Best looking, purest character in years.
I just want him to be happy.
Yuri!!! on Ice
I swear the Pig better dick him down next episode, no mercy. I'm taking bruised hips, writhing in his own mess of cum, invoking 20 different noise complaints kind of sex. This blueballing and playing around cannot go on.
He is miraculous. Swishy hair, ripped body, adorable heart shaped smile, pretty eyes, cutest personality, I even love his shiny fivehead.
>expecting a happy ending with loving marriage
our lord georgi was right all along
i second this notion
piggy's actions this week are inexusable
how does this image make you feel?
and don't forget he's a little savage as well.
i love the little diva in him
We are truly the Armin now.
It makes me feel bad user
Best boy.
Triggered, not even being ironic.
I know Kubo will fix this and this had to happen at some point but seeing it happen is another thing entirely.
makes me want to fucking deck the pig
real ones are hard to come by
dont just throw him away T T
At this point Victor deserves tender loving from pig or we riot.
Agreed. He is perfect but you are going to trigger some fags.
>muh generic pretty boy
>muh my megane husbando no one cares about is better looking
Like my chest was ripped open, my heart gouged out, and served to me raw on a silver plate.
>tfw victor will never send hand hearts your way
What bummed me out the most wasn't even the break up cliffhanger - that was inevitable given Piggy's issues - but Fairy kicking him when he was down again. I didn't think that would happen after ep9.
No particular way because everything's going to be fine.
>High res
>long blonde hair
>ottermode body
>strong, but low stamina
>incessant need to prove himself worthy
>parents presumably dead
>raised by loving grandfather
Christ on a Otabike.
Yeah, fairy was a dick. I thought he learnt something, but he didn't learn anything. He shouldn't win gold.
fairy always does inappropriate shit
last episode he was talking shit to victor
it comes as no surprise
I actually almost forgot how savage he can be with how pure he's been lately but I actually fell in love with him at this moment
A triggering OP is always good, it keeps the thread going.
Good. Time for Yuuri to communicate his issues.
This is when I crowned him best boy in my heart.
To be fair Fairy doesn't know or realize Yuuri has crippling anxiety. Also Yuuri isn't affected by his words because he sees him as a kid. It's Victor's reactions that make or break him.
i miss this victor with a passion
Only the best for him.
Wait what, you mean him being like "another score higher than Pig's"? I kinda saw that as bantz famalam
I smell a lawsuit.
Love made him soft.
For me it was pic related.
Is Mickey still incest or has he expanded to bisexual incest threesomes?
after this episode's fuckery
all i want is victor sassing yuuri
I want Arminfags to fuck off with their ugly coconut mary sue with giant head. Since when is Armin Russian.
He's slowly slowly dealing with being closeted, give him time
I thought that, based on last episode, he only had a problem with Viktor. That was why this made me sad.
This, SNK didn't invent blond twinks.
i really don't understand fairy's character.
it's like he hasn't learned anything.
comparing from episode 1, nothing is different
>no fun allowed
Back to /snk/ you go. He's not Russian you tard, I said EUROPEAN, not RUSSIAN. And I'm not an Arminfag but nice try bringing your cancerous fingerpointing over here.
Aside from the Championship outfit, this is the only other outfit he looked really good in.
I love Otabek so fucking much Sup Forums
>replying to yourself
Wew. You know, not being able to detect sarcasm or irony is a sign of autism. Might wanna get that checked out.
Is it gay if they aren't human?
You should really fuck off. Don't think you aren't being obvious.
What is with snkfaggots and this word? Every fucking time people tell snkfags to fuck off this word comes up like clockwork. You insist you're not the same people but you have to be the same three faggots every single time, I swear to god.
that actually got my attention too. He still shows signs of it in later episodes, but his being blunt was what made him an interesting character and an interesting mentor figure.
>being this desperate for attention
Wew. Just kill yourself. Even sending replies at the same time, don't think I don't recognize your shit.
It's obviously the same attentionwhore who keeps spamming his 3 Armin pics over and over in these threads.
Agreed, user!
It doesn't matter whether it's ironic or not, don't fucking mention irrelevant characters from other series, especially shit ones.
Triggered by the inconsistently drawn hair.
Holy shit what are you people getting bent out of shape over here? It was comedic, it was framed entirely as a comedic moment. Yuuri wasn't even genuinely hurt about it.
This is becoming Sup Forums's equivalent to tumblrfats whining about Fairy calling him a Pig when not even Yuuri is bothered about it.
If you think this is true, you're not paying attention.
>replying to yourself again
>samefagging again
Wow. Enjoy your ban for being a faggot.
He was so shocked that his hair was dried by the force.
I want to FUCK China.
Yeah, he was ribbing Yuuri but I don't think he was going full tsuntsun about it. He reserves that kind of attitude for JJ and Victor.
