Is anyone caught precariously in the middle of the left and right dichotomy?
I'm a white supremacist but a vegetarian, I hate affirmative action but believe in welfare, I hate transgenderism but am all for gender neutral toilets.
Is anyone caught precariously in the middle of the left and right dichotomy?
I'm a white supremacist but a vegetarian, I hate affirmative action but believe in welfare, I hate transgenderism but am all for gender neutral toilets.
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whatever you feel and even though you're wrong on welfare and probably on all of your economics, you better support the party that supports your race first. economics are a serious issue, but your race will always trump it. when they come for you and your children, the genocide will be racially directed, just remember that.
the right wing will look out for your interests because you're fundamentally one of them.
the left wing won't because you fundamentally are not one of them
Well I hate neoliberalism but I also detest the anti-white propaganda that popular culture emits.
There muse be welfare to an extent; pensions and safety nets are fine to me, the west's economies grew the most when the rich were being taxed the most.
>the west's economies grew the most when the rich were being taxed the most.
bump before this hits limit so i can write my response
ok this is bullshit. the whole "90% tax rates in the 50s" meme is crap. they were marginal tax rates and ONLY marginal tax rates. inflation adjusted, we're talking about income only over 3 million dollars. so if you made 3 million and 1 dollars, it was 90 cents that that rate applied to. beyond that, these rates applied to almost nobody. they would have applied to like jeff bezos and mark zuckerberg today, and almost nobody else. INB4 "many people make more than 3 million dollars per year" yeah but inflation is only one metric for judging value. we didn't have nearly as many goods to change hands or nearly as much velocity in our money back then. there was no internet, no computers, no, no itunes store, no cell phones and lots of other things we take for granted today. people bought clothes, appliances (which were still fairly "new" things) and cars and houses and food. not much else. even supermarkets were very rare or not around at all. it wasn't uncommon for peopel to still be growing or foraging their food in much of the nation.
on top of that, our economy grew because of WW2 and because ALL OF EUROPE was decimated. there was nobody else to buy from, just us. that made us a global economic superpower, all by virtue of our geographic isolation from ww2, not by virtue of high taxes. remember taxes didn't even really exist in this country until 100 years ago.
so it's bullshit. it's all bullshit. it's a bullshit meme the left sells and they KNOW its dishonest and they KNOW they are manipulating you with half truths but htey do it anyway because they presume libs and lefties are too stupid to see through their crap and most of the time they are right
and actually we still had the best growth and tremendous economic prosperity during late 80s and into the 90s when taxes were getting lower and lower and lower
Wanna know how I know you’re a teen?
not only a teen but a helpless urban fag. aint no veggietarians out in rural USA where the men have dicks and hunt their own food to survive
citing the 90% tax rate as marginal is dishonest, even if there were few that were taxed that high, the revenue from them was substantial. Likewise if we actually taxed billionaires properly today the west could easily balance its budgets.
i'm sorry, dishonest? ummmmmm, do you know what a fucking marginal tax rate is? the 90% tax rate was the MARGINAL tax rate not the effective tax rate. that's simple factual history, you need to get it right before spreading bullshit or else you're just spreading lies and a 90% marginal tax rate is VERY different from when you just say "90% tax rate"
furthermore your second point is wrong too. as im sure you know, we didn't have the wealth inequality back then (for other reasons, not because of taxes actually) so there were "ultra rich people who owned like half of the wealth" so no it's not like there was any super high level of revenue coming from these taxes.
to be clear, the infamous "top 1%" of the 1950s only paid 42% of their income to taxes, which makes it only slightly higher than it is today, so no. no no no no no no no no no no no no. this entire meme is busted. flat out busted. flat out wrong.
the problem you have with the world today is billions of dollars in subsidies and corporate welfare, along with tax loopholes and regulations that strangle the competition for these big corporations because they're specifically written to benefit them. that's it. people like you who don't recognize the real problem and spread these lies and ignorant horseshit are a cancer to our society that enables them all to keep fucking us over and keep on driving up that hated "wealth inequality" that you all love to bitch about so much and which i very much agree with you is starting to become a real genuine social problem. not because "rich people are bad" but because it's getting SO out of control at this point that unless people start recognizing the real problems and fixing it we're all going to be fucked
i dunno here is some more information, some good information, if you're actually interested in learning a little bit more about the tax rates in the 50s
people like you need to start realizing what the real problems are or else our humanity isn't going to be able to surmount the problems facing it
Left Right is a false 1 dimensional dichotomy of politics. Politics are more complicated and nuanced than that.
