Jordan Peterson

He seems like a pretty cool guy. Got some good brains. What's the local consensus?

"I am thinking hard about taking on another issue that has raised its head in Canada: the teaching of the thoroughly racist concept of "white privilege" to children very early in the state run grade schools."
-Excerpt from his Patreon

Other urls found in this thread:

He refuses to talk about Solzhenitsyn's finest work, 200 years together.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

He already started the white privilege series.

Decent views on sorting yourself out, a lot of whites can benefit from following his advice in that regard.
Overall politically he advocates for the same type of individualism that has put whites in this position in the first place, and insists whites should not identify as a collective in an attempt to serve their interests. There are arguments in favour of this but they fall flat when you realise that nonwhites have extremely strong racial awareness/identification, and use it to serve their collective interests at the expense of whites. He doesn't acknowledge the fact that whites alone vote as a majority in favour of free speech and small government, while non whites vote against these, and hence whites need to pursue identity politics in order to maintain these essential components of a free state.

>What's the local consensus?

That every day there is this same question.

He’s trying to make red pill lite, or a mainstream red pill that you can take to eventually become fully redpilled autonomously. Obviously he can’t come out and say Jews are the reason for everything.

Basically, he's the ideal philosopher for an all-white country. Kind of like what Libertarians are for government.

People on Sup Forums can be the smartest motherfuckers out there or just plain fucking subhuman, braindead untermench.

Do you think Peterson is gonna have any fucking chance at redpilling students or the public if he comes out and says "Jews are behind everything"? Do some of you unironically believe that's the best way to redpill people? Getting in their faces and yelling about jews?

What he's doing is strategic and intelligent. You don't just force and entire population to wake up from an intellectual coma. You have to steadily point out inconsistencies in public narrative and refute mainstream talking points until they are utterly destroyed.

All you fucking tards who think he should start making ZOG videos or alluding to anything similar, just take a look at every other youtuber who did that, and take a look at where they are now. RageAfterStorm is one example of how to destroy your career in 20 minutes.

Typical low-IQ Amerimutts. Shut the fuck up and let the thinkers sort these problems out. All you're doing when you yell about jews in public is disgracing our cause in the public. Balance your desire for truth with a bit of patience and strategic thought.

he's one of the most important minds on the planet

intellectual giant and a major force in shaping the opinions of the far right

Jordan Peterson is a God

He is a radical individualist.
He seeps poison into his host society and watches the divide and conquer destroy it.
The man is a coward and is subversive to the core of his being, a standard for slow decline rather than letting the people react and put things straight.
A real conservatard.

Peterson is a true intellectual, he speaks his opinions derived from truly abstract thinking and not just some tooly conservative talking points. He's not a parrot

He's got a shitty ego and it's not really deserved considering he is just youtube viral famous for standing up to some SJWs and not famous for being a psychiatrist or anti SJW thinker.

But white people dont know what its like to be poor

I mean poor whites cant exist or that would disprove white privilege as realky class privilege

So we gotta ignore the existence of poor whites.

Well you see I am always right and I know what ideas are right, and Jordan Peterson, while he does get some things right, does not have the same ideas as I. So he's a fucking kike lover and a pedo. To the gas chambers with him

He is coming around. Its a long road and you have to make it by walking.

Yeah, he didn't release his AI driven website to identify and label "post-modern-neo-marxist" college courses because he didn't want to fuel "polarisation".

He's okay but he is destined to become a talking head at this rate.

What do you think about the (one-time) proliferation of communism in the far east? Who do you blame for that?

Dr. Jordan Peterson is great. Have you already pre-ordered his new book? It's only 16 bucks and every single cent will help him save the west.

So be a good radical individualist and buy his book or at least donate a little bit of your money to him and his collectivist cult of personality.


I cannot fucking stand ideologues. They are too high off their own farts to ever actually make any progress.

>picture of Varg
>Lol ''Typical low-IQ Amerimutts''

Your head, noose ,now.


It is shills who wants to radicalize the audience.

