Russian state-TV "Zvezda" funded by a Russian ministry of defence made 20 minute program about "rebirth of nazism in...

Russian state-TV "Zvezda" funded by a Russian ministry of defence made 20 minute program about "rebirth of nazism in Poland" using as a basis for the claim late independence march in Warsaw. The program says that Poles refuse to take refugees and conflict themselves with Germans and Russians again, because they want to come back to their "nazi heritage" and "reborn Third Reich": remove all Jews from the country, isolate themselves from foreigners and regain Ukrainian lands as a Lebensraum. All this is happening because of the USA's influence in Poland that promotes nazism and fascism amongst young generations of Poles, meanwhile when Poland was under umbrella of Russia, only internationalism and mixing with other nations were promoted.

The conclusion of this program is that Russia should help the EU and Germany to force Poland to take refugees and destroy Polish nazism by establishing new government in Poland by force.

Other urls found in this thread:–19–Soviet_War–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact



>Poland was under umbrella of Russia, only internationalism and mixing with other nations were promoted.
Then how is Poland entirely white after 45 years of totalitarian Soviet oppresion? I don't give a shit about your perpatually butthurt whore colony one way or another, but it's funny how you dig out some obscure program watched only by 65+ pensioners as evidence of some anti-Polish agenda in Russia. No one honestly here gives a shit.

Holy shit, we heard exactly the same stuff in 1939 and 1945 when soviets liberated us twice, one time even in stright cooperation with nazis. Would this new anti-fascist government buy oil and gas only from Russia? Just asking xD

>Pravda and the swedish media run the same angle on the polish march
>both calling for EU to crush polish nationalism

Is there anything that the Russians haven't hacked??

*laughs in yiddish*

>All this is happening because of the USA's influence in Poland that promotes nazism and fascism

Because as we all know that's what the US State department promotes with its billions for Diversity, Equality, (((human rights))) and corporate international Goldman Sachs powered capitalism.

Trump's election chamges nothing, the entire US diplomacy moloch is made of rabid progressives.

Why have we become so dangerous all of a sudden?
Why are their affraid?

If any shit goes down with Poland then the UK has an opportunity to make up for abandoning Poland when she was double teamed by Russian and the Krauts.


I will translate only this part because it is funniest:

- Back then in the 30s Poland wanted to attack Soviet Union along with its best nazi ally to divide our country.

Lector: Holocaust was a crime against humanity commited by Poles against Jews. That's why it is not surprised that whole world recognizes that Poland is the only country that wants to repeat this crime again: but this times against muslims.

- They want to kick out all muslims, all black people, all non-Europeans, and then rise their birth rates, recreate traditional values, procreate and live.

Lector: Polish nationalists call for muslims holocaust.


> UK has an opportunity to make up for abandoning Poland

Oh wow, what a surprise. Betryal in 1939 and selling us to soviets in 1945 wasnt enough for us to predict such turn of events xD

not sure if you're retarded or just bad at english

or both

you kind of abandoned your own these days so i really doubt it...

Unfortunately Poland is once again on her own.

To be fair, I don't think this is some grand Russian/German conspiracy, I think its Poland being Poland.

Let's be honest here -- most anons (myself included) which desperately their own nation was just half as based as Poland is.

Regrettably, it seems a cornerstone of Polish culture and the true bedrock of their foreign policy is "fuck the Russians" and "fuck the Germans" for a few centuries now.

For us to think they will change is naive. Let the Poles do what they do in peace -- it shouldn't be that difficult.

>Why have we become so dangerous all of a sudden?

We are becoming energetically independent thanks to LNG and Baltic Pipe, we also cleansed our army from all soviet-era generals, and administration from Russian agents of influence which angered Russia.

We kicked out all German agents of influence from media and judiciary. These guys blocked any kind of laws that would be incompatibile with German national and economical interest. Now they are gone, and Germany stopped having a grasp over us.

And foremost: we agreed to serve as an American military base, and it angers both: Russia and Western Europe. Because they both want to remove Americans from Europe and begin a new continental game in triangle: Western Europe - Russia - China.