Don't fall into the trap, it's a group vs group mentality. If people start feeling part of "the right" or "left" they usually start hating the other group and division occurs. Stay open minded and listen to both sides don't start identifying yourself by which side your from.
The most important part of politics is the econom, governmental spending, corruption and justice. A lot of issues are bipartisan and should be focused on.
Hating and trolling sjw can be a fun hobby but they tend to distract from bigger political issues.
alll of these fucking lefties "oh muh god, muh taxes, muh taxes, taxes are the answer ot everything!"
taxes are the fucking answer to nothing, ok? taxes are another tool the government used to own you. 100 years ago almost EVERYONE worked for themselves, ok? then came income taxes and it wasn't long before almost NOBODY worked for themselves
hmmmmmmmmmm, how did this happen? oh i know! it's because of unfair tax codes which favor the riches corporations! it's because of big government subsidies that make it impossible for anyone to compete with them! it's because of lefty regulations, all sold to the public under the guise of "moral authority" and "protecting the public" that actually make it so that nobody can start a business! yeah, wake the fuck up you fucking lefties
"muh taxes muh taxes" does nothing but make it harder for peopel to create jobs and harder to compete with these big organizations on their own. literally NOBODY wins from taxes except for uncle sam and the fucking elites who rule over you, so guess what? that'sw hy they always donate their money to lefty politicians and support them and their causes! uhhh fucking hurr durrrrr! you really thought you were the party of the "anti-elite" when literally every rich fucking douchebag in the world vehemently supports you and furthers your causes? WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKING MORONS. WAKE THE FUCK UP
this is supposed to be directed at you OP
and surprise surprise OP, it's not the right-wing trying to jerryrig this tax system for the elites, it's actually mostly the left wing. there's a lot of right-wing fucker on the issue too, this is one issue where both parties fuck you over because NOBODY wants to hold them accountable and EVERYONE just thinks like you about it, but as far as economic principles are concerned, it's a LEFT WING PRINCIPLE that the government needs to tax and interfere with everything, just because republicans are full of shit and don't really believe the values they pretend to, doesn't mean it's not still a left-wing fucking political position
the fucking answer is that this country should run more the way it did at the turn of the 20th century, NO FUCKING INCOME TAX and everything would be fine, everyone would be free. INB4 "muh robber barons" yeah they benefited from government subsidies TOO! so they don't prove your point, they only prove mine!
>I'm a white supremacist but a vegetarian, I hate affirmative action but believe in welfare, I hate transgenderism
That is all somewhat part of National Socialism.
>white supremacy
Ethno Nationalism
Most extreme environmental policies but people are not forced into not eating meat
>I hate affirmative action
Hitler removed classes and made it possible for the individual to climb up the ladder even if he started as a farmer. Achievement only through struggle and sacrifice. Hence, the prussian aristocracy formed the resistance movement because their privilege by blood was no longer valid
Degenerates into the oven.
We are like the same person but I love meat. I tend to vote more right cause I don't want my taxes to increase, but I have no party affiliation. While efficient, a two party system is so restrictive, its like picking between the less of two evils,
something I realized over the holidays this weekend,
is that real life no one gives a shit about partisan bullshit.
pol is retard fantasy land.
sane people have various mixtures of political ideas and are not bound to parties/ideology/cult of personality.
pol is a toxic psychotic dump.
yeah you go be a nazi you literally beg for your big papa hitler to come and fuck you in the ass and tell yo how to live your life and what to do and to come and take your property and tax your ass and co-opt your entire business if he feels like it (which he frequently did). oh yeah and all of that nice book burning.
faggot hitler literally burnt einsteins books and banned him in germany because "relativity was a jooish plot" or something stupid. fuck hitler bro. be a fucking american. be a fucking american libertarian. have some fucking personal responsibility and accountability for your life and encourage your peopel to do the same
oh wait, your people are all cucked cuz hitler murdered off all of the free thinkers and individuals and removed them from the gene pool. sorry, i forgot
that's everyone on the internet who discusses politics, not just Sup Forums, get it right bitch
>tell yo how to live your life
NatSoc incorporated self-determination and self-reliance for the individual similar to what Jordan Peterson teaches.