This. All the "he isnt talking about jews and white genicide" posts are shills

what kind of progress does jordie make besides his own personal enrichment?

>wanting to make money is pure evil, no one that wants to make money could possibly be anything but a total piece of shit

Your image is old as fuck.

Unironically this. Brainlets are only useful for the projection of a decent numerical presence.

I don't begrudge him his money, but I dislike his cult followers who shill for him on here.

btw he makes 40k (+prof sallary +personality test +authoring program +speaking engagements) every month and invests that money into writing a book that he sells for 16$ so that you cult followers can talk about how much he saves the west by fleecing retards like you.

Jes goyim, listen to Peterson, he it /ourgo... I mean /ourguy/.

he said he hasn't read it, or he hasn't read a translation good enough if he has secretly read the part version.

Sup Forums are a bunch of libertarian capitalist but only when it suits the narrative
Man you guys are a bunch of contrarian faggots sometimes.

Reminder that ALL anti-JP posts are attacks by liberal feminist marxist university shills trying to keep him from pulling back the curtain on their gender studies and pronoun agendas.

>muh radical individualism
>REEEE stop criticising my CULT FUHRER

>Man you guys are a bunch of contrarian faggots sometimes.



if people want to give him money to support him, why is that bad. How is it fleecing if people openly donate money to support him.

also his book was written over 5 years so point invalid on the 'invest" idea.

he has never ever said any of that. take the idea of race out of it and you would be correct. his ideas on individualism are without race.

you basically said he's a white identitarian who talks about individualism, when he's outspoken against the idea of white identitarian movements.

Patreon is always the root of triggering among shitty leftie or pseudo-leftie losers. They have no logical reason to hate other than the fact they have an insecurity complex over the way people are getting paid to make simple internet videos, because deep down it seems "simple" like they could be doing it themselves, but they aren't because they have no skills, personality, or motivation, so they just get angry at the ones they do and try to diminish their work.
I see this aaaaaaaaaaall the time with groups like RedLetterMedia, or webcomic artists, for example. Disproportionate anger and rage over the fact people are making a bare pittance, not even a living wage, doing simple creative work.

actually he was famous way before he started talking about SJWs last year on youtube, they guy has been on many TV programs over the past decade in Canada.

>also his book was written over 5 years
pre-order now: amazon com/gp/product/0345816021/

prob just get the audio book from audible with a credit

>hiding the income
biggest red-flag a patreon can have.

His first book was Maps of Meaning. The one you linked to is a different book that hasn't been published yet.

worthless kike wannabe fucktard.

the Anarcho-cuck said "pre-order"

Peterson is basically a leftist.

Oh wow, he STANDS UP TO "CULTURAL MARXISM". Incredible! The leftist establishment is going to collapse tomorrow!

Hey Peterson, what is your opinion on global governments, faggots, niggers, jews, the Islamic invasion, European heritage, the west's heritage, and money in politics?

Oh, it's almost the exact same as normie's opinions on all of those things, except with a big-brained academic spin? Wow! So enlightened!

He doesn't call out all homos being pedophiles, he doesn't call out Islam being incompatible with the west, he DOESN'T EVEN CLAIM THE BIBLE IS TRUE. He doesn't name the billionaire globalists, he barely fucking names anything.

He just spouts off vague non-sense that will keep the establishment in place, except that he is against shilib professors, I will give him that. But nothing this frog-voiced leaf advocates is going to change the system, he is probably more of an asset to the establishment by arguing for ideas that will keep the establishment in place.

Little bitch made faggot over here from a third world country begrudging someone for making money off well presented ideas.

How’s your mums basement working out for you faggot?

Correct. You may pre-order the new one, and once it's published it'll be posted to you.

The biggest prpblem I have wiuth him is how femsluts and traditionalists latch onto him and use him as a way to shame young men.
No, never fucking mind that he has actually apologized and stepped back from his statements numerous times when it comes to young men, he's admitted he was too harsh on them and somewhat out of touch, and he deserves respect for admitting that.
Yet traditionalists and femsluts hold on to his retracted and outdated and out of touch ideas so they can make yet ANOTHER "man up REEEEEEEE" thread for the 5th time in any given hour of any day.

