i identify as gender non binary, feel free to ask questions, trolls will be ignored, i feel like not a lot of people take the gender revolution seriously, its really sad, denying my gender identity is like denying my existence, biological sex is a social construct, i can provide evidence to back up my claim so dont even bother...
Non binary here, Ask Me Anything about gender identity and biological sex
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you medicate your mental illness?
Which is it, biological or social?
do you think this is plebbit degenerate?
when 99% of anything is one way and you are another, you are literally an aberration
how does it feel?
Why are you an attention whore?
So, do you suck dick?
What is your preferred method of execution?
Have you been molested or mistreated in any way when you were a kid? Were you raised by one parent or both? Do you suffer from any other mental illnesses like depression?
Was the molestation of your female half when you were a child by your father the reason why you now suck cock and now identify as nothing because you feel yourself to be a worthless morsel on this world?
What's it like not believing in the base-2 numeral system.
As usual, post tits.
What's it like not responding to a single comment here even though you posted an AMA for us to question your mental illness that was derived from several years of sexual abuse in your household?
We gave you an inch, you took ten miles. It's time to go back to the fucking closet with you. We're done.
Do you know who coined the term gender and what he did?
What can you tell us about your chromosome disorder/ intermediate genitals?
Looks like a teacher from uni. Thanks for the nightmares
Chromosome disorder? This faggot has the normal amount of Chromosomes, I shit you not he can probably breed. It's just his mental state is so fucked up beyond belief that he now feels like he's literally nothing. His father fucked him in the ass so many times that now he lives his life wishing to be inexistent
Hi I'm John Binary. Do you suck dick in bathroom stalls because you were molested as a child too? How do you supress the urges to molest children? Is it with drugs and alchohol or a restraining order?
Nigger respond to a fucking comment or I'm saging.
racism is a mental illness, so you should be the one seeking treatment, its always the cis genders straight white guys, genetically racist.why not ? why should i fear looking feminine ? i am non binary.fuck u.feels good man.cuz i feel like it, what can you do about it sweetie ;)lets keep it pg13 here fuck uits not your fucking business what occured in my household during childhood, it wasnt easy, i bet all you cis gendered white men wouldnt be able to make it, i was strong and more "manly" than u.
I already asked that question 4 times faggot. That little shithead is responding to me
Why don't you stop being such an attention whore?
i didnt live with my father [CITATION NEEDE]fuck u i am responding faggot
you deserve to be hanged you fucking faggot
Low quality bait. This was not what I wanted.
You're not really serious about being non-binary.
You're only broadcasting your mental illness because no one is giving you attention.
The social construct you're denying came from generations upon generations of agreed rules and wisdom just so you can be born in this world which you ungratefully take for granted.
People give a shit because you're destroying the pillars that keep this civilization running; they will not have any of your temper tantrum.
You just want it all to burn down because you're a useless piece of shit who can't find its place in this world.
Throwing reality into chaos won't change any minds, you niggerfaggot.
You need to work on your baiting abilities. You obviously haven't levelled up to the point of being able to bait effectively. You have failed. Try Again.
Also... ofc you don't live with your father anymore. Daddy issues breeds mental discapacity
>its always the cis genders straight white guys, genetically racist
This is a racist statement
>what can you do about it sweetie
Nothing, just curious. Are you good?
Look asshat you/we need to ask it with more luv and lulz if we are going to get anything
are you male or female?
what ur calling "gender" is your quirky name for your special snowflake personality.
fuck off the board, why so much hate. you know people with this amount of hate are probably still not true with their sexuality or gender identity, its okay, its a awkward time for everyone at first sweetie ;)
It is wrong to ask others to support, or even participate in your mental illness.
Ok i'm sorry. Could you please tell me what made you feel that you were neither gender.
You're full of shit, If you are going to fake being a fag to get a reaction go to another website.
Nigger stop assuming everyone here is a cis straight white man
which form of suicide will you be partaking in
XX or XY?
Kill yourself you worthless, deranged, mentally retarded, faggot.
I hate you
Since gender is a social construct, does that mean you think being gay is a choice (since biological men don't exist to be attracted to).
>MFW SJWs are more like hardcore Christians than any other group.
Serious question, how can you make the claim that biological sex is a social construct? You say you have evidence and I would appreciate it if you would present some of that evidence.
