What are your honest thoughts on American White Nationalists?


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immensely annoying

They're annoying
Why do they always have to do weird shit ? Can't they just be normal white american nationalists ? Instead of creating all these stupid new groups

>Can't they just be normal white american nationalists
Normal like how?
Like all that Charlottesville bullshit?
fuck you
I had to listen to the local news talk about that shit for a month, usually they talk about animals and shit

>Americans have a such non-existent culture they think race is a nation

praise kek my fellow magapedes!


You can tell they brainstormed really hard to come up with the "totally no a swastika" swastika and had multiple memos to remind their members to get a haircut and buy a suit

>american nationalists
>identity europa

this can't be fucking real, it's too good

Pic related is an american """white""" nationalist who frequents /cum/.

it's like something out a comedy

They hate us Europeans.

Sometimes I suspect that this is a genuine coordinated conspiracy to embarrass the far right over the long run, but then I realise that they're fully capable of coming up with this tone deaf shit themselves


That image has to be satire.

This is literally we wuz kangz tier.



Doing a very good job, I support them exterminating all the non whites and letting me in instead

>the Latin term even though they are bunch of Germs
Ameristains are dreadful.


Are Europeans.



>identity evropa


they're based.

They all have horrible tie knots

try hards

gas the mods race war now

No idea. These people are clowns. Some day someone will round up all these clowns and do something useful.

If you want a white ethno state you'll have to fight for it. You won't take all of USA, Europe, Canada, UK, etc... But you could take some small portion in a war of attrition then in the final settlement of the war when the other side tires of fighting, get the ethno state you want, while the other gets a state for itself. Could see multiple fragmentation of current territories in the final settlement and border definitions.

I´m fine with it and i kinda dislike the amerimutt meme tendency.
Every nation has the right to stick to it´s origins and honor´em, even blacks should do it despite the fact they have nothing to be proud about.

>Identity EVROPA
>only amerimutts larping and going full muh heritage

Oy vey hello kikes

>French flag
You realise this was all due to the nouvelle droite correct? IE itself is a copy and paste of Generation Identity

American Ethno-Nationalism is ironically the sort of thing that could only possibly work in America. It doesn't translate well to our own brand of nationalism but it's very impressive nevertheless. The whole thing strikes me as sort of Maoist in a way, like they've deliberately eliminated the distinctions between different white groups to forge an artifical power bloc, a sort of self-inflicted cultural revolution except with less book burnings and more tiki-torches.

French posters on Sup Forums are retarded for most of them. There are some Jews and Arabs.

This. Nations are based around ethnicity and, even 100% white americans have no such thing, because, in the end, they're European mutts at best.
The idea of white nationalism is so broad it defies the purpose of nationalism, thus white nationalism is an idea that makes no sense in itself.
You're a racist civic nationalist at best.

>like they've deliberately eliminated the distinctions between different white groups to forge an artifical power bloc, a sort of self-inflicted cultural revolution except with less book burnings and more tiki-torches.
They didn't do that at all, it had already been inflicted in decades previous, the only white identity left in the US that isn't "American" is Italian and to some extent Irish, though they're weak facsimiles that have been "Americanised" to a great extent. Black identity in the US is the exact same thing, multiple African identities that were americanised, it isn't artificial to base identity on race+culture rather than ethnicity+culture, most serious European EthNats are still in favour of white solidarity


Afrikaaners are mutts yet due to the mixing of various European ethnicities reaching uniformity they've become an ethnic group, the same thing could happen given a century or so of a white nationalist America with limited immigration. Remember too that very few major countries in Europe are ethnically uniform, the UK, France, Italy and Spain among others all have multiple native ethnic groups within their own borders, I think it's clear that the essential core of a functional society is to be monoracial, homogeneity when it comes to ethnicity, culture and religion are less important but still ideal

Absolutely critical they exist if there's going to be any future for America and for white people at all they need to get bigger.
There's a constant media and government campaign to demoralise white people and facilitate their rape, murder and replacement it is vital we have people on the ground reminding them of their past history which is that of the founding race of The United States and the rightful owners.
A WN win in America is a WN win globally because of America's influence on the rest of the world and I wish them good luck, hope and the stamina we'll all need for the future.

God speed white friends and brothers.

>Afrikaaners are mutts yet due to the mixing of various European ethnicities reaching uniformity they've become an ethnic group

Do you think the same thing has happened in NZ and Australia?
My mum is from Howick in Auckland and my father from Liverpool here in Merseyside and I can tell when someone is colonial before speaking with them in some cases.

Mate a good portion are Italian and it's an homage to ancient Europe not to mention the countless American monuments and insignia written in Latin for the same reason as well as the fact they based the Republic on Rome.
What is your issue is it just that you're a bit dense or you have it in for the Americans because they're currently the most powerful?

