What if you could genetically alter humans to create a truly universally superior race?

Right, so I noticed a lot of people here on Sup Forums have a real hard on for genetic superiority etc. So I have a serious question.

Would you be in favor of genetically engineering ' perfect ' humans? The consequences being all other races being removed and replaced with deviations of this superhuman to maintain genetic diversity.

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White people already exist.

But you can, and that's what's gonna happen really soon. We'll all be a universally superior mixed race.

>White people already exist.

Ok retard lemme put this in a way you'll understand. If white people were genetically ' perfect ' would they be able to have instances of disability or cancers like yourself?

Is that Mark Zuckerberg in 7th grade?

The Chinese are already using CRISPR genome editing.

You been living under a rock?

not everybody reads the Xinhua news like you chinks, Chen.

Based Waffle
Everything can be broken.

>> jLpq0GbR
>Everything can be broken

Yea but it can break less. How many mentally unstable, cancerous or just outright disfigured whites or blacks or asians are there? You can fix that with the proper research into genetic alteration.

And yes, I've never used this website before - literally came here to have this discussion cause anywhere else you get labelled a racist before any meaningful discussion can occur.

it is not possible to produce genetic material from scratch. the only was to produce a more fit human is through the practice of Eugenics where selective outbreeding results in the most amount of random mutations for a population to select from. The culture a society adopts will determine which genes are selected through pair bonding that will result in a given adaptation.

populations evolve not people

>It is not possible to produce genetic material from scratch.

That is very true. However what you can do is identify specific genes associated with certain traits and substitute them in say sperm and egg cells.

So if you wanted to remove for example cystic fibrosis from the population you introduce this slight edit to sperm cells in a male or egg cells in a female via an altered virus. From here if the two were to reproduce the child wouldn't contain the gene that causes cystic fibrosis.

Now if you were to broaden this it could over time be used to encapsulate other things such as intelligence, physique and psychological tendencies.

Now if you were to perfect and perfect enough times this new human wouldn't be able to breed with modern humans thus making a separate genetically more resilient species - effectively accelerating the process of evolution and maybe even pushing it in a better direction.

tl;dr you can single out individual flaws and correct them using a template from another person. Basically creating a race of people born from templates of the optimal genes obtained from various people globally.

Actually, I had that in mind when making this post. I get that in china this is allowed as they're more lax on morality laws n such which is why it's allowed. However, it's relatively ineffective if just one country does it.

Make everyone Russians v.1917

Simple answer is yes, however I do believe that even within a population of designer babies a certain amount of both caution and leeway at very least in the stored genetic material is needed just in case certain useful traits were accidentally bred out.
Better way of putting it is yes but not until we fully understand the genome and can actually do something like that. In the mean time eugenics accomplishes a crude form of that


>proceeds to create genes from scratch



wats this eh

it will happen
niggers will be removed from the human DNA

second post
best post

and /thread

>30 years from now
>super advanced female androids
>artificial womb + CRISPR
>new golden age
I feel kinda bad for women but it seems like in the future they will become completly absolete while world is run by Thor looking men with an IQ of 200 average.

You say that but because back in ye olde days slaves were actually bred - consciously or not by the conditions they worked under - to be more hardy workers you'll find that they'd probably have some kind of gene that attributes to raised muscle density etc.

Plus you're not taking into account that in harsh regions such as africa and even parts of australia a higher melanin count is beneficial for resistance to developing various skin cancers.

There is a reason they evolved to have dark skin and it wasn't just for some good night camo.


Absolutely. Hell, it's an area I'm running a study on. Unfortunately we're very limited by ethics panels here in the West but I expect to see some extremely compelling research coming out of China in the next few decades.

Obviously there are problems with the idea of replacing everyone with a genetically superior race (superior in what way? Who decides? Risk of introducing unexpected vulnerabilities, lack of diversity, etc) but essentially improvement of the race is something we have a moral obligation toward (the same as each individual has a moral obligation to personal excellence).

>tfw no genetically-engineered superhuman gf

Looks jewish desu


Daily reminder that Whites serve as Black's punching bag.

These things come in cycles. Whites have done pretty well for themselves up till now, but it's all over for them.

is that anzu?

superiority is only subjective to the climate the species inhabits, what is effective in one clime is not necessarily effective in another

adding to this, we have no idea what is a proper adaptation for a technological clime like we are currently inhabiting- in short, do nothing for fear of human fallibility fucking it all up forever- again.

nah, anzu looks like a retard child with a swollen face t b h

this is the girl: instagram.com/nicoleeeveedavis/

Yes. Eliminating the races would help tremendously. The question is, who decides what's superior and what isn't?

Of course, and then furries.

no, i don't care about homogenizing the world and it would illiberal to force other populations to improve their offspring
the future is much less controlled than this

That's readily apparent, faggot.

perfection doesn't mean anything; species adapt to environment and this is a dynamic process
some genes that result in disease also confer advantages against other diseases, which has motivated the preservation of these genes in different populations
there will be no terminal state of mankind's development, even with genetic engineering

Whites have the best mixture of aesthetics, intelligence and creativity, and they have thousands of years of civilization behind them to speak for it, so I think the choice is clear.

