Hey, Brits we are still waiting for this Brexit thing. Will your country survive for long enough to declare it?
Hahaha fucking morons
Hey, Brits we are still waiting for this Brexit thing. Will your country survive for long enough to declare it?
Hahaha fucking morons
I know who you are. I know you work for the EU. I know you are paid to shill an EU agenda.
Kind regards,
Holiday Inn
Bruxelles Shuman
cry as much as you want, but everyone cant be wrong
What did the Islamic Turkshit German mean by this?
yeah, good luck with that
Race is more important than economic growth.
Fucking kek I love how the whole world has been destabilized by niggers and feelings
as it should be. France is better in any possible way, except carpet bombing Germany.
that battle's already been lost in Britain.
Go fap to interracial brit housewives porn vids.
who feeling that christmas spirit?
Serves those fuckheads right. Good riddance I say.
Extra growth during a year of unsigned contracts would be curious? That we're even at 4%+ is astounding, we must have increased manufacturing exports of weapons or the like.
London has a white minority dumbass
You lost on every possible level
Indian race? Indians are cool people
>We can see the future
Go back to sleep in your echo chamber. The real world is waking up.
into the trash it goes
>The real world is waking up.
to see british economy going down
Hi James how we doin today?
>Remain propaganda
The only way to keep that growth up is by mass-importing foreigners.
It amazes me how you think Brexit is related to preserve white british people when the enemy is either white leftists or anglo politicians.
Not saying the Brexit was a good or bad thing tho.
Brexit was a good thing.
Economies can come and go but the Sovereignty cannot be bought. You would think Spain of all EU members would appreciate this the most, given recent events.
Hey, quit being a sour puss about them leaving you salty-ass Euro-boy.
Just fuck off and leave them to their devices.
i dont care about them leaving
i want to witness their economy collapsing
All I can say from my factory I work at is we are ramping up production and have a lot of interest and people coming to see the facility from outside the EU.
The real source is not IFS but OBR, the Office for Budget Responsibility whose chairman is Robert Chote.
>In 1989 [Chote] graduated from Queens' College, Cambridge (where he was president of Cambridge University Social Democrats, and, after the merger of the SDP with the Liberals, chair of Cambridge University Social and Liberal Democrats)
Hardly neutral if you want my opinion.
Brexit has shown how racist Europeans are.
Smirking merklings.
This. I don't think most British people realised how much continentals hate our guts until these negotiations started. It has been, dare I say it, a pretty good redpill for a lot of people.
Those are all terrible rates of growth. A 5% gdp growth per year would be a cumulative 28% over 5 years. The highest on that chart is germany with a cumulative 9-10%. The west has pathetic economies. China should have about 30-45% cumulative growth by then. The west is fucked
For real, china gets those numbers in one year, wtf are we doing?
Good luck with that, leftist cuckboy.
>Robbie Chode
This. Everybody I speak to about the EU and how they've reacted ever since Brexit occured has been a massive opener even to the normies. The spite and ingratitude is plain to see, even though Britain was the second highest contributer and lowest net taker (and no, shills, giving us back a portion of our own money and telling us what to do with it doesn't count)
Absolutely Merkled.
>Will your country survive for long enough to declare it?
Says the Eurocrats who knowingly slowd down and sabotages the brexit process at every turn. Cry harder faggot.
>For real, china gets those numbers in one year, wtf are we doing?
For a start, they're communists working as capitalists. It's easy to make good business if most of your population works like slaves.
Also amusing how the average normie in britain STILL hates germans lmao
I regret voting leave desu
>who feeling that christmas spirit?
Oh no, Germany is the terror attack central of Europe! ... oh wait, red is actually the UK...
London is still 60% white, so it's not too bad.
NYC is like 30% white.
Well Britain can't just walk away, the EU is working to make an example out of them.
Stfu faggot
>he thinks europe could ever ruin great britain
do you not realise that we are superior to all of europe combined
we don't even consider ourselves europeans, we are our own continent
How can a country that's allegedly dying have a growing economy?
Really makes you think
I mean they're making it clear that they don't want anyone else to leave.
I mean how would germany man its EU super amry if there was no-one in the EU to fund it.
maybe its because the UK doesnt have any fucking industry, so essentially relies on the financial world for growth
lads how can I get a passport from an EU country before this all goes tits up
London is 15% english. No way it is 60% white
Where's the hate? You are delusional and probably psychotic , no one is out to get you lost boy.
irish is the easiest choice
Don't you need an Irish parent or something?