>I think its Poland being Poland.

More like Germany and Russia came back to their imperialistic habits one more time. Everytime it happens, World War becomes imminent :(

Russian Holocaust best day of my life

Fuck you

Oh God, listen the Ivans and other Hans' on here shit on one another all the time.

You know what we both agree on? You guys being the most butthurt ethnicity in Europe. You guys even make the Frogs look like good sports by comparison.

You guys' NEED to shit on your bigger neighbors, just like we will NEED to eventually partition your country once again.

Its just the way this works. In 150 years we'll of come full circle.

EU is no longer my best friend
UK and poland and Japan are my new best friend.

>just like we will NEED to eventually partition your country once again.

This time might be a bit harder. Anyway, if you manage to do it, you will jump to each other's throats sooner or later anyway, begin to butcher each other and it will only empower China that will consume us all in the end. You are irresponsible with your EU-imperialism, and Russian revisionism

A threesome Germany-Poland-Russia is always a thing. They can't forget that.

You ever wonder why we're so butthurt?
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Partition us 3 times and have 2 world wars on our land- yeah, fuck you. Eternally fuck you.

this is a really bad propaganda tactic and doesn't help anyone

Why are Russian posters always angry and on the defensive? We all want an internal fraternity of white nations including Russia and we all criticise our governments for being ant white.

>We all want an internal fraternity of white nations including Russia

It is an utopia just like communism. Countries have national interests that are very rarely compatibile.

>establishing new government in Poland by force
What is it with soviets and this wet dreams they have about Poland? It brings to my mind niggers who want white women, like it somehow made them white. Russians think if they could rule Poland, they's somehow evolve from being a sub-human garbage to almost human.


That's geography. We are a big nation with almost 1/3 of their population, with functional economy, we are currently investing billions dollars in army and energetical independence, and as such we are their only major geopolitical obstacle in the region.

Despite OP being an idiot wasting time on watching and quoting Russian state-propaganda for internal use, this "independence march" is truly shit. Most of "people" who took part in this pathetic show were football hooligans, all kinds of neonazi organisations from all over Europe, like Jobbik, some British nationalists and stuff. We don't share any values with them, and if really somebody shouted there smth about Jews, there should be official investigation. We need this march for nothing. It only gives propaganda-weapon against us to hands of the EU, Russia and liberal pro-EU media all over the world. We gain nothing on it, we only lose money on fixing infrastructure that is constantly destroyed by these football hooligan scum in masks on faces.

>geopolitical obstacle in the region.
I found a map of russian butthurt

Fuck off you spineless cunt, get yourself a nigger and suck his cock if you like, but first and foremost SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, faggot.

Russia is smarter and it banned their "Russian march" like 2 years ago or so to improve its PR. They also arrested and put to jail most of members and leaders of nationalist organisations. Meanwhile our government doesn't care and later Western liberal media along with Russian state propaganda have an easy task of presenting us as nazis. It is not like they would love us if we liquidated this march, but why give them more excuses, if we don't gain anything on it?

Look, guys, Russia is playing a very skilled propaganda game. They had their own sock-puppets at the march protesting against NATO while being or pretending to be nationalist.

They are simply giving money to movements that have no funding in exchange for influence. They can finance actual fascists in order to attack the countries for allowing fascists to operate.

Russian disinformation is a 9-dimensional underwater chess game.

>They can finance actual fascists in order to attack the countries for allowing fascists to operate.

That's what Soviet Union was doing in Western Europe on daily basis during Cold War. They also funded pacifist movements that called for unilateral disarming of Europe in order to not provoke Soviet Union with militarisation. Methods didn't change at all, even this rhetorics about "fascists" is taken straight from period of stalinism

Yes, they didn't have to change the manuals, they only had to use fringe nationalists instead of fringe leftists. All they need to find is the splits in society by which they can weaken it and break it apart.