I understand the argument that gender is a social construct and that it is a flexible spectrum. To some extent I even agree with it. But biological sex is not a social construct. It is biologically quantifiable in virtually every single vertebrate species on earth. If you want to reject the gender norms associated with that sex, that is where social constructs come into play. But biological sex itself isn’t a social construct any more than blood type or height is.
yeah dont you worry about me ;) i get more dick and pussy than you, i mean i am an attention WHORE after all according to you
I just want to say, I'm sending my love to you. Don't let these misogynistic racist sexist anti-Semitic homophobic, transphobic, transracists bigots get to you queen. LIVE GURLL LIVE... SLAY THESE NAZISS GURL
I 2 have an identity issue. I identify as a multi-millionaire so someone better give me at least 5 mill or Im gonna scream DISCRIMINATION and start suing!
I'm the one who said that, not the other moorish rapebaby
so you believe in this degenrate comic then ?
>its not your fucking business what occured in my household during childhood
thats a yes
funny how many faggots were diddled by daddy or uncle dan
All jokes aside, that's a retarded analogy that that autist is making.
That thing literally said it no longer lives with it's dad.
When did you start believing this about yourself (not when did you know you weren't the same as everyone else) when did you recognise yourself as "non-binary?" are you a biological hermaphrodite?
of course, Biology, logic, reason or any sense of rationality doesn't exist to SJWs
part deux
because im not brainwashed by society into thinking that im supposed to act a certain way because of whats between my let, i am free to act how i really am, not how i was taught to be, i am non binary and my genitals are for sex, not identification its simple logic that people lack because they lack the IQ to realize they are in a socially constructed racist, sexist, homophobic society constructed by generations of brainwashing with misinformation. if you lack simple logic its okay, your intelligence is inferior and your easy to manipulate. simple as that, now that i answered your question, are you going to actually have a smart thing to say that we can debate about ?
The only way you could choose your gender in terms of human technological advancement is by castrating yourself, changing yourself from a male or female to a non-gendered person; this isn't changing gender per say but removing it. Think of it like removing a parameter, flag or tag from a line of code. So far not even hormone-replacement therapy or vanity surgeries can cause a male to stop producing sperm and begin producing eggs or a female to stop producing eggs and begin producing sperm.
One can say gender is not equivalent to sex per say; however, it is accurate to state that your sex (chromosomes) determine your gender by producing hormones and chemicals that causes your body to create gamete-producing organs that are either male or female: that's not to say an external factor couldn't cause your body to change gender outside of your chromosomes (e.g. hormone treatments, virus, stem cells, toxic waste, organ transplants); however, such ideas are only theoretical and have not been proven successful in changing gender. Most people confuse getting cosmetic surgery, hormones, even changing behavior with changing gender; however, that has no bearing on the production of sperm or eggs which is fundamental to being male or female. Additionally some people believe a castrated person to still be male or female; in this instance on a fundamental level they have become non-gendered. What most people today think of gender is actually gendered-behavior. Gender itself of all organisms regards producing sperm or eggs in reproduction, with hermaphrodites not being a third gender but actually consisting of both genders and non-gendered with neither.
At what age were you sexually abused?
Why are you proud of being neurodivergent?
You might be wondering the gender of someone with a faulty Y-chromosome that causes them to develop female physical attributes. They are commonly called hermaphrodites; however, this is false on the fundamental level, unless they produce both sperm and eggs. If they have a perfectly non-functioning Y-chromosome (henceforth XYpnf) then the body will develop just like an XX would - including producing eggs. In this instance, XYpnf would be female: they produce eggs, they cannot fertilize other female eggs, and they can be fertilized by male gametes (this would have a high infanticide rate as there is a 25% chance of a YYpnf paring, causing inability for development of the zygote and death of the fertilized egg).
But what of a semi-functioning Y-chromosome (henceforth XYsf)? Just apply the same rules as mentioned prior. Does the XYsf produce eggs? It's female. Does it produce sperm? It's male. Same for dysfunctioning X-chromosomes. Many biologists will say a certain species may produce a male or female based on it's chromosomes; however, this is only broadly speaking, as "errors" in the code might not make it so for individuals within the collective.
Well your claim of biological sex is a social construct is bullshit/obvious bait - but explain to me this: If you're non-binary then you're necessarily not male or female - so do me a favor and DEFINE male/female and what you mean by not being either of these.
That is how everyone feels you stupid faggot
Does not exist.
If you truly think you're 'nonbinary,' then you are mentally ill. If you're a trendy, you're retarded (and mentally ill).
Biological sex is not a social construct, which is why you can find the bones of a human being and be able to tell whether it was male or female.
I think... you've convinced me. Honestly you made a lot of assertions in an extremely condescending manner, and also to believe you're the one who isn't brainwashed when you're literally following what is now considered to be trendy in today's society is very telling of the dichotomy of the extreme left and the extreme right. Sorry queen, but rupaul isn't quaking.