>I don't begrudge him his money
>begrudging someone for making money
>straya flag

Jordan Peterson is warning us, We need to get radical progressives like link related out of the university system

he's like the canadian noam chomsky

his position is completely against anti-discrimination legislation, and against anti-discrimination at the core.

just take 1 more step on anything he says, you will be surprised.

He seems decent enough but his cult of personality really rubs me the wrong way
>muh online daddy

>straya flag
>no reading comprehension

Roughly speaking

Most people don't think any of that shit is worth talking about, because its bullshit and most people don't blame everything bad happening in life on other people. maybe your life is shit because of the shit you do, cant just blame everyone.

he would say OP is a faggot if he was on pol

>no reading comprehension

please explain

Yeah let’s give money to someone just so you can improve your shitty life

*spoilers* it won’t

just dawned on me OP is a faggot

People who believe in Jordan are basically wasting their money, I don’t feel sorry for the 6,000+ Slobs who donate to him.

yeah but its not your money faggot. so what you gunna go beside cry like a cuck bitch on Sup Forums as you LARP as a member of the alt-right

I don't think many of his opinions are very good. His criticisms of "postmodernism" are true but his representation of it is wikipedia-tier and he ought to take some time to actually read the frenchies he bitches about instead of crusting even more semen onto his copy of the Gulag Archipelago.

The advice he provides is sadly a fairly unique niche nowadays so even if he's just saying basic shit your dad should have told you it's clearly helping a lot of directionless young white men so I think he's doing great in that regard.


he alright

Israel Epstein and the kikes that funded/advised Mao

He's trash. Call me when he becomes redpilled on kikes

Saved for posterity

I can't be the only femanon who has secret sexual fantasies starring Dr. Peterson, can I?

He doesn't even understand what he's criticising when he calls it Postmodern NeoMarxism, he's just looking for a scapegoat for the current state of the university system
Inb4 tldw yeah everyone knows you're a lazy pseudointellectual tard
Ironically he should be siding with Derrida on some things and going after people like Camille Paglia for helping to open the gates of feminism that directly led to the identity politics problem

>He's trash. Call me when he becomes redpilled on kikes

as others have said, he can hardly openly redpill people about the kikes.

Fuck off commie. He deserves every dollar he makes. Free market mother fucker

JP is great. Not perfect, of course. Just about every criticism you'll find of him here is going to be about him daring to charge money for his self-authoring program and personality test, or about how he's worthless because he's not shrieking about the Jews at the top of his lungs non-stop.

The future is going to need more men, and he's putting a lot of lost boys on the way to becoming just that, maybe even finding Jesus along the way.

He lookinf for your money goyim


The anti JOrdan reaction is just libtards realizing that he takes them right up to the JQ, step by step, shows them what it looks like, talks all around it in ways that he can’t be labeled “nazi” and dismissed. Anyone listening to him at some point realizes the JQ on their own and that makes the realization all that much more powerful. And this is why they want to destroy him so badly.

he was a lovechild of pol until he posted pic in which hes against nationalism

then good nazis of Sup Forums went full shitstorm and now hes not 'cool' anymore

Spam this

I used to really like Jordan, but this is actually the last straw. Patreon money isn't (supposed to be) just fucking 'gibs'. It's money donated towards the production of relevant content. He already charges hundreds of dollars for tickets to his lectures, and he already makes an enormous salary from his university. Over $60,000 a MONTH, and he's charging people ten fucking dollars for an online personality test? Yeh, sure, it's his right, and he can absolutely milk his success for whatever he can get, but I definitely won't be supporting it. Pretty disappointing actually. He's constantly advertising his self-authoring program as well, which costs $15-30. You'd think for almost 700 GRAND A YEAR OF GIBS, he'd make some of this open source/free. Fuck him.