I would like to have an EU passport just incase
have you not ever heard people saying things like
'united states of germany'
I don't know many people who like germans desu
Boy or girl (male) ?
Stop larping you faggot you are not even European
How very smug of you, but you're right.
The point is to not ruin Britain (that would be costly) but to just create a serious dent. Sure hope it doesn't backfire though.
Won't be that impressive I think it will be something in the lines of a division.
That was the IRA, notice how the red bar is pretty non-existent after the 90s?
male of course
irish grandparent still qualifies you iirc
could be wrong though
It's great
t. gay user
Yeah this is bullshit
>second biggest GDP growth
Pro-brexit Brits literally said don't trust the experts while they were campaigning. Who's in an echo chamber
Brexit will never happen. Changing financial pre-conditions will spin out time until a change in British government takes place. Then UK will acquiesce to all EU demands. UK will continue along the road of mediocrity except this time saddled with a huge debt to EU plus unfavorable financial and judicial terms. Well done bongs you played yourselves.
>forecast of a liberal source
kys, memeflag.
Nice fascist military you're supporting btw.
cumulative moron
makes me proud that brits can see right through those who try to destroy us
GDP is a meme if the EU bank keeps printing money at the current rate.
Lmao, this is very telling. Jews are deeply convinced the most horrible thing that could happen to anybody is losing some shekels, and use it as the main talking point in all of their propaganda.
U.S. will be highest by 2022 easy. We are even gonna smash this 2017 analysis. Pic related.
>Italy growing at more than 1% per year
Meme chart, especially when you consider that ECB will have to raise interest rates soon after the Fed does
We can't even predict the weather accurately, what makes you think anyone can predict what the markets will do?
Ignore kike lies
> GDP growth
> not GDP per capita growth
Humm, what happens when you import people from the third world? GDP up, GDP per capita down. How is that something to aim for?
and even the brexit supporting economists predicted the uk economy might shrink or slow down in the short to midterm
the benefits in the longterm however far outweigh the hurt done earlier
you fucking fishbrained faggot
>German flag
>Germany is expected to profit from brexit by taking on spots left empty by UK
No wonder that you are calling this fake news.
>benefits in the long term
>less white Poles
>more brown muslim Pajeets
The UK fucked up.
And it is all their fault.
and they want to take responsibility for their own actions
frankly it is very honorable
eu floods itself with achmeds anyway so what's the difference there anyway?
prepared and published by (((them)))
>economists have the last word
Schlomo is killing the bloodline with money
Mudshits won't stay when the money starts drying up. What do you think they're here for, the wonderful weather? Nope, the muslims, sandniggers and pajeets will start leaving in search of better gibs and go straight to you. we can close the door quietly behind them and start rebuilding.
why do all these cucks come from england? are you so intent on destroying GB? fucking hell, you people are lost.
Who cares.. in a few years youl be bent over & taking it up the ass by some Middle Eastern migrant named Muhammed. Pussy ass english sold out their culture. loool
>European banks slash UK-related assets by €350bn after Brexit vote
European banks have slashed their exposure to the UK since it voted to leave the European Union, removing €350bn of UK-related assets from their balance sheets in just 12 months.
Banks across the rest of the 27 other EU countries have reduced their total assets tied to the UK from €1.94tn to €1.59tn between June 2016 and June 2017, according to official EU data. Banks’ liabilities also decreased over the same period, dropping from €1.67tn to €1.34tn, the EBA said. The trend is expected to increase ahead of the March 2019 Brexit deadline.
The fresh details of how intertwined European banks are to the UK were included in a report on Friday by the European Banking Authority, the supervisor of supervisors across the EU, which earlier this week found out it was moving its headquarters from London to Paris because of Brexit.
Pray that they don't trash your country before they leave.
Everything is going well in Japan now.
Thanks Abe!
Nah, the frenchy faggots are a bunch of degenerate homosexual inbreed imbeciles.
Harsh but fair.
That I'm praying they won't do. Hopefully the propaganda is enough to spook them and set them on their way early before they can do too much more damage, and that they'll go straight to Germany. I fear that you in the Netherlands have enough problems on your hands already, perhaps the roach diaspora will also join their brethren in Germany.