>to come and take your property
You mistake NatSoc for Marxism/Communism. Private property is essential for the NatSoc economy and property was not really confiscated under Hitler.
>co-opt your entire business if he feels like it (which he frequently did).
I can see that from your nonsensical ramblings that you must be an ancap. Either way, taking property only happened when the owner goes against the good of the people.
>oh yeah and all of that nice book burning.
Is this supposed to be an argument? The biggest book burning in history was done by the Allies directly after WW2.
>fuck hitler bro. be a fucking american libertarian.
He unironically said to a German...
>have some fucking personal responsibility and accountability for your life
That's what NatSoc incorporates, your duties and personal responsibilites go further than the individual. Only by becoming your personal best through directed struggle and sacrifice will you also improve your surroundings, be a light for others so that they may shine in return.
But I guess weak shills like you will never understand, especially as an ancap/libertarian. Pic related
Are you trying to imply that you're special because you aren't a cartoon character that 100% conforms to one stereotype or another?
>NatSoc incorporated self-determination and self-reliance for the individual similar to what Jordan Peterson teaches.
self-reliance? SELF-RELIANCE? lmfao look kid a german doesn't know the first thing about self-reliance. the only self-reliant people left in the developed world are people living in extreme rural conditions, mostly in the USA, where they have a rifle to protect themselves with, and they can believe what they want, when they want, fuck who they want, and do what they want. every day those freedoms are chipped away at more and more and more. you're a part of that problem. if you're going to tell me "natsoc isn't an authoritarian system" then there's no point in even having a discussion with you. you even said yourself that "degeneracy goes into the oven" so it seems like a moot point.
>Is this supposed to be an argument? The biggest book burning in history was done by the Allies directly after WW2.
jesus christ i agree fully with the historicity of this statement. are you saying that just because the allies did something that makes it ok? that seems like an odd fucking positions for a god damned fucking nazi to take, for fucks sake.
First, you should tone down your american arrogance and stop giving us a bad name...
>where they have a rifle to protect themselves with
Just like the Reich*s weapons laws of 1938 where Hitler gave the Germans guns instead of taking them.
>where they have a rifle to protect themselves with, and they can believe what they want, when they want, fuck who they want, and do what they want.
You are describing an idealized situation only possible in the US due to low population density in certain areas. Once population becomes to dense your "what you want" leads to extreme social tensions. You would know and understand this if you were as intelligent as you want you to be.
>if you're going to tell me "natsoc isn't an authoritarian system"
Never said this, so gas yourself. There are certain guidelines to be followed if you want to create a strong society in densely populated areas. If you don't realize this, than you are basically in favor of multiculturalism and need to be gassed at least twice.
That's the problem with Libertarians like you and also anyone going for some kind of "An"-ideology. It is only fully understood and upheld be rather intelligent people (not only the >100IQ cut it there), i.e. mostly only 10-20% of the population are intelligent enough to create an actual working society. The low IQ people however will fuck everything up and not do how you want them to do (be a Libertarian). So in order to make them do what you want, you will install some form military state and keep them in check because there are more stupid people than intelligent ones. Lolbertarians have the same problem as Communists in the end: they ignore human nature, they ignore that not all humans can grasp the concept and keep it alive through their own actions. Hence, to keep the system alive once implemented, a strong arm of the government is needed or you will find yourself in perpetual civil war.
For the record: I fully agree with the Libertarian world view and wish we could have that sort of system. Yet I realize that it is an utopian view that will not be implemented due to human nature/dumb people who will always be present if you do not start mass scale genetic engineering. Hence it is unrealistic to follow for society, but good for the individual if he/she wants to be a strong individual. Yet I believe you to be stupid to think that it will work for all of society. Only the top 10-20% in IQ will understand the system and reach the level of self-reliance and self-responsibility.
And since NatSoc incorporates exactly this concept, i.e. individualism, self-responsibility for the people who are CAPABLE OF THAT (and can do nearly whatever they want), which implies that not everyone is equal and not everyone is able to achieve these ideals, I go with that. Yes, you will be stripped of some freedoms but this system also brings something to the table for the less fortunate in terms of IQ and capability, which Libertarianism does not because they can't even grasp that system.
>just like the reichs weapon laws
who cares? i never said the germans disarmed anyone omfg fuck off with your ignorance and "american arrogance" as you stupidly put it
>You are describing an idealized situation only possible in the US due to low population density in certain areas
oh you mean the way shit was forever up until just recently and the way it could actually still be considering almost all of the US is uninhabited land geographically, since almost all of the population is clustered in a few cities. and not like it matters anyhow, got too many people? let freedom ring because with freedom comes natural selection and a shrinking population. god you're dumb.