I agree 100%. I wasn't specific enough though. If white Americans only breed with other white Americans and don't import any more immigrants (white or not), they'll eventually reach that point. I am from such a place, and even if we have 2-3 different ethnic origins, we still have some mild inbred problems from time to time (i.e higher rates of genetic illness X or Y). As for France, the UK, etc. I am on board with you, hence why I promote the balkanisation of Europe and every ethnic group should rule itself. I.E. Scotland for the Scotts, Normandy for the Normands, etc. But one could be patriotic towards the French empire, for example, as, even if there's many nations within it, they rarely mix.

>identity evropa
i laugh every time i see this cringy shit again ,stop larping as irrelivant groups and start occupying power positions like normal white conservatives .

>a good portion are Italian
All I see is a bunch of Germs LARPing in a organization run by Germs.
>it's a homage
>based on Rome
Yeah, and Mexico is based on Roma, go figure.
>you are a bit dense
No, you are the one who's a bit dense and I'm starting to think you are an American who can't tell Roman LARPing is not for Germs, let alone for Americans.
>the most powerful
"Muh power", tell me, John Gonsáles, how much time are you going to spend in the UK?

wait till we get state mandated ancestry tests and intercourse laws you little faggot

I'll just expand on this, there are 3 major ethnic lineages in America, Southern whites who are a mix of Northern English, Lowland Scots and Irish. Midwestern Whites who are a mix of Germanic people (primarily Krauts) and Northeastern Whites who are mostly English. Then you have multiple smaller populations such as Scandis in the North, Portugese in the West and Mormons who are a mix of Brits and Scandinavians
I'm with you, I don't agree with the balkanisation though, I think white ethnic groups should remain unique and differentiated but work together for greater geo-political power

Yes, most Australian and NZ whites are Anglo-Celtic, majority English with smaller Scottish and Irish admixture with some founder effect that was confounded by large waves of British immigration

The culture war, we have them, the left has antifa

Ours are superior in every single way.

Nice Masonic symbolism you got there (((fellow whites)))

Nobody ever cared as long as you're not a savage. The problem today is the media promoting savages, giving jobs to savages and putting savages in political positions... all in the name of "whateverthefuck" they call it these days.

>Can't they just be normal white american nationalists ?

This, it's not like America doesn't has hundreds of years of unique history and identity, they should use that instead of WE WUZ tier Roman/Viking/European iconography.

You're missing my point. I don't deny some of you cunts are 100% European.

hybrid vigor

Hundreds of years of white history and culture. We all agree niggers were a mistake, unless you support slavery still?


Hybrid vigour only applies to severely inbred populations with very little genetic diversity

when automation fully hits there will be mass amounts of permanently unemployed negros

Mate, you realise during those hundreds of years of unique history most of them were LARPing as the Roman republic right?

not true. any successful eugenics program would be based upon random ordered gene pairs. America has a very diverse European population with a common identity

Interesting, I had heard from a Kiwi who had large Scottish heritage that in the South Island there was a sizeable chunk of Scots, I spent most of my time in the North where I noticed a lot of people who looked mostly Anglo with a surprising amount of Blonde and red hair obviously Celtic.

Are you the type of poster that comes on just to initiate arguments with other posters?
How sad a life an individual must have to want attention that much from strangers on this board , you accuse me of being non white and use a Black American reaction image, think about that.
I said America is the most powerful because they are, a lot more powerful than modern Spain my friend, they have been on top since the end of the war which they profited greatly from that's just fact.

I'm beginning to think you're a shitskin who immigrated in to the med from Africa upset that white people are organising in America or maybe you are just a simple mind who took the medcuck joke too seriously and now you have an issue with Germanics.

Explain the Masonic relevance please I'm interested in the Occult but unaware of how that relates.

Picrelated is one of the many middle-easteners that larp as "sicilian", just like most albanians

Yeah the Otago region had significantly more Scots, they have a variation of the NZ accent that pronounces the "r" sound in the Scottish manner and they have shit like the Highland games.

Fuck off you Scouse cunt
>t. Another Scouser

What's that got to do with hybrid vigour?

They all look fucking weird mate , I wouldn't be seen with them

there is enormous potential for objective outbreeding if paired properly

>Identity Evropa
Do these fucking idiots think all of Europe is the same ethnically and culturally for its collective history?

thats why the kikes want us to race mix instead of outbreeding with other Europeans

That's very cool it's good to know they haven't forgotten their roots then.

What's tat la? Are you messin la? ye fookin woolyback muppet soft lad whopper cunt.
Do one mate.
I consider myself non white on account of being half Scouse.

What the hell, these truly are mutts.

No, the movement is for Americans of European descent

This shit again...
Ffs sake mate they aren't one type of European they are taking a pan-European approach to the basis of their identity for the sake of including all Americans under that umbrella of general European identity.

I don't see the logic in Europeans being offended on here when the Europeans in America want to pay tribute to the motherland.

Identity Evropa are some of the better ones. Decent guys.

