You wake up in 1913. Do you try to stop WWI from happening? If so, how?

You wake up in 1913. Do you try to stop WWI from happening? If so, how?

kill gavrilo princip

Do you know that there were several assassination attempts and Gavrilo was just the successful one? If not for him, there would be others. You have to destroy root-cause of it all - Jews.

You cannot stop WW1 since the European powers were already trying to find a reason to fight eachother. You may delay it, but it would have still happened!

This unfortunately. I would try but just as now you would be a raving lunatic no one would listen to you. It sucks being cassandra.


Unite the world against me.

you go to jekyll island and stop creation of the fed.

Kill Franz Ferdinand

There were too many potential flashpoints. France getting utterly, hilariously humiliated and buttfucked in the Franco-Prussian war, and the unification of Germany as a result, completely upset the delicate balance of power in Europe and meant Britain's policy of divide and rule was no longer effective. War could not be prevented by killing a single man.