>Never said this
you're right, it was the other stupid nazi you were defending, IDGAF. you're defending people who want to shove "degenerates" into ovens so whatever bro, you're gonna be considered just as guilty sorry.
>goes on to say i should be gas
hmmmmm, guess i was right, faggot
>Never said this, so gas yourself. There are certain guidelines to be followed if you want to create a strong society in densely populated areas
cool, so we can agree you're a tyrannical POS and beyond tha tnothing else you say matters because at the end of the day if you or anyone with your political ideology comes near me or my family you're going to get the second amendment shoved right up your ass.
>blah blah blah that's the problems with libertarians like you blah blah blah blah
didn't even read it, just a bunch of empty nonsense
TLDR: You want everyone to be their own leader. Basic Psychology however shows that this is not possible, not everyone is their own master. Humans just don't work like this, hence human nature destroys the Libertarianism.
>literally saying "i understand because my IQ is high"
omfg faggot your fedora is too tight. shouldn't you be out shooting up a church?
everything that you say is this empty rhetoric about natsoc "oooooh its about this positive thing and that positive thing" and you don't have a single policy perscription to back it up other than "We're going to shove people i don't like into ovens".
guess what? when you don't share any politcy you can literally say any ideology is "about this positive thing and that positive thing". like you can just ascribe these positive buzzwords to literally everything, even SJWism and fucking communism. in fact, that's how the political left operates. you are no different from them. fucking dumbass
Thanks so I am correct. You are too stupid to realize the faults in your thinking. Typical Lolbertarian. You are so mad and butthurt, I can just smile at you with a little bit of pity. I described why your ideas are correct but unrealistic to be implemented and you are too arrogant to even read that. Now go back to sleep, there is nothing more you can bring to the table. Stop shitting up the thread further with your useless drivel.
yes thats it nazi, im just too stupid, good argument, omfg
If you're a vegetarian for health reasons you're an idiot. If you're a vegetarian for moral reasons you're a decadent cunt.
>gender neutral toilets
>everything that you say is this empty rhetoric
I explicitly explained on a very low level in plain english why Libertarianism won't work. Even you should be able to understand that.
>guess what? when you don't share any politcy you can literally say any ideology is
Oh so now it's my fault that you don't know anything about NatSoc yet assume everyone should know their shit about Libertarianism? How rich...
>like you can just ascribe these positive buzzwords to literally everything
Funny, that's also what you do about Libertarianism. It just all sounds so nice, doesn't it?
>you are no different from them
See >I fully agree with the Libertarian world view and wish we could have that sort of system. Yet I realize that it is an utopian view that will not be implemented
It's all so tiresome...
>I explicitly explained on a very low level in plain english why Libertarianism won't work.
you literally didn't, you just said "people are too dumb to choose freedom" ok well guess what idiot? you're a fucking nazi and you believe in ultra-authoritarianism so who the fuck is the pot calling the kettle black here? god damn dumbass
>Oh so now it's my fault that you don't know anything about NatSoc
i know literally everything there is to know about natsoc prob more than you do. why on earth would randomly proclaim such a bizarre thing
>Funny, that's also what you do about Libertarianism. It just all sounds so nice, doesn't it?
i haven't done any of that. i literally haven't done any of that. anywhere. that is something you literally 100% made up
>It's all so tiresome...
this line really made me LOL dude i picture you as one of the fat kids at my old college who used to sit in the lounge playing magic cards and pokemon omfg
Lots of our. I consider myself liberal but the left's standard I'm a nazi. I believe in equality of oppurtunity for all races and gender(not equality of outcome ie quotas and affirmative action.) I believe transgender people exist but it should be treated like it is, a very unfortunate mental condotion that should be treated with therapy, not hormones and surgery. I believe the permantly disabled, children under 12, and elderly should be taken care of through Medicaid. I believe in socialized mandatory public education(our system needs to be burned to the ground first and online higher ed needs to be taken seriously). I believe in a socialized infrastructure and military. I believe markets work perfectly for everything else(with some regulation to curb predatory buisness practices). That said I would most likely vote republican as they check most of the boxes, but they've veen fiscally retarded for as long as I've been alive. Right now the responsible thing to do is cut cut cut and raise taxes.
