Dokdo is Korean
It belongs to jersey, bickering asians can't keep track of it, we might as well have it
dokdo is our soul
remove all the japs and protect our lands
I'll support that, if you'll support that Hans' Island is Danish.
Isn't it fun with these little border disputes over lifeless rock.
Go fuck off and archive some liberal news articles.
we need to install a permanent comfort woman statue on dokdo, and then the japanese will stop attempting to steal dokdo from us.
I know why South Koreans are so obssessed with 竹島 that you want to call dokdo.
You all want to make your coutry's sin right, don't you?
李 承晩 not only pirated takeshima but also genosided Korean people, right?
You just make the sin right.
You all are piece of shit
I love you too. Can you just give us our shitty Island then we can kill Chinese together?