So I'd say just take whites as a base model and amplify all the desirable attributes.

blow it out your ass

Make furries real


He knows

>pink hair
>nose ring
>absolutely degenerate.

GMO humans sound interesting and positive but what about negative mistakes?

Lead injections sound a good fix for those situations


What if we genetically engineered albinism? Then everyone can be as white as humanly possible.

There will always be naggers that say playing god and shit ...but in the future for things like space travel it will be necessary, as the standard human form just can't take long duration space flight.

I believe that one day we will.

You will only end up creating abominations no matter how beautiful and smart they are. They are not humans.

By "whites" you mean Anglo-Saxons right? Aka the race to have the biggest empire in history, the race of our founding fathers and the original Romans?
>inb4 we wuz
Slavs are not white and never will be white.

I support Genetically Engineering Asian Waifus who look like your pic.

>wants furries
>posts scalies

>Would you be in favor of genetically engineering ' perfect ' humans?
That's equivalent to whites making babies. So, yes, I'd be okay with it.

>Would you be in favor of genetically engineering ' perfect ' humans?

No. Natural evolution has the advantage of weeding out massive errors. If we start fucking about with the genetic code of all humanity, we're putting ourselves at risk of unexpected errors.

Scalies are a subculture in the farfag fandom. And yes I jake off to cartoon dragons

Look at the bright side we could remove mentally ill or low I.Q and physical or health related problems. We could increase I,Q, physical and mental health. We could also make adjustments for space travel or we could breathe under water if we made it possible through years of research. It's basically evolving faster, possibly even faster if we include eugenics/being selective.

Thankyou! Worded that way more concisely and way less decisively than I did

What are you diagnosed with?

black are nothing more than pawn and always will be,like in libia you can buy a nigger for 800 $
Is your dna to be slaves

How will we know if complications won't come out of this? What if down the line, many new undiscovered mutations arrive?

Tell me why it wouldn't be ok, once they are real?

Also just being born on another planet with different gravity or atmo's could alter how you turn out anyway. Possibly spontaneously or in generations, they still could be labeled freaks or evo's.

furries will be gassed as nonhumans

Here you go Sup Forums


Not if we gas you first

>Natural evolution has the advantage of weeding out massive errors
Not these days. The weak are no longer culled. We keep even comatose vegetables alive. Evolution will now work in reverse for us as we continue to reproduce with those who could not survive in a natural environment.

this , THIS, THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS YES YES YES, also don't feel bad for women , they will be erased in the sex world wide war so they won't exist neither the manginas

>slavs arent white
fucking mutt

The weak don't breed, though. The point is the dissemination of faulty genes. Artificial alteration can result in unforeseen consequences.

This. Luckily for them they don't have fucking politics getting in the way of scientific discovery, they'll be pumping out superchinks in no time.

It's very old news. They're studying thegenomes of the greatest minds in china to find the genes responsible for intelligence

Turks aren't white

women are faulty by default, only engineer men and build qt robot waifus, where the most dedicated men can buy them, capitalist male utopia , with fembots and artificial wombs and gene editing

>i wonder who could be behind this post.jpg
fuck off with your d&c tactics t b h

Hello Cockoach. We're 56% whiter than you

>The weak don't breed
Are you joking? The weak breed more often than the strong in modern society.

>Artificial alteration can result in unforeseen consequences
Perhaps, but without genetic alteration we could be looking at an increasingly sickly feeble humanity.


This. Why do women ruin themselves like this

I'm not Jewish m8. I'm just stating the truth that Anglo-Saxons are the greatest race on the planet and nothing you can do can change that.

>What if you could genetically alter humans to create more Finns?
Yes, I would do it.


>The weak breed more often than the strong in modern society.


>Implying at that level of technology gene therapy wouldn't be perfected

Just think about India alone. Then think about China and Africa too. Europe and the Americas are going the same way. Urban areas will be full to bursting with asthmatic, allergic, watery-eyed kids whose bones break like twigs.

Your imminent ethnic replacement can change that. If your Anglo-Saxon race is so great, how did it get itself cucked so easily?

Jews giving minorities and women the right to vote. The 15th and 19th amendment were the most disastrous additions to the constitution.

>genetically engineering ' perfect ' humans
already have m8 its called a Polak

Braindead scum who can't feed their own children are supported by the welfare state. For further information see any UK sink estate.

What about them? You're not seriously saying the majority of their populations are cripples, are you?

>Me Chinese
>Me play trick
>Me use Crispr
>On my dick

>brother has dark blonde hair blue eyes and freckles
>dad is blonde with blue eyes
>great grandmother has red hair
>mother dark haired and hazel eyes
>im light brown haired with hazel eyes
>not white
excuse me?

>>im light brown haired with hazel eyes
I'm sorry user

>cockroaches lying on the internet.
Nice try roach.

u r like a lil baby, watch this

so hair determines if your white? then why do you say im white? why dont you say im blonde? lolk.

ssssh they think ottomans genocided us , they are sceptics but only when it comes to the shit they know.

Turks aren't white stop trying to be us you filthy fucking animal.

Improving humanity through technology is the only way forward for us.

Holy shit, I never thought of this

This is worth considering, would eliminate a lot of problems