I think you're just retarded and most likely underage. Fuck off.
>you literally didn't, you just said "people are too dumb to choose freedom"
No, I said that stupid people will not be able to reach the relevant level of self-responsibility needed for a Libertarian society. Stop rephrasing what I wrote so that you have something to talk about.
>you're a fucking nazi
You're a fucking white male
>you believe in ultra-authoritarianism
whoa, so it's ultra now. Is it better than normal authoritarianism? I like being ultra.
>i know literally everything there is to know about natsoc
Didn't we have this arrogance argument already? This gets funnier by the minute. A person with true understanding would never claim that.
>i haven't done any of that.
Of course you have, freedom here, freedom that, as if it was the perfect imperative without explaining why that would be the case. You haven't even explained why this freedom would be good for society. Yet it was me who explained (more than once now) that this freedom can not be handled by most people, hence human nature.
>i picture you as one of the fat kids at my old college
At least my deadlift is at 190kg/420lbs @ 14% bf. I think I'm good in that department.
So, u care about /pol oppinion?
Yes. I believe in cutting social and corporate welfare, almost all social programs, but believe that the EPA and Labor unions are important.
Maybe I should add that I was the one finally being able to explain to you in simple english why your worldview won't work and now your cognitive dissonance sets in trying to defend your ideas. There is nothing left for you now, just go back to plebbit and be safe, you won't convince anyone with your non-existing arguments (hint: you literally have made none in favor of Libertarianism so far, just "muh freedon").
OP is fake and gay.
No one calls themselves a white supremacist. It's a term of derision applied by ones enemies.
>No, I said that stupid people will not be able to reach the relevant level of self-responsibility needed for a Libertarian society. Stop rephrasing what I wrote so that you have something to talk about.
that's the exact same thing i wrote dude omg
>whoa, so it's ultra now. Is it better than normal authoritarianism? I like being ultra.
again no substance. i don't see any substance here. just snickers and jokes and unimportant stuff. don't see you denying it either huh? very telling.
>Didn't we have this arrogance argument already? This gets funnier by the minute. A person with true understanding would never claim that.
blah blah blah omg are you going to say something relevant or meaningful ever?
>You haven't even explained why this freedom would be good for society.
i don't care if its good for society you moron it has nothing to do with "muh society" it has to do with human freedom and individuality and the human soul, omfg. it has nothing to do with your fucking beehive / anthill mentality. you're a fucking human being, not an ant. act like one. also not for nothing, but germany is pretty much a shithole today that is being cucked hard because hitler essentially weeded all of the free thinkers out of the gene pool.
you think it's going to be a good thing when you make homosexuality illegal? you think you're going to stop homosexuality then? newsflash, moron, you're only going to make the homosexuals get married and bang and have children and spread their degenerate homo genes all over the place. this is the fucking reality. this is what natsoc does. this is why germany today is full of the worst kinds of cucks.
freedom = natural selection and natural selection > eugenics, period.
>At least my deadlift is at 190kg/420lbs @ 14% bf. I think I'm good in that department.
cool bruh now you're the first Sup Forumsack ive met that managed to brag about IQ points and "muh intelligence" in that weird fedora way, as well as his fucking deadlifts in the same thread.
dude you haven't "explained" anything, all you've done is say that you're super smart and deadlift a lot and that everyone who disagrees with you does so because they're less intelligent i mean wtf?
>you're only going to make the homosexuals get married and bang and have children
yeah dude newsflash if you demonize sexuality in society and penalize it under threat of death by oven you're going to drive every homosexual into the arms of women and unloving marriages and they're only going to bang and make more children so they can prove they're not gay and not get shoved in ovens. then you have a whole new generation of young children with homo genes and who grew up in bad, unloving homes AKA modern day germany
>that's the exact same thing i wrote dude omg
No: "you just said "people are too dumb to choose freedom"
>i don't care if its good for society you moron it has nothing to do with "muh society"
Thanks for clarifying. I was going to ask that next. So you admit you are an Ideologue for "muh freedom" who actually doesn't give a shit about society and his surroundings. You are simply and egotistical shithead. This is literally your mindset: "i don't care if it's good for society". So go away now with your hyper-individualist thinking. Your ideas of freedom given to people who can't handle it is the reason the west is in decline in the first place. Again, it's so tiresome. At least now I know who I'm dealing with. Again, your ideas are nice in theory but will only create a society of chaos in reality, or rather no society at all.