Anyway, i think that OP shouldn't post here links to Russian internal state propaganda, because it only gives them additional number of visits on their YouTube channel. The fact that German/EU media, pro-EU liberal media and Russian media present us as incarnate devils, is the best evidence that we go in a right direction.

He is your guy.

Alcohol stores.

> Russia is playing a very skilled propaganda game
If you talk about officials, they are barely qualified to wipe their asses and can only push antifa-tier speeches.

EU wants to vassalize us immediately, Russia wants to push us out of EU and NATO and vassalize later.

simple words for the simple masses.
The people working in propaganda departments are much smarter and they can achieve the overall goals with prodding the cattle in the right places.

How "soviet" "union" worked is
> take Russian money
> give it to random niggers
> wait till they love you
> kill Russians if they are unhappy with it
> after nigger shows the middle finger, GULAG all Russians, who where not unhappy with it
> if they where in GULAG already, put them in internal GULAG
> after 2 iterations people from internal GULAG go to "freedom", because dictator that put them there was ebil, but now we will build socialism with other kinds of niggers and "socialism" will have human face pulled on it

> simple words for the simple masses.
Only you are special, right?

This is why I hate Russian state TV. It's literally a cancer.
>muh traditionalism
>muh antifasism (understandable)
>muh church and orthodox faith
We have a full-schizo /x/-tier tv channels (REN-TV and TV3)
We have channels full of shit-tier bydlo series (STS, NTV) which promotes degeneracy and glorify bandits and FSB.
I had thrown away my TV 14 years ago and still feel no regret.

well, I didn't insult you. I said that the majority of people react to simple messages and making it sophisticated only breaks the communication.
So both smart and stupid officials would do the same: push antifa-tier speeches.

>nationalists are Nazis

This meme needs to die.

All the liberal nations used to be full nationalist until recently. The socialist ones too.

Our ahand was forced by your intolerance back then, only german-russian administration can safe you from the specters of the past!

>poles terrorize orthodox and rebel against their king, he calls for support
>poles join turks in russian-turkish war
>russia gets belo-russia and parts of livonia - never a true polish clay

1792, magnates rebel again and calls Prussia to help them. Russia gets moar of Belorussia and Ukraine.

1794, poles rebel again and Russia gets more of belorussia, ukraine plus remains of Lithuania.

You have no one to blame but yourself, shouldn't have rebeled against your own king and joined turks (what a shame).

This is the most intelligent thread on Sup Forums in a long time. It also has basically no Americans or meme flags. Coincidence? I think not!

Read this, my polish Catholic brother. When I was little my grandfather used to take me to polish mass. I may be a amerimutt, but I will say this, all my good traits come from the polish side.

You rebelled against your rightful Polish overlords in 1612 - that's the true source of all problems between us.

>shit-tier b8, m8.

> removing Jews from power
> making holocaust of muslims

B-but we don't have Jews anymore in the country, and even less muslims. Looks like Russia one more time creates fake pretext for "liberation" because we stopped being a political neocolony of Germany and Russian energetical companies. That's nasty.

>majority of people react to simple messages and making it sophisticated only breaks the communication.
absolutely this
the mind doenst like to proccess information too much

Fucking faggot.
I fuck you ass, hard shit with, okay?

Das cuz it wasn't b8 m8, don't h8.


>The conclusion of this program is that Russia should help the EU and Germany to force Poland to take refugees and destroy Polish nazism by establishing new government in Poland by force.
Timestamp? I skimmed the video and couldn't find anything like that. I don't think Polish nationalism is bad for Russia 2bh, probably the opposite.

Thinks I give a shit what some kacaps think.

The books pretty good describes, how European union and Russia will bully Poland and start a hybrid ww3

it's just typical communist bolshevik psychological terrorism via media.

what more do you expect from these red sons of whore bitches?

