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holocaust survivors get younger and younger
So another check for the Mccain Institute. ISIS needs money?
he was born around 1934, the holocaust was at its height in 1943. what's your issue, pasty friend?
It makes me wonder if (((they're))) going to someday try to pull the comic book sliding timeline thing.
>6 Million jews died in the Vietnam conflict when Germany decided to join in for no reason.
How do you survive a gas chamber? Does he mean was just Jewish at the time, and is still alive?
pick one
I believe just being jewish and "alive" during the same time period is all that is required.
>holocaust survivor
>liberated by American troops
>liar pledges money to charity
He probably won't follow through.
"holocaust survivor" is commonly used to describe someone who survived the persecution, expulsion and genocide of the jewish people in WW2 by the nazis, so basically anyone who was jewish and lived in europe and some parts of north africa in WW2
Anyone who has heard the phony Holocau$t™
SIX million times and hasn't committed suicide is a SURVIVOR of Jew propaganda.
I have a question for you, jewbro
Do you all hate us europeans?
I really want to know because i know jews in the west hate white people but how do israeli jews see this?
Why would you expel AND genocide?
Why do either though? Didn't the Jews help rebuild post-Armistice Germany and make it prosperous again?
nah i'm pretty sure it's practically used to describe any jew so he don't have to fear criticism.
at least all jews use it constantly for such purpose...
hundreds of thousands if not millions of israelis visit berlin, barcelona, prague, london, budapest and amsterdam annually, does that make sense if israelis hate europeans?
Israelis at their best are decent people. They just want their own country and everyone else to fuck off, I don't blame them for that in the slightest.
It's the Internationalist Jews who are the problem. Hasids and those like them don't really cause problems either.
yeah i bet you encounter it every single day in poland
The youngest known holocaust survivor, Herbert Weinstein, aged 45, can be seen here shuddering at the zoo's bear and eagle exhibit
He is one of the now 23 million survivors of the 8 million European jews of 1938-1944, at least 6 million of which were killed by masturbation machines and giant slice em dice em flooring
funny how rich all these survivors are
it really pays
that 1 mil really makes up for the destruction of society. I guess Ill leave Sup Forums now and go see the new marvel movie
>does that make sense if israelis hate europeans?
Well i mean, one does not exclude the other
Im asking because you guys would know what its like to be persecuted and we have a common enemy that seeks to overthrow the world we share.
Europeans and Israelis want the same thing, a country to call home and for people who want to hurt us to fuck off so lets work together to reach this goal
Somebody holocaust me so i can be a millionaire shit.
yup, there are still loads of parasites in Poland
some of them even have their whole newspapers that keeps reminding us how antisemite we are.
This was discussed at length among the alt right, weeks prior to charlottesville. Look what happened. And unironically it was a jew who got their servers shutdown after cville too.
That is 1/3000 of what American tax payers give to Israel a year
you forgot to change to a meme flag
his issue is that Israel has been getting US AID money for decades, and "Holocaust survivors" have been getting monthly checks from Germany since the end of the war, so who's money is he giving the troops?
He got rich dodging the oven by pushing others in.
>In 1951, Israeli authorities made a claim to the four powers occupying post-war Germany regarding compensation and reimbursement, based on the fact that Israel had absorbed and resettled 500,000 Holocaust survivors. They calculated that since absorption had cost 3,000 dollars per person ($27,681 in today dollars), they were owed 1.5 billion dollars ($13,800,000,000 in today dollars) by Germany. They also figured that six billion dollars worth of Jewish property had been pillaged by the Nazis, but stressed that the Germans could never make up for what they did with any type of material recompense.
>Israel had absorbed and resettled 500,000 Holocaust survivors
>500,000 Holocaust survivors
>They also figured that six billion dollars worth of Jewish property had been pillaged
>six billion dollars
six billion for the six million, goy!
hand it over!
Jews Jewing Jews?
Im in. Where do I buy frisbee hat?
Only one? Why not six?
Daily reminder that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was built 11 years before the National World War II Memorial.
plot twist - National World War II Memorial was built not even a single year after WWII
The Nazis wanted the Jews gone and didn't really care how. They only left them to rot in camps because other countries realized what happens when you take in Jews and refused to let Germany expel them.
Publicly announcing your charitable donation is probably one of the more tacky and gauche things one can do.
Pol is retarded when it comes to Jew's. As someone who lives in a Jew infested area, I know many good patriotic Jew's. You've got based Israeli Australian Jews like Frank Lowy who warned us about Arab immigration and then you got your Aussie right wing Jew's like Linfox, who begged Australians to have more kids. Thens your leftist globalist kikes and Zionist subverters. It's kinda like the difference between niggers and respectable blacks. There are good Jew's out there. But there's also many bad Jew's. Pol need to realise this.
Is that even a plot twist at this point?
It's more like what you would expect.
Fuck off Levi. Australia for white folk and Asian qt 3.14s
Why are there so many survivors?
I view the based right wind jews the same way i view the other based rightwing minorities.
they can go be based and rightwing in their own damn countries.
Everyone who didn't die is a survivor, there were millions.
> rob 100 million from veterans
> give 1 million to charity
> juice did nuffing wrong
> hur durr goyim must believe in holococks
“When you give … do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3).
just as Hitler said, when they do something "good" they show it to everyone so they can know how good the jews are
I'm.not Jewish,but I'm not retarded enough to turn against a very industrious minority who've contributed to Australias prosperity and who've been model minorities. Australian Jew's are good people. I agree there's something wrong with Jew's in America, and Europe, but most Jew's in Australia arent like that. My cousin married a Jewish man so I know enough.
Frank Lowy, the richest Jew in Australia, warns Australians about taking in middle Eastern migrants during the migrant crisis when the world media were forcing muh good migrant narrative down our throats. Got shoahed by the leftist media for it.
Lindsay urges Australians to have more kids or see their country be overrun by foreigners .
Odd how he waited 83 years to say thank you.
Yes, so Israel can be a superpower, when all the useful apolitical jews, who had nothing to do with the kikes waging a cultural war on whites, migrate to Zion and take all their capital, IP, research and Nobel prizes with them, and your country will have to suck even more Israeli cock to secure trade deals. I'm now convinced you guys are a Zionist psyop
>Have 999 million
>Give one away
Virtue signal!
Donating a tiny portion of his stolen Nazi shekels to US army goons
Fuck jews