Post boipussy or gtfo
What if I told you that society isn't actually telling anyone how they are supposed to act based on their sex, and if you think that it actually does you're literally insane?
"I don't follow social norms"
No such thing. Prove me wrong. There is no "social" definition of male/female there is only sex and gender expression - expressing ambiguously doesn't mean you're neither.
ur gay lol
Also, I'd prefer if you didn't use retarded buzzwords such as social construct, because it doesn't make you sound smart by saying that. Yes we know a lot of things are social constructs, it doesn't validate your argument. And jesus christ if you're going to call something racist,sexist and homophobic please give examples. And in a "debate" i'd rather you not be extremely condescending.
>Whether something is true or not depends on not the argument itself, but rather if the person giving an argument is a dick.
You snipped your balls off and sliced your dick because someone said
>Don't do that, you idiot!
didn't you?
this is a really good example of my claim, this retard assumes the gender of individuals by their genitals, women can have penises and men can have vaginas if they identify as that, using genitals for identification is a true example of how brainwashed our society is.
Its not serious.
Its fabricated bullshit that liberals and jews invented to kill off all the whites.
Hitler was right about people like you.
Every fucking day, you god damn subhuman liberals never fail to prove to me that Hitler was right in every mother fucking way.
>trolls will be ignored
>immediately responds to trolls
I know, the joke is on me because the thread itself is bait.
Men= Act more macho, tend to have a lot more bravado, you can see it in many animal species, the specific differences in both males and females in how they interact and how they're just plain different. However I do agree that women were never as "feminine" as they are now. I don't appreciate the fact that women are now supposed to be so weak and not be as head strong as they used to be. Ironically, I'm talking about Hitler's period.
>i get more dick and pussy than you
I can't say I fully envy you
I'm more like .. half jealous
Also I didn't call you names, just asking questions
Do you like to dress as a woman?
I didn't say that at all. Dude... please don't be a dickhead. Read every comment I made after that.
That's the only thing I agree with you on, the fact that women used to be a lot more "masculine" and less pussified.
>biological sex is a social construct
sure and eyesight is another social construct. My God i pity ppl like u and im so disgusted by whats happening to clueless fags like u who actually want to push their degeneracy onto us. It's just another proof of how unhappy and miserable you are cuz if ud be truly happy u wouldn't bother trying to convince us ur normal ,ud just live ur happy newfound life but we all know ur living in a fragile life build and tied to ur pitiful self-esteem. Fuck off go live in some woody area, and no contact with civilization.
Also this is the definition of gender you guys like to use so much
the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"
really ? this absolute shit is your response ? lmaoo i expected something actually intellectual and rational, you disappoint me user, and you think the gender revolution is trendy ? lmaoo you are a fucking retarded brainwashed cis gendered dumbass, you cant even have a valid point to be debated which shows me why you dont know what youre talking about, trans people have been around for thousands of years, if you did your research you would've known.
When were you diagnose with mental illness?
(and where did your daddy touch you?)
Also, everybody here makes the distinction between gender and sex. However they're both tied together. Sex is the genitalia whilst gender is the Social, Cultural part of said sex. Also I didn't mean to say bravado, meant to say more masculine.
I do know that. I don't believe that to be true in Europe but I know in India they have a 3rd gender who is supposed to be a prostitute. Also their use for the 3rd gender is religious, are you going to mix religiosity with gender now? Also like I said, don't be a condescending smug twat.
>tfw mentally ill and realize giving in to illness achieves nothing
I wonder what they choose to do with their lives next
I think you're statistically wrong, and blatantly sexist to say that "men = act more macho" Do you have any evidence for this claim?
To say that gender is a social construct is to say that the "macho acting" are the men, not the other way around, and I don't think either claim is actually tenable.
You can't define these kinds of categories based on social psychology - it isn't possible because there's too much variance between individuals especially in a free society. On an individual psychological level - "gender" is, technically speaking, a matter of unconscious categorization of strangers that takes place as part perceiving an individual, and has absolutely nothing to do with "social standards." and everything to do with individual lived experiences generating perceptual bias.
And I made many points and even corrected myself. You're jumping from point to point and only picking comments you can bounce off from. In all honesty I don't even believe you're being honest, you're probably just bait.
>denying my gender identity is like denying my existence
>having your entire consciousness and self-identification built around some genital themes, made up or not
Youy're true untermensch, lower than nigger or abo, even lower than a woman. Put yourself out of your misery.