Why are people so worried about population decline? Pic so related
hardmode: dont mention a jewish genocidal conspiracy
Why are people so worried about population decline? Pic so related
hardmode: dont mention a jewish genocidal conspiracy
who would win
>millions of old people with expensive medical bills and needing billions in pensions and govt. benefits
>3 Japanese dudes under 35
African pop is rising tho
this, japan must import 65 iq africans STAT
If the west collapsed, and (((foreign aid))) ceased, that would literally stop.
low intelligence, high violence population is still exploding
while high intelligence, low violence population is barely at replacement levels
>gee I wonder what could possibly go wrong
I'm waiting for the biggest mass starvation/plague in history to break out over there
We're being replaced with third world niggers.
The economy is a ponzi scheme - you constantly need new people to "buy in" to support those already in.
only because the west carpet bombs africa with pallets of rice and corn