If we edit all racemixing propaganda by replacing the white person with a jew, and start spreading it around social media, our semitic friends may find themselves in a bit of a pickle.
Photoshopping Jews into racemaxing
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funny idea
holy fuck please make this a thing!
Great idea
If anyone could help by fetching templates/getting resources it would be appreciated.
Bump for brilliance
>a thing
Go back
Jamal is enjoying his first Hanukkah with his new wife.
I like this idea.
brilliant idea I'm shilling for this
>If we edit
Again with this we talk.
someone slap a jewess over this
This could be hilarious. Find their pictures of their stupid holidays, and slap a few negroids in there.
Grabbing some templates. I know these aren't white backgrounds, but I am a photoshop newb. These shouldn't be hard to magic wand for someone with a little more skill.
Right up my alley
dumping some folder stuff, takes time finding the man being white plus darker hair
Just some romance
Does anyone here have experience printing the high gloss flyers that department stores have near the entrances? +3 internet points to anyone who manages to replace a display/sign. Also, "It's okay to be white" needs to be hidden in the image or the fine print.
Pretty hot desu
(nuke me)
Do it.
Well thats all with white(r) males I´ve got.
related article I found while search for faces.
Fuck this has someto potential. Like the shitted meme it will work 100 percent!
So simple. So effective. Harassing them with their own weapons.
oy vey
Much appreciated
Photoshopping a yamaka could also work.
Beautiful, isn't it?
This has potential, bumb.
Spreading these examples far and wide. It's very easy to photoshop Yamakas
Fucking gorgoeus. I know most race mixing memes are black man white girl, so here are some jew women heads for shooping.
Jews already race mix tho? It just sounds like you're insecure as fuck
It could be whatever, as long as it's obviously Jewish. I'm talking Yamakas, dreidels, menorahs, etc.
AHAHAHA! Goyim made a good one this time!
They push this on everyone and their own women fall for it / the broken ones are used by the (((industry))).
You won´t find Azkhenasi royalty from the ancient egyptian Hyksos bloodline in there though. There are at least 3 different ethnicities for them, four if you count those wierd ethiopians or whatever who claim to be the lost tribe.
>Also, "It's okay to be white" needs to be hidden in the image or the fine print.
No. IOTBW is its own thing. Adding any relation between a white acceptance movement and non-white racemixing propaganda is stupid. You dont even have to label yourself in fine print for me to know youre a kike trying to derail this great idea.
This. Why can't Sup Forums just accept that white girls love big black dicks?
kek this is good
Hey jewish ladies if you want cute babies that don't look like your Dad marry a Black man!!!
The proof will be in how they respond when it gains traction.
Yeah for sure, I just mean get some Jewish women kissing blacks in there too. Doing God's work user.
Does anyone have any sideways kippah pngs?
This is brilliant because they cannot fight it or even kvetch without redpilling normies on their own propaganda. TO ARMS BROTHERS
> always with the creepy smile
not even a mother could love that face
This is what you daughters will look like if you marry a jew. Gross
Yarmulkes or however its spelled for men, star of david pendants for women. Add a blurry 8 pronged jew candelabra in the background for added legitimacy.
This tbqh. This meme has power all on its own and does not need to leech from other projects. Their propaganda has reached absolutely insane proportions, before EACH cinema movie I see 1-3 race mixing commercials, no joke.
>jew candelabra
>8 pronged
Menorah and it´s seven iirc
Because it isnt true. Girls are usually disgusted by anything darker than a light skinned mulato.
You’re projecting your fears onto us, you simplistic idiots. This is why the Jew always wins.
Do jew women wear a yamika (sp?). I can't find any. A few have this scarf thing though but might seem too muslim.
You fuckin goyim better stop this and I mean now.
The meme is SUPPOSED to be:
1) Black and Jewish interracial couple.
2) Holiday backgrounds. Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukah
3) Reversing commercials or ads for brands that show Black/White couples....Shop a Jewish person to replace the WHITE person.
And ONLY that. Stick to the meme.
>an Aussie shitposting about not wanting to shitpost about Jews
Oy vey
The david star earing is too much. It makes it look like an overdone false flag/satire.
Go for HOLIDAY backgrounds on the memes.
Trees, Manoras, Lights, "Merry Christmas" signs, etc.
That thing, yeah. Remember to select it and add 4% unfocus if its in the background. Then select the outwardmost pixels of the menorah and the closest pixels of the actual image and add 2% unfocus to make the menorah blend into the background
Make it so
+1 for this. Just like iotbw, stick to the plan:
>1) Black and Jewish interracial couple.
>2) Holiday backgrounds. Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukah
>3) Reversing commercials or ads for brands that show Black/White couples....Shop a Jewish person to replace the WHITE person.
This is the type of meme we're going for
oosh, right on the kisser this one
Fuck she's cute as all hell desu
I uploaded a lot of photos in my original thread here. Many templates and source photos
Way too obvious of a shoop, even to someone who's not internet savvy. Also need more jewesses with niggers
The memes will develop. Gotta give it time. We just started this idea last night.
Its afraid.
I honestly dont know, but ive never seen a jewoman with a yarmilka. I usually recognize them from their long hooked noses, annoying nasal voice, constant whining and slightly darker and oilier skin.
This meme has potential
Yeah fair enough, we should use Ethiopian Jews too for the more subtle ones. A lot of Jews don't like them
Oh sweet. I didn't know there was an earlier thread just stumbled upon this before going to bed.
>christmas tree
Needs more effort
The goal is:
1) Shop a Jew over the WHITE MALE.
2) Black women as the other.
Since there are hardly JEWISH women photos (like Hasidic Men) and making the male a JEW sends a subtle message.
Just gonna leave this here too.
Thats funny
I'm not sure if 'Brian' is a typical jewishname, at least fix the stocking in the background, remove the name or something.
this is a great idea!
Close, but you can't really see that Yarmulke. The meme would be better if you shooped a Jewish head over his. Curly tails and beard.
These are just a rough draft, if you will. I use Paint 3D since I'm using an ancient laptop. The one I made is more in line with the final product.
Throw in some jew hats
Like I said...I dumped a LOT of source photos to use as templates in the other thread I made.
Just scroll, there's lots
Stop derailing this thread Shlomo