No, it's a movement for the European diaspora in America. There is no singular European ethnic group in America, so it would make no sense to be only for "pure" Anglo-Saxons, for example.

>I consider myself non white on account of being half Scouser
This but unironically
You sound exactly like an American nigger, there is no 'European identity'. That's an incredibly typical American attitude

So are these people 2nd or 3rd generation European immigrants? Or can they trace there lineage back without any Native or Hispanic predecessors along the way? If not then they aren't European in the slightest at the rate Americans are mixed

I believe that they have a right to exist.

I believe that whites are entitled to their own nations.

I believe that the obvious double standards regarding race makes White Nationalism mandatory.

Except there is a white American identity, multiple ethnic roots with an Anglo-derived culture. What's there to be upset about.
White Americans are Euromutts, they're not racially mixed to any great extent, according to DNA studies the average white American is 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American

>This but unironically
Implying that was ironic on my part.
Northern Englanders are different race to the Southerners whom could never tame them hence why Southern bitches crave big northern cock.

>You sound exactly like an American nigger, there is no 'European identity'. That's an incredibly typical American attitude

Mate there absolutely is a European identity, it is the conscious recognition of being part of a specific people from a continent wherein European countries have had interactions with one another for many years.

When an archaeologist digs up a pot with a type of painting on it and recognises it is some kind of European that is European identity.
Do you see what I mean? It is a type of human being that a European is.

Whites in America most definitely have a culture.

Just because your Jewish sociology professor said otherwise does not mean thats true.

It's ridiculous, nations were made for a reason but know people just wan to play the (((identity politics))) game.

And when you bring it up and start questioning these retards they'll respond with an AMV of Hitler.

The dragons eye is such a cool choice for American white nationalism.
It's so fitting. The most powerful mythological creature....

Being 100% European is very rare. You don't have to be 100% of X to be a part of X. That isn't how genetics work. Genetics are determined by what genes are dominant/most prevalent. Dominance =/= 100% of X.

Purity is a meme and anyone who believes "white" has to mean 100% European is a low-IQ retard who doesn't know shit about science.

Source for these studies?
In the sense you are stating then yes I agree, I was meaning more like the sort of cunt that is 'European first, [insert nationality here] second'. I should have explained myself better, it's probably due to arguing with cunts on Facebook because I just can't help myself

I'd be amazed if the majority of people in Identity Evropa were more than 65% European

It's an interesting study, they also found Black Americans have 1/5th European ancestry on average

IE requires a DNA test as part of their entry requirements, you have to be over 90% non-Jewish white to join

Sure, but nobody thinks about fucking archaeological digs when you ask them about their identity. I doubt poles would be thrilled to consider themselves the same as germans

Judging by OP's picture, they could pass for white anywhere. Are you trolling because of the Amerimutt meme or do you have advanced knowledge of Identity Evropa's members that allows you to come to that conclusion?

It's actually true. Normal whites have been heroic warriors their entire history.
Meanwhile, the most outstanding niggers have hardly ever been kangz.

That's alright la, you seem sound to me like.
This is the problem with hopping on Americans and shouting about how they aren't European and there is no European identity for them to recognise, I don't think they're backing the EU when they make posters with Greek statues on them and write in Latin I think they're just showing admiration and respect and recognition to the type of human being they originate from.

Poles aren't the same as Germans and that's not what I mean, the WN groups should clarify that this is what they're talking about with European identity.
It's a general set of behaviours, a general kind of society and art that is produced by this group of humans it doesn't mean European identity in the EU terms which asserts dissolution of borders and cultures so that the continent can become one state and country.
I don't see the need for aggression toward white Americans who are merely paying tribute to the entire continent that they originate from.

It says in the study that it is European Americans, not white Americans in general but the study is very interesting, thanks for the link. I'm also not surprised about African Americans having European ancestry all things considered, I vaguely remember reading something about slave owners regularly selecting attractive slaves to take as sex slaves
I also didn't know this, I'll be honest I've not heard much of Identity Evropa but the more I'm learning the more they make sense. I assumed they were like your average American white nationalist but just more image friendly
It's more than a meme, it's based on US Census statistics and demographics but I was unaware of the entry requirements they have
You seem sound yourself la, as I put above I didn't actually know that much about them and assumed a lot, I'm fairly impressed by what I'm reading about them

How is that a WE WUZ thing you niggers, those guys WUZ our ancestors

Makes it feel like we're all still in high school and you remember one of those edgy clubs? yeaa
Like, I get it, but yeaaaa idk


>European Americans, not white Americans in general
That's the same thing in the way the study was using it, it's a study of white Americans not 1st gen immigrants from Europe
>I vaguely remember reading something about slave owners regularly selecting attractive slaves to take as sex slaves
I've read the same thing, also that slaves realised they could shirk work and earn privileges by seducing the master

It's a study of people who self reported to be of European heritage, again I wasn't clear. Apologies.