With that, I'm gonna make some food because I just finished lifting.
You are literally not understand what I'm writing. A literally wrote the opposite of what you are claiming right now, how can you not see this? Read the fucking thread again.
>gay genes
>No: "you just said "people are too dumb to choose freedom"
that's the same thing. that's the same argument you're making. you said people are too stupid to be libertarians omfg come on you can't be this fucking autistic.
(remembers that you've been bragging about your IQ and your deadlifts multiple times in this thread)
oh yeah you are that autistic
>I was going to ask that next. So you admit you are an Ideologue for "muh freedom" who actually doesn't give a shit about society and his surroundings.
NO i don't care if "tyranny is better for the economy" you dumbfuck
>You are simply and egotistical shithead.
yeah you're the one who wants to shove people into ovens because they live their lives in ways you disagree with but i'm the "egostical shithead" ok
>not being a nazi is "hyper individualist"
ok, im done, goodbye
what? what's your point? you're saying you don't think there are "gay genes"? oh ok then i guess homosexuality is a choice then huh?
which is it? seems we're at a big of an impasse here.
oh wait, you're leaf, guess that explains everything (picture related)
well I'm a homo (non-practicing) but I really dislike what the whole lgbt thing has become especially the gender identity politics bulls. I know even my condition is a form of brain aberration but everything suggests it can't be helped. So I'm stuck with Sup Forums shame people who subscribe to right wing ideologies are so keen on killing people like me
I feel the same and also Buddhist.I believe in welfare for whites only.
Genuinely can't tell by your posts if you're a retarded American boomer or some leftypol idiot false flagging
i agree with every word you wrote from current state of LGBTs to the brain aberration thing but you definitely shouldn't be tossed into any fucking ovens man like people want to do in this thread. you should be free to live your life in whatever degenerate manner you want. you aren't going to harm society as long as you don't take part in the brutal malignant politics of the left. you're not even going to bang women or procreate.
the only way you actually end up harming society is by being forced, under threat of death, to pretend you are straight and bang women and then create children you probably feel no positivity towards, with a woman you feel no positivity towards, and who will probably also share your brain aberration. for fucks sake man. BTW you seem like a fine person to me. any homo that rejects the current LGBT status quo is major points in my book
yeah that's it just call me dumb and a boomer, that's a nice argument omfg
My theory for homosexuality is that you were exposed to some event or conditioning that made you think being sexual attracted to men was okay, and/or you got molested between the ages of 0-10. Molestation victims do not remember their rapes until even their 30s.
Also, homosexuality cannot spread genetically since they are literally turned off by women
I'm glad you're excited by how nice my argument is.
my theory on it is that they've developed deep seeded negative ideas of the opposite gender and a negative perception of gender roles. like for example a really cold or abusive mom could turn you off of women forever. or maybe if you're really harshly and brutally rejected early on in your life.
also i have a theory that some people SHOULDNT reproduce and they maybe implicitly know this. like maybe their bodies are telling them "making a baby is going to pass on bad genes, don't do it" and that's why i think so many gays are like ugly and gross and have all of those disgusting pointed features
blah blah blah blah blah blah omg shut up how's that for an argument ok? it's about as good as the one you leveled at me.
>that's the same thing.
self-responsibility and freedom are automatically the same thing? That would imply a person not having "full freedom" can also not be self-responsible. Do you always deal only in absolute?
>you said people are too stupid to be libertarians omfg come on you can't be this fucking autistic.
You god damn low intellect idiot. Are you unironically claiming that all people are born with the same intellectual capabilities? That an IQ 80 person is as capable as an IQ 130 person? Have you so little understanding of Psychology and humans in general that you unironically believe everyone, literally everyone, is able to grasp the concepts of Libertarianism and actually apply them on a daily basis so that it will form a functioning society (which is ironic since you don't give a shit about society).
>NO i don't care
Yes you made that clear when you said "i don't care if its good for society". Hence your worldview is shit. In what world do you want to live if you don't care about society? As long as you have your freedoms and fuck everyone else, it's ok...
>ok, im done
That was 10 posts ago. Took you long enough to realize it.
