what's the point of making children user ?
What's the point of making children user ?
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There is no point for you
But for whites, they are supposed to be multiplying and preserving the white race.
I ment more on a personal level user
what are you going to do with your life when you're 40 and 50, I mean sure you'll have money, but for what really?
What is so wrong with growing the fuck up and taking some responsibility and find an appropriate partner have a kid or two.
>what are you going to do with your life when you're 40 and 50
and what are you doing with kids at that age ?
Having a child:
Creating an okay adult eventually.
Adopting a child:
Eliminating a future criminal and probably creating an okay adult, but that adult also has a much higher chance of speak out against the niggetry of his own people.
having a kid is the ultimate act of vanity for a human
It is by nature a cardinal sin. The greatest and most noble act man could do would be too deny his base and animal instinct to reproduce and simply allow humanity to die off.
To save western civilization from the niggers and mudslimes
Grandchildren, helping your own kids set up their lives.
It gives you purpose, it gives you responsibility
You do not want to wake up at 40 find that you have nothing to live for, just an average job making money for nothing or no one. Why not just kill yourself at that point?
Why there should be a point?
>deny his base and animal instinct to reproduce and simply allow humanity to die off.
Sounds actually good to my ears
There’s already 7 billion people on the planet. Besides we’re at the end of humanity as we know it, a different being will rise.
>To save western civilization from the niggers and mudslimes
they make babies too
Giving my parents grand children.
>Grandchildren, helping your own kids set up their lives.
so you're saying the purpose of having kids si to have your children's kids !? oh wow
I want to have grandchildren. Will hopefully make life a bit more interesting when I'm older.
Sadly, one of my kids is autistic (very autistic, can't even talk) and the other seems a bit slower than his peers. So Yeah.. I'll probably have to take care of at least one of them for the rest of my life.
Its the ultimate act of asceticism and the final conquest of one's own base impulse.
But then how will we have enough noble men left to guide the rest of this?
You're just a loser claiming victory in defeat by arbitrarily changing the definitions.
>Why there should be a point?
to decide if whether or not you're gonna make some
enslaving your kids to do your bidding. Washing dishes, taking out the trash, cooking food, paying taxes, working for your retirement, etc
how about yourself ?
you westerners are way too nihilistic, wonder why you haven't all just killed yourselves already
Lol, just do it fagget, it's not like you have something better to do.
Knowing that my parents feel that I am living and growing normally, happily, will make me happy.
the actions of others are irrelevant to your own spiritual state senpai. You shouldn't seek to do anything but that which brings you closer to consciousness and therefore God.
Wouldn't that be not to eat or drink? No sex is infinitely easier than no food.
>Will hopefully make life a bit more interesting when I'm older.
so you're not making kids for them but for their children ?!
and also how is it making your life interesting ?
I'm not nihilist at all. In fact I believe in Eternal Life for all those who follow God's word and believe in His son. That is why I deny the ultimate act of superbia which is reproduction.
>working for your retirement
it does not work that way here in europe, other people's kid will pay for my retirement.
giving your grandchildren parents
“The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people.
And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight!
And never slacken!
And never tire!
And never lose courage!
And never despair! ”
All that is subservient to the instinct to reproduce and raise successful offspring though. It's the greatest impulse that one can deny. Man eats so that he can live long enough to dump one in some thot and have kids and grandkids etc.
child support
>Lol, just do it fagget, it's not like you have something better to do.
so the purpose of having kids is to avoid boredom ? sounds so unambitious ...
and what if I'm not bored already ?
so you make kids for others. but you dont want it for yourself as far as I understand
Well that came out a bit wrong, obviously i wasn't thinking about grandchildren before we had our first kid. Basically what happened is that my.. eh.. wife.. wanted kids and That's that. I thought "why not? Could be fun" so i went along with it.
And yes, it is a lot of fun watching them grow up, learning things and so on (at least for the not autistic one), but it sure is a lot of work. I don't think you can truly learn altruism without having kids; to put someone eldest needs prior to all of your own.
Literally none unless you are part of some dinasty or relevant family.
You know what I learned from focusing on consciousness? I learned that there is no such thing as "others". I saw what it was like to be somebody else for a split second, literally not metaphorically. A stranger randomly selected from the active members of a slow internet chat room. A 10 minute stretch of focus and I was in the head of somebody miles away.
