Would you date a mudslime Sup Forums?
Her father will kill me and maybe her also so yes
The muslimas love the bwc if you know what I mean
Date, no. Marry, fuck no. Bang, yes.
There is something quite hot about a girl being so into you she risks execution.
and you call us third world lol
Unless her numerous relatives are actual moderates, I don't want to convert/get beheaded t b h
i already dated a muslim
she had lopsided tits and a snailtrail
8/10 would fugg again
I rooted an Iranian. She had the biggest roastie, fuck it was fun to chew on. Not muzzie though
Nah dude nothing but love for Croatia.
I could like them as a person. I could have a crush on a mudslime. I wouldn't date anyone ever who doesn't think that Jesus is God though. Hell, I wouldn't date a lightweight 'Christian' even.
mine was a turk, but one of those pure mongolian turks, was like dating a hair jap with no tits and a fat ass and a bit of a gut
Dating a Bengali as a whitey is a horrible experience, her family will do whatever they can to let you know they hate you and if she has brothers they will definitely seek to be violent to you. All makes it more fun though.
Seriously dating seriously no though since I have zero respect for their religion or way of life and would be hypocritical since I kinda want them all to gtfo of Europe
Stop sexualizing the muslims
don't take this as an insult, but when in a country you go into risk of getting killed because of dating someone it's seriously third world
that doesn't happen even in the poorest most retarded most multi-culti regions of my country and we even had a fucking huge inter-religious war recently
Well that is the case wherever muslims go. They are very 3rd world savage mentality, hence they are pretty unwelcome in the west
Under the same circumstances I'd date anyone else, sure. I don't discriminate.
Britain is rapidly becoming 3rd world in many ways. Violent, full of shitskins, culturally irrelevant, terrorism...
its dire situation
lol i live with a bunch of religious muslims every day and they are perfectly good and normal
that's not about islam, but about living in a third world society like the west
You don't "date" a Muslim...
Also, the girl in your pic is as much Muslim as Miley Cyrus is Christian.
>mfw these two inbreds becoming one flesh and producing neurotic genetic aberrations was only made possible by thousands of white men dying to preserve the institution of Separation of Church and State
You're fucking welcome you filthy shitskins
that's a thicc muslima
Hahaha, oh wow.
>t. liberal retard
fuck off
Why is that nigger kissing spider-man?
do you know this chicks ig by any chance?
I'd fuck one if she was a 7-8.
If she was a 9-10 then I'd date if only to get her to denounce Islam and piss off her greasy, mudslime family.
I'd never marry.
ewww...tats :(
I wanna know what the one in the middle looks like bald.
Hey Scholmo, I've got this idea for a retarded Apatow-tier trash rom-com I need you to pass on to cousin Weinstein.
Two "loving and tolerant" Jewish and Muslim families living in liberal California have their idyllic circlejerk come crashing down after their twelve year olds start humping and the lil' Fatima gets pregnant with lil' David's culturally confused genetic freak. Thus setting the stage for a shitty culturally enriched Juno remake that's only made possible by the White Man's militant defense of the Institution of Separation of Church and State.
Oh, I'd penetrate that, if you know what I mean.
There are groups in your shithole that say jews should mix with literally every race except for Arabs, and unsurprisingly, most of its members are underage kissless teens.
second from right is qtie
When I first ready that I thought you meant years old
It's too late for me to answer that question.
>liberal retard
>I literally just called OP an ungrateful fuck for not respecting the thousands of white men who gave up their lives for his rights
Fuck of Croatnigger, Ratko Mladic did nothing wrong
Since I'm married to one.
Pic not related.
"underage kissless teens"
Says the anarcho-capitalist
Halal in the streets, Haram in the sheets.
No are you insane? If you date a mudslime you date their family, who will rightfully rek you for ever considering it.
Go fish elsewhere.
I did once. Her parents learned about me and they forced her into a marriage with her cousin in response.
Na man, I meant rating.
I probably should have specified that haha
no but i'd get with one in a heartbeat
Non-arabic one. Arabs are all inbred.
Maybe, muslim girls fuck like crazy because all their dads, brothers and cousins rape them from an early age.
Fuck no. No amount of back-to-back Hollywood mud worship could get me to. That's the exact shit females do en masse when it comes to mimicking movies and television in the real world. I could never let some director tell me how and what I should think and like; that's everyone else.
Only if she's 9
ahmed here, can confirm
we know you would
its in your 52% genes
Nothing wrong with sexualizing Muslims
I'm neither racist nor a nationalist, but I could never date a religious girl, no matter her faith.
i'm not even white
You never know haha, thought you were channelling the holy prophet there!