As all of you know, Jewish media pushing the racemixing propaganda hard this days. In almost every movie or advertisements they show us white women with niggers or black children.
We have to fight back.
The best idea so far is to photoshop Jewish people with niggers and spread it through twitter and jewbook. We should promote racemxing among Jews and advocate Jews not to have families and children if they don't want to racemix.
Original thread here

all race mixing propaganda must be edited from here on out

>Sounds good, not gonna work.
It won't have the same effect. Jews is not, have never been, and never will be the most dominant, conquering organism on this planet. Europeans are, which is why the dissolution of their race is wanted. Dissolution of the Jewish race wouldn't make any difference. You have to attack them by other means. Just expose their agenda. That's all you have to do.

Bump for interest, try to be subtle though... if we can get shitlibs sharing it, that will help them spread faster.

Here is the Jewish girl to photoshop first. She gets extremely triggered when Sup Forums mentions her.
We can hit two rabbits with one shot.

Jews have been mixing for millenias.
How do you think you have arab, white, indian or east asian jews?
I don't get it goys.


Bump for justice

Image dump commencing


There was another thread created earlier about this. The goal was to make Hanukah and Christmas memes using Jews and Blacks. But here you are fucking a good idea up.

Thanks OP

Counterpropaganda always works if it done in a proper time.


Operation #JewBlack shall commence.


We seriously need a GOYED.com

Didn't see that thread. You can do whatever you want - make a Happy Hannukkah images, making commercial ads, write articles LARPing as a Jew of how it is good to racemix with niggers, even make a campaign of "Proud Jewish racemixers". Everything will be good.

While Jews counting their heritage based on mother line the better idea will be JEWED.com

Jennifer White is Jewish? Fuck. I've been fapping to her for years.

I thought you were taking the idea from this thread and screwing it up. Nvm

>screwing it up
Nope, I've just created a thread in order not to lost this great idea.
And yes, it based on that thread.

Naomi Russell is Jewish (father Rabbi) and did plenty of interracial stuff

Why are you wasting the best years of your life fapping to people who don't know you and will never care about you? Get some self respect man this is fucking Sup Forums it's about white men standing up for themselves.


Did she died of aids?

Shalom-Kwanza , it's the ' hot ' new trend !

Jewish women and Black men make the cutest kids!!!!

Fapping is my only option. Too many coal burners in my city.

But that's pushing racemixing between Jews and blacks. How does that translate into racemixing between whites and blacks? What if Jews really do love black dick and want to spread that love with the rest of us?

I don't know.

Also Jenna Jameson afaik is the most famous Jewish porn actress but avoided doing interracial stuff. Though the kike she is, dated niggers privately

>it's about white men standing up for themselves
Sure, on an anonymous image board where you're the majority. Ooh, so brave, taking control of your lives like this.

It's not really love then, is it? There's an element of erotocized hatred for the people who like this sort of stuff I think.


I have a surprise for you, Ahmed. Le 56% works for Sup Forums as well.

No, it doesn't.