>giving your grandchildren parents
do you intend to kill your children after they breed to become their parents ?
You know what it was like to be their surface state, but nobody knows what it's fully like to be even themselves. There are so many things that the conscious mind doesn't control which limits the person to a narrow consciousness and not the full consciousness of the individual.
I'm not a woman
I suppose that makes sense.
Got a sister who decided she never wants children (she's almost 40 now so I don't think she ever will), but Sadly she is white and smart (Mensa smart) and educated, which is exactly the kind of people we need reproducing.
Honestly you have to have them to find out, i was the type that kept on saying ill never have any and now i have 2. To me it just makes life better, i get to teach mini versions of myself about life, sometimes it's hard but whenever you show them something and they smile and laugh because they finally understood it just makes life so much better.
Mostly to give the people that I love what they want - growth and development into a man for my parents, a child and family for my woman.
I am in no rush myself, but we can't have everything we want. And I would rather my father be able to enjoy grandchildren rather than wait until later so that I can exist as a manchild a decade beyond justification.
I understand you were pushed by your wife to have kids and now making the best out of it.
skeet skeet skeet, rub my milky man meat
>part of some dinasty or relevant family.
and get your children kill you and kill each other for the heritage like seen many times in history ?
your reading too into it idiot kek
Thats probably why your so against having kids, because you couldn't get the required pussy even if you wanted to
>its pretty obvious dude...you're practically bragging about it on Sup Forums kek
Kids are fun and great company when you raise them right. And they love you and are interested in everything you can do, and are always enthusiastic to do what you're doing so you can involve them in all your wholesome activities.
I have a 5 year old son and a daughter due in march. It's not easy but having a family was always my goal. Watching them grow and learn is so rewarding, it's really difficult to explain to a nonparent though.
>Honestly you have to have them to find out
lol, no, it will be too late to decide
Earned Income Child Tax Credits, or at least that's what my irresponsible parents did so they could be nigger rich at tax time. They had 11 kids including myself between previous marriages.
so you dont want them, you just do it to please people around you
To piss off gay people
Reproducing in and of itself isn't bad, it's the reasons we do it that are bad. If one decides not to have kids and has the willpower to deny that instinct then those are the very people that SHOULD be reproducing because their kids will have the willfull nature to resist hedonism in our society. It's the great paradox of human existence tbqh. For instance if you are reproducing as an active choice for a greater cause then that is absolutely fine, however humans actions can never be truly pure unfortunately. Always tinged with some kind of impure motivation.
Kinda, Yeah. I mean, it's not that i didnt want kids, but as you will find out it's not up to you - once they decide it's time, it's time
How many of your siblings were trafficked?
204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.
205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.
everyone has had as many ancestors as you have, you are the one ending your bloodline. everyone around you is the continuation of hundreds of thousands of years of a family, yet you are the incompetent fag that is a genetic dead end.
>And they love you and are interested in everything you can do, and are always enthusiastic to do what you're doing so you can involve them in all your wholesome activities.
wait for adolescence
you can die off, more room for my kin
Well good luck to you, it's not for everyone.
just because you are weakling with no desire for life - a literal end of a bloodline - a genetic dead end - doesn't mean we all want that
allow humanity to move on without a part of you? cuck
None. We ain't that valuable.
Yes, i agree. I would have preferred to have made more of a choice (instead of just going along with what the wife decided). But of course I got a lot to teach my kids once they are older, specifically how the world works, about economy and power. About (((them))). So in a sense they will be better prepared than I was, growing up in lala-land by socialist parents who still don't understand what they've Done to our nation.
you do understand that this is basically you killing off your genes prospects - which of course is a good think if it produced someone like you
grab life by the balls and shag her, being an ascetic retard is for pussies and soibois
why would I give a fuck about my acestors ? I don't know them and they're dead
I dont care what my descendance would do in 1000 years desu
When we are talking ,babies are being born 7.bi of people and more,death of human race is a meme and overpopulation too,remember we are a different animal,if you want a kid,okay,but don't force to others.
keeping the white race alive
>it's not for everyone.
for the moment, I just try to understand why people do it
This will be the next step if I decide to have some
I want them later rather than now
But I dont control life so there isnt as much time available as I would like to waste
yes its to please people
but there is also an element of myself wanting to procreate
its a natural human desire
not for children though
all families have the same long history you moron - literally whoever is alive today has a lineage as old as any dynasty
do you want them to win without a fight?
