>claim to be "white nationalist"
>for some reason this involves worshipping Hitler and Nazis (German nationalists whose goal was hegemony in Europe)
>automatically alienate most of Europe
Why are Americans so retarded?
Claim to be "white nationalist"
Other urls found in this thread:
>automatically alienate most of Europe
You mean, Eastern Europe, where there are even less Whites than in America? Slavs aren't human.
Nice try abdul
No, I mean most of Europe, even France. Or you're now gonna claim German nationalists are loved in France?
People who can think by themselves beyond the usual propaganda don't dislike Hitler. Why would you care about constantly apologizing or justifying yourself?
Yes Hitler was a great man, yes he is a source of inspiration, and you should not care about thinking who you're going to offense with these claims, because they are true.
Stop looking down for fuck sake, it leads nowhere.
Show your flag, jew
"i am 1/16 german" amerimutts larping as germans
Nah, those people are almost without exception mentally ill trash, or Muslims.
Non-German(ic) "nationalists" who love Hitler are literally seen as subhumans by their nationalist compatriots.
Fuck, even on Sup Forums they are huge minority among European posters.
Maybe in America there are some Amerimutt trash who pretend to be Aryan, but in Europe the most serious and documented nationalists (or I should say racists, because nationalism seems a bit outdated nowadays) all admire Hitler, rightfully, for what he did.
The more you read about him, WWII, the more you discover great people from all over Europe who fought bravely, next to the Germans, against the plague that threatened them, these men who predicted what's happening today, the more you'll like or at least respect him despite some debatable mistakes.
>gets told about reality, since he never even visited Europe
>replies with some slogan and ad hominem, while posting edgy pic
Try going to Warsaw and tell people how much you love Hitler and Nazis, and post results here.
Nobody is alienating anyone by using NSDAP imagery. We only want people who educate themselves about real history, as opposed to those who would simply repeat what their sociology professor told them to think.
Poles are subhumans, dude. Why would you care? They achieved nothing because they are White niggers. They just fueled the most disastrous conflict for Europe.
This mutt meme looks more and more like divide and conquer to me.
It's pretty possible there are a lot of white Americans that are nationalist
Shocking, I know
No they don't. Why are arguing against a notorious fact?
Please name those legitimate nationalists whose voting base is in triple digits, and who praise Hitler and Nazis.
How the fuck can X (X being non-German) nationalist praise foreign nationalists?
Are you retarded, Muslim, or Amerimutt on proxy?
how about swedistan and londonistan memes?
Reported for spam.
I've traveled to France, Britain, Poland and the family land in -west- Germany
>try going into a ghetto and saying nigger
that doesn't make hitler less right, but nice meme flag
Because Americans don't have an identity. American culture existed briefly (Americana) but has now gone completely extinct because it wasn't preserved
So they just find something else to identify to
Why the choose the people that lost 2 world wars back to back and won't exist in 20 years... well, I don't know
Peterson made a nice commentary on it once, he said that the nazis were obsessed with order. So I guess most people that turn to NS are seeking for a refuge in their lives (all minorities do that)
Stop LARPing as Fascist, you're not fooling anyone, kike.
>I'm a "white nationalist" but I hate most of Europeans
The mental state of these sad clowns.
>voting base
How the fuck do you think this is a pertinent argument? Lol.
Majorities can't decide for themselves especially in times where lies are taught as undeniable truths. Like, literally, you go to jail if you talk about them.
In France I could talk about past and present brave men who supported Hitler's ambitions… Céline, Rebatet, Cousteau, Châteaubriant, Doriot, Déat… Reynouard, Bourbon, Le Lay…
You shouldn't alienate anyone by saying the truth.
This is what we called the red pill.
I used to be fooled by these lies and triggered when someone would say the name of Hitler. Not the case anymore.
Any non-Germans who go around with swastikas and glorify Nazi Germany are fucking retarded. They should be using their own nationalist symbols, not another countries
I've just assumed it was cointel from the beginning. It serves no purpose but to discourage Americans from unifying along racial lines.
to identify with*
also cool (copied from the Greco-Roman empire) traditional architecture
>most of Europeans
I hate Slavic subhumans, yes.