Why were we punished by G-d so hard to have such neighbours? Why can't Poland have a border with normal and civilized countries that don't attack their neighbours like USA, Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands and so on? Being placed between Germany and Russia is an everlasting torment.

easy answer

russian shits are angry that their meddling doesn't really work anymore (they have been doing this to their neighbours for the entire duration of their recorded history). it's a positive sign, and it's happening the same with romania as well.

i don't know, call me a globalist shill, but I prefer the US and the EU meddling instead of these subhuman corrupt shits and their armies of alcoholic primitive retards. we've had enough of ivan's backward ways and ideologies

this country's problem is we arent being scumbags to the scumbags.

if these red bastard whore would claim say, Turks as fascists for being proud of Turkey you can bet Mustafa would go over there and kill a few bolsheviks.

until we make like Turks these fucking coward socialist red whores will treat us like shit.

Never forget, theyre fucking animals barely civilised

touch my country and I will blow up your metro

shooting of kacap ambassador when?

>implying Pooland doesn't push whatever retarded propaganda against us

Poles don't want that. They would happily watch both the West and Russia burn if they could restore their shitty EE "empire" and rule over dumb hohol bydlo again.

Weak, peaceful and little Poland only wants to protect itself from crazy ways of heavy-weight predators like nuclear revisionist Russia with its conquest ambitions that we already seen after it swallowed half of Ukraine, Syria and Georgia, and economical powerhouse of Europe : Germany, and its neoimperial ambitions pushed with using the EU as a tool.

>restore their shitty EE "empire"

you are like 90% of Sup Forums users a fcking neet with no real knowledge.

There is no EE empire. its not about empire. Its about topography and geopolitics.

Let me give you a quick lesson moron.

"Who control Poland, controls whole Central europe"

"Who control Belarus, controls the whole Eastern Europe"

This 2 things have always been true statements and they will always be true statements.

The only way to prevent russian dominance in Central europe is to hold 3 spots.
1st is baltic states/russia border
2nd and the most important is Smolensk Gate in the eastern Belarus
3rd is Ukraine eastern border

If you control Belarus area, you automaticly take control over ukraine and baltic states.

For centuries every time Poland/PLC would protect ourselves, we would just hold smolensk gate. if we felt like Ruskies are 2 strong, we would simply invade Moscow through this gate.

Unfortunately for us, everyone teamed up against us together with retarded ukr/cossacks (you can learn about this in ogniem i mieczem / fire and sword movie). Not only cossacks fcked themselves up but they also fcked Poland up. after russia invaded cossacks they started settling russians in the eastern parts of ukraine to prevent cossacks from being hostile towards russia ever again.

Long story short

Its about Polish independence.

if we want to be independent and shielded from the west we need to form a group of countries either v4/either 3c/ either plc area

if we want to be independent and shield ourselves from russia we need to have at least independent and pro-western belarus.

Belive me, the moment Russia will be 2 weak to fight back, Poland HAVE TO and Will take over Belarus the very first day.
It doesn't mean they will be annexed or smth, no. We just need them to be on our side and we need to make sure we could put polish army on that 1 smolensk gate.

>USA's influence in Poland that promotes nazism and fascism amongst young generations of Poles
Yeah right

>glorify bandits

Does it play the cheeki breeki song?

RT is divided too, says we are a liberal homo degenerate society that also treats its blacks very unfairly and our police are all racists. Hmm really activates the almonds

Are you agree with Vladimir's state or are you communist? Cause looks like you like more the soviet tv


maybe cause its the truth

Oyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyy stop being so racist against blacks goy but also make sure you're not making them gay

and thats why no one likes ruskies, people are really alright there but no one fucking understands thier mindset and why ruskies are so okay with the fucking 1984 tier propaganda and corrupt government and people hate what they can't understand

muh infowars

Poles ....

become independant, and the year after, attack Russia.

Poles has never been serious at war, and there is strictly no reason to believe they would anything else than a US NATO suppletive this time again.

Also a very long history of terrible alliances. Pic related

This is correct

We never had alliance with Third Reich. But i believe that we should have had back then. Instead we played a moral model one more time, which forced Hitler to establish alliance with soviets and destroy us in cooperation with them.

The world is satanic, it doesn't care about truth and morality. We were dying in millions from hands of nazis, and today Russian propaganda is associating us with Third Reich and nazis anyway, while being silent about Germans.

