Godlike manga covers

Godlike manga covers

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Are we ironic here?
This looks like shit.

your mom look like shit

It's ugly as fuck. That man can barely draw.

>inb4 everything Obata has ever worked on

this manga is ending. why post shit here

Simple and clever.



Considering it's from a good series from an artist with good taste, it's not surprising.




Is not a volume cover but close enough. Hasn't been put out in tankoubon yet.

Highly underrated


I wish more covers were like this.

Fucking gorgeous. Dunno why it never came to the states like this..




Did this just to be cool

Man she was gorgeous

Cool first cover and when gintama became kintama.

Surprised to find a rare moment when a localized series has a better cover compared to its original. America did something right for once.

Is that KnY? That looks AWESOME

I have to check it out now


>I am 16 years old and what is this

This is rather basic for shonenshit. Pic related is an example of a Godlike cover.

>Post Innocence incomprehensible garbage

>I have read over 20 mangas so I'm an expert now because I read mature manga for mature people such as myself
Unironically kill yourself.

Wow; Oda actually had a good one lying around.

Too bad this was the pinnacle of his work; art and storywise. Kinda went all weird after that.

Another good one piece cover

Stay basic, shonenbabbies.

The best manga ever drawn are shonen. Not like you would know since you have such entry level taste that I guarantee you think shit like Pun Pun and Homunculus are either among your favorites or you haven't read them yet.

This artist's attention to detail is a joy to behold.

GK had a lot of good ones but this is my favorite.

That's like saying you disregard shoujo and seinen out of bias regardless of their art aesthetics and storytelling abilities set for their target population and demographics with the genre and setting thy put out.

Not to mention it's like putting out a product for people who don't give a shit or care about art in the first place; it's designed just to look cool for them; they don't know the difference.

You're pretty stupid user.

How is that shit? Is it at least Busou Renkin decent?


>implying that there is an actually good shoujo manga

Did you reply to the wrong post? Your previous message and this new reply make no sense put together otherwise.

Google gives me nothing.

Reminds me of this; but not a fan of the aesthetic. Kinda makes me sick for whatever weird reasons... I like the art; the setting kind of gets me sick for whatever reason.

Tho the digital work on here isn't that detailed or that good IMO. Could have been done better.

Based gorilla sensei

Not my favorite character or cover of Bleach, but he looks so happy.

It's called Uratarou. Same guy who did Negimaki Kagyu. It hasn't been put into a volume yet. It's brand spanking new. It's been out a few months already.

It's actually pretty grim and dark compared to it. You can tell he loves alchemy and has written slot about it; but this one comes off better compared to the shounen kid feel that busou had. This one was far more darkcand grim considering the age, demographic and the monthly schedule standards he was allowed to work with this time.


Lol I was gonna post that one but opted no to

Uratarou volume 1 cover

Oh dang; so there is one.

Where's Madao? Gorilla Sorachi sensei is slipping.

Anyways; here's the goth lolita one.

There's some good shoujo. You just have to look around and venture off sometimes. But I can see what you mean where it's not as hot as it used to be or not as good quality wise.

It's sad there's no Gintama shoujo equivalent; otherwise I would read it. Most of these people really need to work on their writing, delivery, direction and story telling models.

Anyways; gintama manga making arc.

Loved the part where they were writing messages to each other on the manuscripts. Best thing I ever read.

I'm still salty about her.

I find the cover of bleach simple, but i like how each vol have a name

I liked it when Bleach had this comic noir aesthetic going for the covers of the full bring arc until Kubo went with his color shade covers for the final arc. It was kinda stupid but I could tell it was a change of pace and different challenge for him to go in a different direction for he final 4 years.

Man; Ichigo should have popped her clit; she was easily best girl when first introduced.

Reminds me a lot of Perona from One piece. Another top tier character that was super cool and popular too. That' also got wasted and had good potential. Could have been done more with and expanded on more and would have Ben good to throw into the strawhat crew. Freakin Oda and Kubo. Rather, jump authors and editors.


I love 3.



For some reason, I can't get to like his style and story.

I like his art style and paneling.

Any reason why this doesn't get enough love? I never heard of it but apparently it's been around for a while to get an anime. The color, art and style seems nice.

I find it interesting too.

Not a cover like the last one but the color spread is nice.

Seriously, it's horrible.
What do you see in it ?

Joju senjin mushibugyo.

Reminds me of soul eater for some reason. I know it's not same author as he's working on a different project rn

Art style is good. I've been liking it; it's a bit dark but I'm not too big a fan of folklore Japanese stuff like this.

I like the art. Wish it wasn't so edgy.

You mean god tier?

Same, also the ED of the anime's first season was so comfy and nostalgic.


maybe because it looks bad

Kanzenban volumes tend to be better than their original




Looks worse than he original. Digital tales away natural feel the traditional medium had.







Best Bleach cover

>Same, also the ED of the anime's first season was so comfy and nostalgic.
Seijatachi was fucking great.
Eventhough the anime was shit the ED were GOAT.

Was this the actual one or a localized shopped one?

I'm surprised how something sometimes looks better on the states compared to japan.

That sexy girl posted earlier is tough to beat hands down.