Real Europeans who built Empires, prosperous civilizations, armies and men were not Slavs.
>Because Americans don't have an identity
Pretty much this honestly. But the vast majority of us that are white have German ancestry and realize things here aren't quite right, to say the least, so it's not too crazy that we rally behind something like NSDAP.
Friendly reminder that jews killed JFK. Bonus red pill: the norks refusal to accept jew-run banks is why they're actually the good guys: stop eating propaganda
But you are irrelevant in this thread, you're German.
It's legitimate for a German to love Nazis and Hitler, because they were literally German nationalists.
However, when a non-German does it, among normal people such types are rightly called traitors, and more commonly mentally ill.
And why does my flag matter? Adress my writing, I won't give you a cheap way to shit up this thread by turning it into Sup Forums.
you're implying a MEME is discouraging you from unifying with your mutuals, which is a basic human need?
top kek
>real europeans
Americans who are Hitler national socialists are LARPing, Hitler's racialist fascism was one form of fascist, and fascism is contextual and organic in it's manifestation.
(Strasserism was another form of fascism in Germany, which was not racialist. In fact, the Nazis 'purged' the worker centred nationalist socialists during the 'night of the long knives'.)
The NSDAP was a form of fascism that emerged within the context of post world war Germany, Americans who want national socialism to be implemented in the US have no understanding of fascist philosophy. It's not like Libertarianism or Leninism where one form of government and economics is applied in every country. Fascism supposed to be specific to each nation's context, because it's a nationalist philosophy.
If any American national socialists want to know what I am talking about, please read...
Fascism: Total Society By H R Morgan
Fascism, Integralism and the Corporative Society By H R Morgan
they also weren't blonde """"men"""'
Why not rally behind your ancestors tho? NSDAP was a political party that doesn't exist anymore, meanwhile your heritage (or at least some of it) is preserved. Just because it wasn't the most advanced doesn't mean you can't be proud of it.
Not to mention that nazis basically destroyed Germany then and now (then with war, now with immigration)
>It serves no purpose but to discourage Americans from unifying along racial lines.
And thats why youll fix nothing.
>implying it's their fault
What the fuck is this dumb logic? Those who declared war on them are responsible for this tragedy.
Because if majority of people don't agree with you on something, you're as good as Bolsheviks or Muslims, who also want to/forced through their opinions on masses.
People you talk about are literally outcasts. Because, as I said, worshipping foreign nationalists and wishing for German domination as a non-German(ic) is literally treason.
Slavs are "real Europeans".
So yeah, if your ideology is only limited to some Europeans, then you aren't "white (European) nationalist", in this case you're Germanic nationalist.
But I'm specifically talking about types who don't acknowledge this. Hitler and Nazis are hated in most of Europe, and Germans aren't loved either.
>even subhuman mutt jannies are triggered by this
baka these snowflakes
>Slavs aren't human.
>hitler is hated in places with jewish controlled propaganda
got any more wisdom? maybe you could tell us how water is wet and the sun is hot
Don't be stupid. I'm ashamed of Europe being black.
>if you like Hitler on Sup Forums, you're exclusively an Amerimutt
>trying to turn Sup Forums against uncle Adolf
Get the fuck out, you Reddit kike.
Thanks for proving that there is someone intelligent left on Sup Forums.
The majority NEVER agrees, moron. Historical turnouts changes and events are instigated by active minorities, not by the mass.
That is also why we're against democracy. Already forgot which meme flag you've taken?
>Slavs are "real Europeans".
No they are trash, literally "slaves" (their names in French).
Because our back is against the wall and extreme measures need to be taken to preserve what little civilized white culture we still have. Something extreme like nazi symbols immediately signal to like minded people what you are getting at, even if they don't want to gas kikes race war now.
The only other cause we could rally behind would be the Confederacy, but that invokes potential civil war which basically no one wants obviously.
Invading countries and killing innocent natives had nothing to do with it, it's all jewish propaganda - even in places that hate jews like Greece and Poland--
>sees flag
oh, that explains it
Australia will dominate the world this century.
>Germans are Arya-
I'm not german though. People who praise Hitler and Nazi Germany are the ones who see beyond the retarded Allied and Soviet propaganda, wether thats an american, a swede, a chilean or a fucking Indian doesn't matter and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I would agree that people should identify with the fascist leaders of their respective countries though.