You have a theory that some people shouldn't reproduce? That's not much of a unique theory thats eugenics 101. Eugenics is just rejected because of muh feelings
If you were as smart as you were fat your posts would actually hold some meaning
>self-responsibility and freedom are automatically the same thing?
yes in the context of what you said when you say "peopel are too stupid to assume self-responsibility" it's the same thing as saying "people are too dumb to choose freedom" it's literally the exact same thing, you know it, why are we having this conversation?
>some weird random shit about IQ full of strawmans and other weirdness
yeah whatever bro
>Hence your worldview is shit
ok, real question for you, time to steer this discussion into some serious and meaningful territory.
have you ever heard the term "control freak"? do you know what that is? do you have "control freak" issues in other areas of your life? have you ever noticed how people who are control freaks have a tendency to be disliked by others? and how they have a tendency to destroy the lives of those around them? maybe you should consider this and reflect on your life
how is a theory that some people shouldnt reproduce the same as a theory that the government should decide who gets to reproduce and who doesn't, and should forcibly enforce this will upon the citizenry by way of militance?
want to explain that want to me bud? i'm all ears. really really curious to hear how you consider those two statements to be "the same"
oh wait, i forgot, you're just a fucking retard, sorry.
i'll tell you the truth about this control freak thing. you're the same as the SJWs and the lefties. deep down you are afraid you won't be able to exist and survive in the world if it's wild and free. so you use this faggot moralistic pleading and manipulation to try to get people to consent to being controlled by you, and to be subjected to living their lives exactly the way YOU think they should for YOUR own ends. you justify this by calling it "for the good of society".
you're no different than any authoritarian sociopath on the left. no different from black lives matter, or any group like that. and i'm plenty racist too. just as racist as you if not more, but what i am saying here is the reality
So in order for your world view to work, you have to ignore the differences of people, the differences in their capabilities. You are the definition of an ideologue who ignores parts of the natural sciences, especially biology. Your egalitarian world view is not based in reality.
>time to steer this discussion into some serious and meaningful territory.
It was meaningful to a degree. It showed all the lurkers what happens when Plebbid joins the conversation.
>have you ever heard the term "control freak"? do you know what that is? do you have "control freak" issues in other areas of your life?
I know what it is, but I have never met one.
>have you ever noticed how people who are control freaks have a tendency to be disliked by others?
Again, never met one. In addition, "being liked by others" is not really that important except for your very close friends and family. If you twist yourself just for being liked by others, than you are not free, you are a slave to your surroundings which goes directly against your ideas. It's good to see you don't even know yourself the consequences your ideas would bring.
>maybe you should consider this and reflect on your life
Topkek. Is this american psychology 101 in your colleges?
Yes. I'm for preserving the different unique races, but I'm not inheritly against race mixing, I know that there are happy couples, and some fesh blood sometimes is good, I just like to keep it on a certain level.
actually man it was the reverse, my first sexual fascinations were women, I could beat off to just seeing tits.
I never even fapped to gay shit until my late twenties, men didn't register on my radar. Late during this period my sex drive petered out, nude pics wouldn't do it anymore and it was like that a couple years.
Then literally one day I was beating off just to scratch an itch and I thought about it and THEN it sparked so thats how I know.
I never had luck with women but if I managed to score in my teens I think I would have been okay, this thing is a tendency of sorts and like a personality defect I think. Women don't turn me off in any way, they just dont turn me on all that much anymore. I could bang one if I really wanted to, I think.
My point is that you need to go back to the_dickholster
You're turning around. It's natural. This simply isn't your final form
>i'll tell you the truth about this control freak thing. you're the same as the SJWs
I already stated that like 20 posts ago, that I agree with the libertarian world view. I have the feeling that you literally do not understand a single word I'm typing. It is completely contradictory to my posts half the time. It's like I'm talking to a liberal who has no idea about history, politics, economics, philosophy and psychology and just goes by his gut feeling. Wtf man.
>I'm done
>continues to argue like a raging autist denied his tendies
Holy shit user, you are the biggest faggot I have ever seen on this board. Do us all a favor and head back to R*ddit where you can post a live stream of your suicide.