>mfw JJ was completely BTFO this episode
I hope Otabek has great sex with Fairy.
What was his name again?
My chest feels really warm looking at all these Victors compressed onto one image. I think the heart mouth one in the upper right might be the best one, or the one in the middle with his finger under his chin.
Wow! You know how to edit. Congrats on turning five.
Johnny Jerkoff
But Yuuri was clearly bothered about it. Sure Fairy did this before, but the retard did it at a time when Pig was feeling particularly vulnerable. Not to mention he did it all because he was high on his own cockyness (MUH WORLD RECORD)
Seriously, guys just taunt each other like that. The people reading this as a genuine slight have to be either girls, way too sensitive, or both.
He learned things, but a shit will always remain a shit
I'm actually surprised that Fairy is the only character who only gets worse every episode.
Yeah you can really see all that harrowing pain in the sudden SD art style change here. Just look at him, you can practically see his soul being torn asunder.
>trying to save face on an anonymous imageboard by calling samefag
How much more pathetic can you get?
>He still shows signs of it in later episodes
I liked this bit, a lot of people didn't even seem to catch how passive aggressive and backhanded his compliments were.
I love how unexpected his personality was, I really thought he was going to be serious or egotistical since he's a living legend. Instead he's just a bundle of cute and pure with a side of savagery.
Friends or lovers, they are so cute together. I hope season 2 expands upon their new love and Otabek teaches his little Tinkerbell how to be kinder.
i mean i dont feel any type of way towards fairy, but how to fairyfags keep excusing his poor character?
>people getting this mad about bantz
Look, I know this was a hard episode for Pigfags, but this is ridiculous. He said "wwww another score higher than yours" not "I bet your dead dog is embarrassed somewhere in the afterlife"
best boy
When you love a character, you will excuse his faults. That's just the way it is.
i love piggy and he was shit this episode
>"I bet your dead dog is embarrassed somewhere in the afterlife"
He told Viktor his ring was garbage, which is pretty much on the same level.
It's been explained a million times over how Fairy has developed over the course of the series. The only person he still has an issue with his Victor, everything else is just his usual abrasiveness with no actual malice behind it. You're being way too sensitive.
It's typical tsundere behaviour that is meant as a joke just like the kick in the bench and that Yuuri doesn't take seriously because he sees Fairy as a kid. Count on tumblrinas to be triggered over literally everything.
What does that scene have to do with anything I just said? I'm telling you that him poking fun at Yuuri there had absolutely zero bite behind it and that it was clearly framed as comedic, not that he was in the right for saying that to Victor last episode. He wasn't.
Literally zero Fairyfags defended him saying that. A lot were upset at him saying that, myself included.
You know how in earlier threads it was speculated that Fairy was supposed to be more like a character from a traditional sports series than what YOI turned out to be? I guess that says something about those if this was the case.
It doesn't reflect positively on Fairy either way. It was lucky Piggy didn't take it too badly, but Yurio had no way of knowing how he'd react and he was still talking shit. Scoring badly is a big deal, I don't see why you're dismissing it like
>wwww another score higher than yours
when we all know someone scoring higher than Yurio really upsets him. He intended to be mean, it was shitty to rub it in the face of someone with a 'glass heart'.
Why can't fairyfags just accept criticism? He showed so much potential in episode 9, that's the sort of good person he is deep down so there's no big insult in saying he needs to stop being a dick.
I didn't find it funny though. It just felt rude. Maybe it wasn't over the top enough to be comedic. Yuuri's reaction to it all probably didn't help either.
I don't understand. See I think it's more than bantz, the little brat is so full of himself. Also agreed with And for some reason people keep hating JJ, who never tried to hurt anybody on purpose.
I think they're just mad over the Pig's anxiety making him retarded so they're lashing out at Fairy. It's dumb but whatever.
hmm yeah i suppose so
well if we get a season 2 i hope he chills the fuck out
How would fairy know about piglet anxiety and how desperate for a win he is. You are the one reading way too much into it.
fairyfags are literally the worst
JJ is meant for tender loving and hugs!
>muh fairy didn't do nothing wrong
Jesus. Oh well, it's okay because he'll bomb his FS.
>this entire post over one offhanded jab
Where am I again? Is this Sup Forums or tumblr?
Viktor said he wants to give something to Yuuri after he finished his SP
What is he gonna give Yuuri?
Just because you didn't find it funny doesn't mean it wasn't framed as such. Holy tumblr
i agree, user.
i wouldn't mind if fairy saw some consequences for his behavior every once in awhile
JJ is a sweet boy. he's never done anything with malice
a reality check that he desperately needs
Not even Yuuri is upset with him, just you guys. Literally just you. It never came up in his thoughts for the rest of the episode and it's never going to come up again because he doesn't care.
It's literally just you.