Minorities have no power though. You're willingly rendering yourself powerless
At least there are way more confederates so I guess that's something
>white people have recessive genes
>Hitler comes to power
>no one does shit
>Hitler murders his opponents
>no one does shit
>Hitler starts persecuting Jews
>some countries even refuse to let them in, no one does shit
>Hitler rearms
>no one does shit
>Hitler remilitarizes Rhineland
>no one does shit
>Hitler annexes Austria
>no one does shit
>Hitler demands part of Czechoslovakia
>French and British literally give it to him
>Hitler forgets he promised no more expansion, and occupies the rest of (non-German) Czechoslovakia
>Hitler demands territory from Lithuania
>he gets it, no one does shit
>Hitler demands territory from Poland
...and that's when French and British realized he's not stopping, and that if they don't stop him he'll build an empire which will become European hegemon.
Hitler declares war on Poland, and British and French who guaranteed Poland respond.
So literally kill yourself, you dumb nigger.
>im a 100% ethnically pure french and can relate to my ancestors who were the founders of the western civilization you subhuman slav filth
>people that follow the ideology I follow as well are the only ones that are enlightened and everyone else is ignorant
replace enlightened with progressive and ignorant with bigoted and you're the average feminist kek
>b-but slavs are uneducated subhumans
>b-but slavs are not white
>b-but slavic women are whores and coalburners
>b-but b-b-but
Non-whites are not a minority though, pure whites with nationalistic tendencies are the minority in this godforsaken shithole. That's the problem. We still manage to keep the ship sailing, for now, but that's about it. The ship WILL sink. When that happens I think we will wake up, but for now it's just kind of a nasty situation.
>founding western civilization
Fascists were Italian Nationalists whose goal was hegemony in the Mediterranean yet you proudly use their flag.
>killing innocent natives
>not jewish propaganda
they deserved it.
>I would agree that people should identify with the fascist leaders of their respective countries though.
That's the irony.
American nationalists wanting to implement a German form of nationalism.
It makes no fucking sense, and immediately tells me that they haven't done any research into nationalist or fascist philosophy.
>when that happens I think we will wake up
if the ship has already sinked, wouldn't that be of no use? IF you wake up, that is.
>be german
>want german nationalism
Yeah makes no sense at all
>implying that Napoleon would have anything but contempt for modern France
He was also a friend of Poles and an enemy of Germans, so you kinda invalidated your whole point.
>The Jews won't take over my country
>Sup Hitler just so you know, after taking over my country, how do you like your dick sucked bruh?
>UK, USA, USSR proceed to kick Germany's shit in, Nazi Germany won't surrender to the allies would rather see them get literally fucked by the USSR
>Hey guys France here, did you see my awesome useless resistance? Damn we're bad ass have you got time to listen to how awesome we were before we got our shit kicked in in 6 weeks
Nice divide and conquer tactics shill, sage
Yes? Does that surprise you? We're not mutts in Europe, subhuman.
They "did" shit even power he came in power.
German press, cinema… everything was controlled in majority by the Jews. Propaganda against Hitler was very strong. Why do you think he was anti-semitic? And why do you think people in Europe supported the discrimination measures? They were sane and normal.
Also, en.wikipedia.org
About the territories, Hitler just wanted to unite German people under the same banner. To destroy what Versailles butcherers have done. Austrians are Germans, vast parts of Czechoslovakia were Germans (this made-up state was going to destroy itself either way with the ethnic tensions), the Polish corridor and Danzig was controlled by the NSDAP since 1935… everything was legitimate.
So literally educate yourself, dumb kike-lover.
Yes, but my friend, we are 300+ million, and while you're getting replaced by Muslims, we are ethnically stable more or less.
If hypothetically your German idols (who are now mostly nu-males and soyboys) tried anything, Poles alone would crush them in the span of few weeks.
So be a good boy and forget about Lebensraum and all that bullshit. Your fantasies are simply obsolete, you're out of touch.
Besides, "inferior" people raped the best you had in East, even when led by retarded commies.
So we have demonstrated our "superiority", by virtue of winning.
