Why is Sup Forums infested with so many spherecuck shills?

Why is Sup Forums infested with so many spherecuck shills?

Let's discuss the truth of Flat Earth theory.

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jew thread


ok, lets discuss it, let me start, 3000 years ago through a simple observation people could realise earth is not flat. right now these people gather because they are ignorant and lonely. thats really sad when you think about it

Last time I teleprojected, the Earth was hollow, not flat.


Lets discuss that.
I saw the horizon from a plane and saw that the earth was obviously a sphere.
So, explain that.
Planes are equipped with special windows to hide the truth ?
Inbred retard.

Hey, if we can have socialism threads, then we can have flat earth threads.

I'll let you guess which is more retarded.

As with every single god damn flat earther you make no argument for flat earth. Every flat earther posts shit like dispute flat earth "pro tip, you cant". Or prove flat earth wrong. BUT you guys never ever make any sort of sensible argument what so ever. Are you fucking retarded?

You know... this guy has a point.

Also this.

I look at it in the way that AJ styles does. I'm not a flat earther, but theres some shit flat earthers point out that no one else does that makes me realize how bullshit nasa is.

For example, theres a shit ton of videos by NASA that are super suspicious that is only pointed out by flat earthers. I'm not just saying moon landing crap, but I've seen some pretty damning things.

Fair enough. This is a correlation tho and not a causation. Flat earthers still have a poor argument.

What is it with ausies and saying fair enough. All my friends who are aussies say it. Not complaining, just an observation.

Anyways, honestly? It wouldn't blow my mind that the earth is flat, I'd shrug it off and continue with my life normally. Nothing would change for me.

I am pretty sure it's not, though. Like, 99.9999% certain, cause maybe we're all in a fucking simulation or something.

Also the earth isn't a sphere, its a weird ass sideways Danny DeVito shape.

Its because we literally make our best effort to sit on the fence with all our statements. Like another one i hear a lot is "your not wrong". Still not saying your right. We literally say all the time "yeah nah" (no).

Also i agree i'm open to any idea. It could well be, but i am yet to see anything remotely close to a good argument or any damning evidence. Like stop making shit threads without any input just saying "the earth is flat" "globecucks"

I'm not being a flat earth retard but you can't see Earth curvature from an aeroplane, unless it's like 30km+ high

You actually can?? Its pretty easy.

>Also i agree i'm open to any idea.
would there bucko.

Open to the world being flat is fine, but being open to socialism is when we start having problems.

no, not from a standard airline cruising altititude which is 10-12 km. that's way too low

These threads are the kind of things that make me question if I'm on the right side.

I disagree.
Not really, i hate commies and socialists. But you gotta make an effort to understand their point of view and even consider it. If you do so and have any common sense well then you will quickly see its fucking stupid.

The one with no backing? So Flat Earth?

It must be flat, if it was round, gravity would mean we would all end up in the South Pole, you know, because it's down hill.

prove it then. show me a photo from

>that flag

No surprise by you fags making these threads, next you'll blame the north for for fucking America, and not the south for killed the man who would send back all those nigger you love so much

> Czech.
Let's just say the Earth is flat. Why the fuck would it matter? What reason is there for the elite to hide that from us? It makes literally no sense. And why do you people know about flat earth and how do you get to that conclusion.

Redpills for spacefags:

- (((Space))) does not exist. Space is simply an explanation for the big bang theory, which is an explanation for evolution, which is a false doctrine invented by Freemasons to deny our Creation by God the Father.

- (((Gravity))) does not exist. Gravity is simply an invention designed to explain the (((globe earth))). As is the (((big bang))) theory.

- Earth is flat, and not a tilted spinning ball (lol you fags actually believe that shit).

-Evolution is a myth. Only micro evolution exists. No species has ever, and I mean EVER, evolved into another species. Evolution is a myth needed to explain the (((big bang theory))), and vice versa. Which is a lie to explain the (((globe earth))), and vice versa.

***The big bang theory, gravity and evolution are the trinity of lies which need each other for the other 2 to exist. If one is a lie, all 3 are lies. And all 3 are lies.***

-The fake moon landings were faked in Hollywood by NASA with the help of Stanley Kubrick

This whole fake space narrative is Satan's way of indoctrinating you to distance yourself from God. If you believe you're a mistake who is here by just by chance (big bang), and that you are the ancestor of primordial slime (evolution), living on an infinitesimal rock in the middle of infinite (((space))), it has tremendous effects on your psyché. Being such a comparatively inconsequential tiny accidental dot in the infinity of space encourages us to reject the OT version of creation, and be hedonistic and nihilistic. Why do you think (((they))) push degeneracy on us so much? Come on faggots, you know damn well why they're importing shit tons of shitskins to mix and dilute the races. You know they want to rule over a mongrelised, docile, dumbed down degenerate society. This whole hoax (((space))) narrative is a broader part of the same motive.

Of course it’s flat. That’s why boats don’t disappear over the horizon at sea. Or tall buildings while driving on a prairie

Ok. How the fuck do you get to that conclusion. How the hell do you know all of that? Please give me actual scientific evidence to back all of that up.

Just awesome!

Nah, the one with no backing and a couple million lives lost because of it.

How many people have flat earthers killed?

This link does a much better job of 1. providing photos and 2. backing said photos up with data.

Yeah right. Makes sense. No proof what so ever.

One's an actual political and economic system whilst the other is just some retard's paranoia that the Elite hide every single thing from them.Also Capitalism has also killed an inordinate amount of people, but I don't hate capitalism because of it.

Anybody who is curious about why, should take a look at least to what the Flat Earthers say.

There are shills making Flat Earth look retarded, as they are shills into Nacional Socialism.

My recomendations are:

Eric Dubay

Steven Cave

En español

Iru Landuci

Oliver Ibañez

The Masons and the Jews are behind all the lies in cosmology.
From Pitágoras to Einstein and now Bill Nye or Neil Degrasse.

If angels and demons and magic wizards were real and roamed the earth thousands of years ago why don't we see any of them today?