Every child is rebellious in adolescence, I for sure was, my parents and I are on great terms since I grew up. I'm really not worried about the teenage years.
Maybe if you also have an adopted child it will teach your biological little shit some perspective.
>preserving the white race.
I ment on a more personal level
You're acting like a nigger. Suberbia is one of the deadliest sins and that is obviously your reason for reproducing or acting like some kind of retarded wannabe internet chad on a mongolian finger painting imageboard.
As long as your kids aren't fedora tipping faggots then they're fine lol.
>I want them later
explain why please, or is it just for your instinct you explained before ?
I know you are a cuck, don't asky me why you are a cuck. maybe bad parenting. you are doing us a favor
yes you know them, in fact you ARE them
I have kids. your lineage will die with you. do us a favor and end it today
I know many parents who dont see their children more than once a year when they grow up
>Having a child:
passing on the genes that made civilization actually happen
>Adopting a child:
Not passing on the genes that made civilization actually happen and instead encouraging the success of ones that have been a burden on civilization
It is by definition, being a cuck. As in the cuckoo has flown into your nest, laid an egg, it hatches, killing your own offspring, and you blindly feed the baby cuckoo in blind ignorance that it is not actually one of your species.
>You die and your species dies with you.
Couple of things I'd say western culture gets wrong
1. it devalues marriage and it's a bad idea, marriage is like 1/3 of your life
2. kids are a third of your life
3. and your life outside of kids and marriage is another 1/3 of your life
and to miss any of that is a massive mistake
Having said that i'll also say for some people missing 1 of those is necessary because they have a reason, maybe they're brilliantly creative artists and need to devote themselves to their career, or they're outstanding in some kind of way to be able to justify the sacrifice in one of these aspects. But generally speaking it's a very dangerous thing and shouldn't be done
Also kids get a terrible wrap, but they're delightful when they're well behaved. They love doing new things they love having you around and as long as you're reasonable with your kids.
Find someone you love and you can trust, weave your ropes together and then you can have children and they can have children and you can have a life man.
And you had kids out of vanity - because you thought you are good enough to be part of the genetic future of humanity? Sinful by nature. Take off that deus vult larping flag and actually practice Christianity.
well, I'm just speaking the truth.
If you take your ancestors opinion for important in your life decision, well, that's your opinion man, I just dont see why it should ever affect mine.
>in fact you ARE them
not really
Because I want time to myself first
But its not like I havent had time to myself, so its just a part of growing up
>your lineage will die with you
whats the point of carryng on a lineage exactly ? do you think it matters to the world or something ?
For me its about how i know life is short and having a family of my own that i know cares deeply about makes me feel like a have a purpose in life. Im a simple country guy that mostly hunts and fish, and knowing that i taught my son skills and bonded with him to the point that me, pretty much a nobody to other people, is a hero like figure to him gets to me and fills me with warmth.
White people don't have a voice. You have to exploit the privilege of minorities to get real change done.
there you go being nihilistic, why not just end it all now then
>and to miss any of that is a massive mistake
saying it does not make it truth.
Develop if you are ever capable of it
>Because I want time to myself first
no, it dont care if you want them later, why do you want them
Fucked if I know cunt, I am human, are you?
>well, I'm just speaking the truth.
No you're speaking your opinion but you're too fucking retarded to understand that.
We are southern folk. It's a bit different than elsewhere. My wife's side of the family too are all good southern folk. All anyone cares about is family. Maybe my kids grow up to be the oddballs, I always was an outcast of sorts when I was younger, but they'll likely be just like us. We stick together like glue, even after drunken fist fights inna woods over stupid shit.
wrong, faggot
it is how a species evolves, carrying on the successful traits through offspring and those that are less successful not.
Modern civilization has grown out of a K-selection strategy
r-selection is what undeveloped african populations still use, and you can see how much a benefit to society they are.
What exactly are you people taught in school?
Whats up Jordan Peterson
>what's the point of making children user ?
It annoys Jews and liberals. That is reason enough.