Whats /pol's opinion about this guy?
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literally promotes soy products (his ebin redpill crusader tablets that he promotes on infowars contain soy)
I've heard he's been speaking to richard spencer and is being considered for the new face and leadership of the alt-right.
As soon as he talked shit about vegans we now have to endure a dozen PJW threads a day
Swoy buoize
mayne streem meteor
Some his videos are quite good. The modern art one off the top of my head.
It's kinda shitty that he talks mad shit about the alt-right but almost every video he does is about Sup Forums topics that were popular the day before like soy boy.
Guys pls this shit is a mole,deceiver, gatekeeper and i think he is a sneaky juden, sneaky jew Joseph?
He is a normie to a large extend, but I like him.
He's a functioning alcoholic with aspergers who literally quotes reddit in front of a webcam with a map of the globe hanging on a wall in his bedroom.
Why else would you have a map of the globe on your bedroom wall unless you suffered from autism?
He's a cuck for not putting up a debate with millenial matt. A fucking cuckservative
That'd be fucking hilarious
>IMAGUN MUH SHOCK. Niggers and Jooos ruining western civilization...aaagain
He's a normie. But atleast he isn't a fuckin SJW
Cringy fag
Constantly criticizes the Left and Islam, never mentions anything negative of Jews.
it's literally flat. you complain about Jewish lies every day, yet you believe one of their most obvious hoaxes?
complete hack
Take this BrainForce™ supplement. What? You don't want it? Are you some kind of racist anti-semite?
His most popular video is "Hidden Messages in New $100 Dollar Bill?"
He is a 100IQ retard appealing to 80IQ retards who is only ever correct because of pure coincidence.
He has disavowed the Alt Right on several occasions. You're just memeing shit up.
At best amusing and at worst an utter hack. His videos poking fun at SJWs and Hollywood can be fun, but he's also. as mentioned, only correct by accident and coincidence when it comes to hard news.
Soyboy video was pretty funny. Only thing I've seen of him besides glancing at some tweets when people were shitting up the board talking about eceleb spats. Seems a decent entertainer, so I'm gonna go ahead and say he's in about the top 1% of youtubers.
really upsetting that he doesnt spare a word on jews, niggers and other degenerate populations
"He" is a huge faggot.
I hate the way he speaks and how he's so close to the camera.
He's a big joke
He speaks in caps lock.
trying to talk to faggots is difficult, unless you are also a faggot. he speaks their language, and it works because its not an act. so for now, dont gas the faggot. yet.
slayer of soyboys
He is insufferable.
Such a fucking condescending twat. I can't take anything he says seriously.
TurboChad Redpillinator
Baby's first redpill for literal babies. PJW's target audience is like 9-14 year old boys who find Alex Jones too scary to watch yet right?
the king of parroting ideas and making money off them
this is what I think whenever some retard says someone is a plant
This hes a lil pussy that bitches on youtube
no upper lip means he is a kike.
did a nice video on architecture
He'll disavow the alt-right but he'll steal all their memes just like Cernovich and ride their coat-tails as much as possible.
Faggot who pronounces everything weird, even by British standards.
He makes some good points but he reminds me of a gay hobbit.
a fucking retard who never said or made anything intelligent in his life. He's the epitome of everything cringy and lame on the right
he would rather go to gay bars in amsterdam than talk about how the jews control the west
Ignore meme flags
Type SAGE in the option field to burry slide threads. e-celebs threads on Sup Forums are made to distract us.
He is a homosexual and he needs a cure in this perspective.
Isn’t he a faggot? It’s funny how he talks so much shit about soy and that eating meat will keep you manly, while he gets fucked and sucks weenies off camera.
He's good looking, rich, successful and has a wife who cleans,cooks for him. So ofc the obese sexually frustrated basement dwelling nazi larping neets on pol don't like him.
radical centrist
While he may seem like yet another MRAtheist, he is sooooo much less than that, in the sense that his videos can be easily pwned by anyone with an elementary school education, and considering the fact that he's fairly popular, his lolcow potential is at least 100 points. When he's not busy beating his wife, Paulie can be seen beating feminists providing further evidence that we need third-wave feminism more than ever.
He makes good points, I just wish he would go further.
Implying having a sex drive isn’t manly. Low T doesn’t make you gay it makes you a low sex drive cuck.
His architecture vid was good, his one on Biden recently was good too
Mostly to tell you to stop making threads about popular figures on Sup Forums. There's at least three of them now. And they only get the stormfags and leftist shills to come out. It's insidious.
Good at take down videos
I recently started watching Mr. Obvious who is a Sup Forums guy and think he presents good arguments without the cartoon voices that PJW uses
Thank you for requesting feedback on intelligence assest "Paul Joseph Watson".
It hasn't gone unnoticed that previous suggestions from Sup Forums, such as focusing on anti-white bias in media & policy, have been duly applied by Mr. Watson. Please continue along this course.
We ask that you further expose the fallacies and hypocrisies of those advocating for more non-white immigration, or special privileges for non-whites, or those claiming that non-whites are mistreated.
We further ask that you continue to expose the corruption and malign influence of the media, governance, and religious organizations.
Citizens of Sup Forums United
I can never tell if people use "stormfag" ironically to get (you)s or if there's just that many ledditors here now
Another retard soyboy who jumps on the anti-sjw bandwagon to get money from the low-iq kekistani audience.
I'm always on the fence about Infowars trying to figure out if they are or aren't controlled opposition. I like PJW because It seems like he's broken away from infowars a lot and just shows up once in a while or when infowars uses his videos on their show. He makes great points and triggers tons of leftists so he's alright in my book.
Paul is a blind retarded cuck. Such a cuck that the other soyboy pussy ripped him a new one.
so much frustration & hate
I hope he gets laid soon or I fear he'll shoot up a place