Reminds me of that one French that was shilling for the maginot line for days, when the germans just WALKED AROUND IT kek
>American nationalists wanting to implement a German form of nationalism
literally no one, not even un-ironic nazis, support this idea. the only ones who even suggest the notion are jews and useful idiots who are using strawman. point to 1 (one) example of someone making the argument to implement german nationalism in america
Nice reading comprehension there.
Opinion discarded. You just showed how subhuman you were, rejecting actual Whites to save your pointless shithole.
>we're not mutts in Europe
that's correct, you're 100% niggers
>we are ethnically stable more or less.
So that's it, you're a Slav trash. I knew it. Kill yourself.
>y-you don't want to suck German cock like I do, s-subhuman
The absolute state of French people.
>The Polish corridor was rightful German clay
kek slav trash btfo
>hurr you're just like le feminist XDDD
Off yourself you goddamn fucking retard.
Praising Nazi Germany =/= Wanting an exact copy of NatSoc within america.
>It makes no fucking sense, and immediately tells me that they haven't done any research into nationalist or fascist philosophy.
Yes i agree and i hope most people are aware that every form of Fascism needs to be implemented differently within a certain country. America needs more Rockwell.
At least one of you isn't coward enough to not hide himself. :^)
Are you ashamed of your flag, OP? I would if I was a Slav, too.
I've been in Poland, Ukraine, Hungary… these subhumans aren't worth the fight, really. There are notable exceptions, but no more. Only Czechia was decent for ethnical reasons.
American Europeans aren't German. They aren't German ethnically, or culturally. They are a mix.
Yet some American Europeans want to implement a German form of fascism/nationalism. It's LARPing.
Fascism requires understanding the historical and contemporary context of a nation, it has core principles, but 2 of the principles is contextualism and pragmatism. American Fascism in the 21st century, needs to be different to post world war 1 Germanic fascism.
>aren't worth the fight
Neither is your country, judging from the state of it.
>Says the non Italian using the flag created by Italian nationalists who wanted to recreate the Roman empire and invaded other countries in doing so
Zero self awareness
This is a slide thread.
>were not mutts in europe
Maybe. But at least the autochthonous aren't human filth.
I'm not praising Italian fascists though, it's just a meme flag.
He is a butthurt Pole, in case you didn't notice.
This is what I always say: do NOT trust the Slavs. They're not racists, nor White nationalists, because they're different from us, they're inferiors. They'll never be viable allies. I hope that's clear now.
You will be soon. Diversity breeds degenerate mudsharks.
Both of my parents are German, so yes I am German. I can't claim to be a NSDAP member obviously but I am 100% for that kind of movement and want to include other whites/Europeans in it. If you aren't American, you don't fully understand the fucking hell we are living in dealing with this problem. There is no easy solution and we don't have a leader.
Why do I have the feeling you're Albanian?
>point to 1 (one) example of someone making the argument to implement german nationalism in america
Here you go...
But, you've already shown how you are going to dismiss the above by calling the 'Jew and useful idiots'. So no matter what you read, you are still right.
>nice reading comprehension
What do you mean? You had two points:
>Slavs are subhuman
>Only western europeans are white and make civilisation (showing Napoleon)
I'm pretty sure Napoleon didn't consider Poles subhuman, otherwise he wouldn't enlist their help in military affairs.
And fact of the matter is - modern France has nothing in common with Empire of France, however has everything with French Republic of 1791-1799, the same state that Napoleon opposed.
Shills got BTFO
>German nationalists whose goal was hegemony in Europe
You're not fooling anyone with this MSM discourse, CIAnigger.
American nazism is not the same as implementing german nationalism, but I wouldn't expect that kind of intellectual nuance from a slav subhuman
Their goals and ours aren't and weren't conflicted.
Plus they have very nice aesthethic.
The pic isn't related to this discussion. It was just to show a little aspect of what the French civilization achieved.
You can ally with subhumans occasionally for particular interests. You think we didn't have alliances with niggers or chinks, too? Same for Poles.
I don't know, but you're very bad at guessing. I'm French for centuries, I can go back in my family tree beyond the 16th century. What about you? Your grandfathers starved so you don't know?