What have you done to preserve net neutrality today?
Do you want EA to be your ISP?
Net neutrality has fallen in Portugal and New Zealand, and as a result, prices have gone up and it is easier for those governments to affect censorship.
What have you done to preserve net neutrality today?
Do you want EA to be your ISP?
Net neutrality has fallen in Portugal and New Zealand, and as a result, prices have gone up and it is easier for those governments to affect censorship.
Fucking lying pieces of shit.
I dont get what you mean?, im in NZ and just pay 1monthly fee for internet i get unlimited fibre at 100mbs download speed. You can get other plans with data caps for cheaper.Please explain.
Ex Cumcast employee here, Comcast does not give a shit what you do on the internet, they want to keep collecting your shekels. Long as your not committing mass cyber crime they would rather not know what you are doing, they prefer to avoid all liability for whatever your doing.
enjoy gobbling that google cock, shill
>only 100mbs download speed
I got 1Gbs lol
I have no idea what these redditards are bitching about, Internet service is great here
>Less government regulations
>Less government control in general
> easier for those governments to affect censorship.
Does no one remember comcast before 2012
Comcast despises people pirating their shows, so they will totally blacklist any site that facilitates it.
If you have Comcast as your ISP, it wouldn't surprise me if Youtube is blocked outright.
They don't care, you pay for it one way or another
Comcast wants to block Bittorent for piracy, because they tried before and were stopped by the FCC.
Ajit Pai and the FCC want it to be legal for Comcast to block BitTorrent
Archive or screenshot please
You cucks do realize that if net neutrality were to be removed, Sup Forums would be among the first websites to get throttled or blocked entirely, right?
Naw brah, Soros and Google want NN, so I hate it, even though the people providing my internet connection will have increased power to get whatever money they can jew out of me.
they gonna fuck the internet all up, gonna have to pay for porn while burger prices keep going up
this country is moving towards a revolution if this happens mark muh words!!!!1
Is that why I couldn't watch a YouTube video on Comcast?
They don't give a fuck about you. They have a monopoly on an innelastic commodity.
They throttle the fuck out of anything they don't like.
>block the biggest website on the internet
>good buisness
choose 1
It's not that they'll outright ban it, they'll just charge extra for the more popular websites.
If you were a company that could make money off of something the law no longer stops you on, why wouldn't you?
My life would probably improve overall if I had a reason to cut the internet from it
might want to drop the censorship angle when lobbying for alphabet little buddy
>lawful content
That's very ambigous.
Oy Vey! the law is absolute goy
I think what Sup Forumslacks fail to realise is that this net neutrality clusterfuck is an exclusively American problem, and only Amerimutts are going to be adversely affected.
American ISPs are shit, have always been shit, and are only going to get shittier, whereas everybody else in the world is gonna get stellar service from here on out.
Thing that pisses me off about this recent bitch fest is both sides are wrong about a lot
Pro NN thinks all ISPs will turn into 1984-level censorship and bundling plans for certain services that never fucking existed in the US, only in Europoor countries. This is ironic because they think oligopolies are bad, but want to give full control to the ultimate monopoly that can’t be overruled (the government). Could they do it without NN? Probably, but there were already law suits that were won proved the FTC viewed it as illegal (which magically got removed thanks to NN)
Anti NN peeps will do anything to avoid government regulation, but put full trust in fucking Comcast and Verizon. The treating all data the same and no censorship items I think is probably the only thing worth saving in the Title 2. The ISPs did try to limit and block services, but largely were unsuccessful because they either got sued or there was enough of a customer backlash.
What’s frustrating about this is watching people who barely know how to use a computer argue about how the internet works
t. Network Engineer
why are people blindly supporting net neutrality? if it was a free market couldnt someone come in and undercut ea and provide a better service??
Dude, don’t even fucking start. I’ve been to your country, have worked with BT on numerous occasions and helped support Europoor country connections in subsidiaries. Your internet is not even close to ours in terms of reliability and overall availability. You’ll tout some rando country having fiber, but a majority of your continent has fucking ADSL still. At least here in the sticks people can get ~150 Mb with Comcast in the sticks.
Keep in mind most cities here have fiber infrastructures now, and I’m currently writing this on a 1Gb connection.
>At least here in the sticks people can get ~150 Mb with Comcast
not for long
Considering that package was available before NN started...So yeah, It will still be there.
Also had 150/150 Mbps from Verizon when they signed NN, which is fiber to the home.
I understand the whole if they censor shit you can choose another provider but as far as i know allot of places in the US rely on providers who have a monopoly in areas so if you don't like the service you're getting you have to take it or have no net.
I'm all for free market and less regulations but i can see how comcast and others would screw you over if they are the only providers in areas.
A lot of the reasons for lack of competition are actually local and state gov. Specifically pole fees and agreements that prevent competition from entering.
>stopped by the FCC
>in 2008
>7 years before NN was passed
>There are people that still use torrents and not good XDCC channels
You do realize that would probably be for everyone on here's benefit really?
I don't know about youtube, but Bit torrent ... hastalavistabaybi!
>we are lobbying against NN, true, but nothing would change, trust us
>we wouldn't use the new options available to us
>we want to abolish that principle for absolutely no reason
>therefore, stop struggling and let it happen, goytoy
>Using jewtube
>M8 it is very easy for Sup Forums to protect ourselves. If our site gets taken down either gook moot sews their ass or we DDoS the shit out of them to get our way
Fuck off shill.
>lawful content
>meanwhile, lobbying to change to definition of what is lawful
New Zealand and Portugal both have vastly better internet than the US, though
>lawful content
Oh boy, that’s like having hatespeach laws. Who decides what’s lawful content? With that mentality you can block any site.