When the global order falls down, truth and morality stop being a norm, and the butchery becomes. What really matters is who is strong and can kill others more effectively. Poland was never good at this game indeed.

I wish death to everybody except Poles, because only we are children of Jesus who live according to truth and love. Everybody else on this planet are wild animals that someday will be annihilated during the Day of Judgement

wtf, they're seriously saying that?

You might have a future in Poland. We are completely owned by jews here. Would not be surprised if they start new war with some Israel enemy and slaughter what is left of russians again.

>and the year after, attack Russia.
Manipulate more? -.-–19–Soviet_War
>Also a very long history of terrible alliances. Pic related
Poland had no "alliance" with Nazi Germany, nor the Soviet Union...–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact

Frogs has never been serious at war...

Dont you worry my "omlette du fromage" friend. Poles took the lesson and will never ever team up with French ever again. It is very possible that if Poles wouldn't have sided with the French, Germany would wreck France first and than Russia together with Poland as their ally.

Belive me dude, the lesson have been learned.
and now the fun part :]
Germany dominated France whether you like it or not. France has also the most eu debt bonds together with Germany so whether you like it or not, there is no chance for you to regain real independence unless Poland forms a block of countries that would change the balance in the EU. Either way, France is the biggest loser of the EU project :]
Either way, France is on losing position,

I rly fucking wish that Piłsudski didnt die and we fought with Hitler against russian scum

>We never had alliance with Third Reich.

Not only you had one, but you rushed to be the first to sign a pact with Nazis (and it worked, your non-agression pact is the 1st intl. signature of the nazis)

Also, when Nazis broke into czekoslovakia, you've been into the looting.

Russia does what it must in the pursuit of their national interests, and if those interests conflict with those of another country then that's too bad for them. They're liked here because they anger the leftists/globalists, but it doesn't mean they won't pull the same moves as them or resort to d&c if it they need it.

We had two non-aggression pacts: with Germany and Soviet Union. According to your broken logics, we were an ally of Soviet Union too.

Why nazis "broken to Czechoslovakia"? Because your failed country was a signatory of Munich Agreement that sold Czechslovakia to Germans. We had to take a little part of Czechoslovakia where Poles were majority to save them from German occupation. You left us with no choice.

In fact we had "alliance" with you, and when Germans attacked us in 1939 along with soviets, you cowards were hiding behind Maginot Line instead of fulfilling obligations of the alliance and help us in war.

You paid with your independence for being French a bit later ;)

That guy is a communist kike.

For GOD'S sake stop the Poland/Russia squabble, kikes/EU/communists are the real enemy.

Western Europe and Russia are the same anti-human, anti-christian and anti-European trash, imo. Thankfully for this planet, you both are the past and are dying off now.

>We had to take a little part of Czechoslovakia where Poles were majority to save them from German occupation. You left us with no choice.
Funny how we do the same to your Poland B practically by Kerzon line in 1939 and butthurt is eternal. I swear poles are like dindu niggers. When they steal it's cool, when local cops shoot them it's a monstrous crime.

Russians are brutes who know no moderation and common sense. They lack grace, don't keep their word, break contracts and lack interpersonal manners

>trying to make us look like the villains again
Russian propaganda at work

Poland didn't sign any pact with Germans about taking few km2 of Czechoslovakia. We took it without consulting it with Germans in fact. You signed Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and had common military parades with nazis in the center of destroyed Poland. You also killed around 1 mln of Poles in years 1939-1941 by exterminating them and sending them to Siberia for death.

This matter was discussed thousand times, but you Russians are like bots. I think that the only way of talking to you is a machinegun.

we should just split Poland between Germany and Russia like the good old days

Curzon line = eternal domination of russia on eastern europe / ability to easily conquer central europe

see this Curzon line changed the balance that was in europe for many many many centuries.

There will never be peace in eastern/central europe as long as russians are not pushed back to the place where both sides keep perfect balance and can't threat each other.

>We took it without consulting it with Germans
Oh yes you did.