNN reported facts first?
Generation Zoinks ladies and gentlemen.
You forget that these are the same people who relentlessly push for quotas in firm hiring to represent the GENERAL composition of the US.
Holy FUCK Donald Trump got fucking DESTROYED
How the FUCK will he EVER recover?
Hillary can still win this you guys.
whether or not they care CNN is an American network and all the world sees there helps form their opinion about the country
that's just a petty and angry response from them imho
The 14 words, obviously.
>only one person can represent a nation
somebody tell europoors that tourists don't represent Americans when they shit up places abroad
how will trumpkins recover?
>Report news
>With our bias against you of course
>le pen
lol brexit and trump, fine, but that woman was the most retarded i've seen in a while. She would make Sarah Palin look like fucking einstein
Trump utterly BTFO.
Do you really think Fox News isn't biased?
It will make sense when Operation Mockingbird is made 100% public and the CIA is dissolved. He's setting himself up for (another) easy win.
Bill Mitchell boomer plz go
Its funny how the majority of the US is white, and yet people have a problem when they are the majority in a workplace enviroment. But its 100% ok when a 2% minority is 95% of CEOs
Did he on purpose forget the "fake" before news or was it a tipo?
CNN have discredited themselves beyond redemption at this point. I have no interest in what they said.
There's bias and then there's blatant fabrications.
>our job is to report the facts
who says CNN doesn't have a sense of humor
Even his twitter speech patterns seem to degrade by day.
That's stupid semantics.
CNN does represent the US by informing the world about it. The way they do it is through their biases: their journalists' individual biases, their editors, their Washington/NYC mindset, their American mindset, their Western mindset
Trump should have replied that the manager on CNN's twitter will need a new job once Time Warner sells off CNN
You guys are so dumb, seriously.
I doubt he will actually be impeached, but consider a few things:
1. What would have happened if these people shot all off a day after the election while there was so much hype surrounding donald? Nothing.
2. The buildup is real. Why you were in denial a year ago, the attacks at the inner circle start to happen. We both know manafort isn't just a loose nothing, same as Flynn.
There is an axis Putin>Erdogan>Tump, it's not very difficult to see.
The tides are turning slowly.
At the pinnacle of this some black swan will occur and seal it:
It may be a hard-hitting recession, a pee tape or worse.
Inferring CNN can btfo of anyone.
No one believes them anymore.
>believing a news station
Ever heard about source analysis and comparison, mongrellus?
>reporting news
>Breaking News look at this adorable kitten play with a ball of yarn!
no, CNN just lost its mandate
if Americans want to fight a civil war over CNN, they will repeal the Patriot Act and blow up CNN headquarters. Legal terrorism will shut CNN up.
Who cares? 2020 is a lock.
Who gives a fuck about what 65% of single mothers think about some people vaguely related to Trump talking to the Russian ambassador? Hell, isn't the job of the ambassador to talk to the government?
Are you literally retarded?
Source analysis and comparison is precisely the reason no one believes shit from cnn.
>Our job is to report the news.
So why doesn't CNN actually do this?
It's weird to see everyone so against the president when did everyone become so unpatriotic? I was kinda young during the bush years but I can't recall anything like this.
yeah, the child = the US public.
I'm so fucking tired of drumpf talking about the news.
Oh I am laffin'
>"Trump is the next Hitler, he will beat da jews and reveal himself as the god emperor"
Bush years were exactly like this
I was in high school, and I didn't have a computer then so I didn't really see what anyone said outside my bubble, the non whites didn't like him because racist but I couldn't see any reason why you'd dislike him, he had so many sand niggers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan God bless that man
2004 Team America started the latest fuck America craze. Obama poisoned it further by taking every opportunity to bury us to the rest of the world. Having emperor palapatine and then a nigger president didn't help either.
I remember watching the news when they got Osama, everyone chanting USA USA USA over and over, it was great I feel like if Trump was the one who got him there would be protests that he had an innocent Muslim murdered.
Team America is a red pill disguised as a blue pill. America is a bunch of ducks.
But we are the only ducks willing to stand up to islam and commie fucks.
A big part of it is media isn't owned by Americans anymore and its all hanging on by a slow drip of propaganda money from the people who own it so the media is just repeating whatever some billionaire is thinking. Eventually it will collapse but they have pretty deep pockets.
In 2k8 they started the same kind of war on vidya, it took till last year but I'd say about 80% of the gaming media is gone because it made no money and the propaganda money dried up. Until that happens with the MSM they'll call a banana an apple with a smile.
I see this proves education system that provided by the government in the US did nothing to others ... regarding educated population of Jews.
I'd say its a bluepill because it takes patriotism and a healthy respect for national security and brings it down the the same bottom of the barrel level of norks and celebrities.
The hot shots movies are stupid satire too but at least they identify the correct parties involved at the time rather than lowering the entire united states military and what it set out to accomplish down to the level of Alec Baldwin and Kim Jong Il. After the movie those two had better "careers" spewing their bullshit.
Southpark kikes are traitors even if it seems like they are throwing a bone to the goyim every once in a while.