>So in order for your world view to work, you have to ignore the differences of people, the differences in their capabilities. You are the definition of an ideologue who ignores parts of the natural sciences, especially biology. Your egalitarian world view is not based in reality.
no? what egalitarian worldview? for someone who claims to be so smart you sure do say a lot of stupid things and attribute a lot of opinions to people you have no reason to believe they have. you're calling me an "egalitarian" after i literally told you i'm prob more racist than you are wtf? hahahahahaha, fucking dumb nazis
>claiming he never met a control freak
yup, you're a control freak confirmed. if you think you never met one then you must just take control freak behavior as customary and normal, because they're pretty pervasive in society
you really are a dumb fucking nazi, you know. i mean all of this talk about your IQ but im pretty convinced at this point that you are fucking dumb
"swear guys i don't want to control people, i'm not authoritarian, i just want to shove people i disagree with and people who live their lives in ways i dont like into ovens, i'm not a control freak tho! srsly! stop calling me that"
ok nazi, you're a fucking retard AND a control freak
>blah blah blah a bunch of empty insults with no real content
cool guy, take a gold star IDGAS
>am all for gender neutral toilets.
Do you want to smell woman shits cause I don't ya puff
woman shits are the worst omfg, esp hot woman shits. they don't eat so it sits in them for like 3 or 4 days straight, and when it comes out its all fermented and ultra rotten. cucks think women dont poop and the reality is that they literally have the most rotten and foul smelling poops of any creature known to humanity
>no? what egalitarian worldview?
By ignoring the QUESTIONS I gave you in terms of IQ (80 vs 130) you made it seem that you believe literally everybody is equal. And by simply ignoring these arguments, you made yourself look like a fool and that you ignored these on the basis of being an ideologue.
>ad hominem # 5426
>i mean all of this talk about your IQ
So again, you ignore the science in Biology and Psychology to make your world view work. Funny enough, I have never talked about "my" IQ.
Like already stated. You are a rare breed, incredibly low intellect but with high perseverance, unable to understand what you write yourself, nor the consequences of your ideas.
>i’d gas
Now you’re beginning to understand
>By ignoring the QUESTIONS I gave you in terms of IQ (80 vs 130) you made it seem that you believe literally everybody is equal
no i didn't you're just a fucking retard who randomly thinks he knows everything about everyone.
you're going to shove people into ovens thinking you know things about them that you don't even fucking know too probably.
and the rest of your post is just more nonsense pls stfu
it's a really funny play on the acronym, but i still don't care about your stupid empty nonsense. i mean maybe if Sup Forums were a standup comedy club you'd win some kind of trophy for the night or something you know? not what im here for though. i think standup comedy is for gays and stupid women
Stop being a faggot. Left and right are just two categories that are used to pigeonhole groups of people and beliefs. Politics are not binary, but gender is.
At least you prove me to be right with every word you type. Lets keep this thing bumped for the lurkers to see your low intellect and low quality shilling. I hope you will come better prepared next time.
whatever bro you seriously don't even make any sense, no idea wtf you're talking about.
tough shit for you i'm a fucking american. i do what the fuck i want to do. i live my life the way i want to live it, faggot. and there's not anything you can do about it. you can sit and whine and be impotent and tell me how i should live my life all i want but all you make me do is want to do the exact opposite of what you say. i swear to god im not even gay but if the world ever becomes a bastion of nazis like you i will literally suck dick just to rub it in your face that there's nothing you can do about it
I know it's not like human shit it's different I need a shower now i feel fucking unclean
>i swear to god im not even gay but if the world ever becomes a bastion of nazis like you i will literally suck dick just to rub it in your face
>I’m not even gay
>I will literally suck dick
Really percolates my pistachios
>no idea wtf you're talking about.
Yes, this became very apparent during the conversation. Glad you realized that yourself now.
>tough shit for you i'm a fucking american.
Ok tough guy, next time I'll think twice talking to a real american.
> you can sit and whine and be impotent and tell me how i should live my life
I literally don't give a shit about what you do in the US.
>i swear to god im not even gay but if the world ever becomes a bastion of nazis like you i will literally suck dick just to rub it in your face
I'm sure you'll do well at sucking cock considering you are a gigantic faggot. Interestingly, why do you thing so many actual homosexuals were tolerated in the Nazi party?
>blah blah blah blah i don't like you
you know what? you fuckers have lost so horribly. and maybe if it weren't FOR people like you we could have done better. maybe if people like you were selling a positive message, actually looking to make life better for people, rather than treat them like army soldiers or ants on an ant hill, things could have gone better. maybe if you guys had been looking out for liberty and freedom then a lot of the bad things and authoritarianism that's crept into the USA over the last few years could have been avoided. just pointing that out
It's right that vegans must tell everybody their vegan even if it has nothing to do with white supremacy..
they're* before someone fucks all with what I said
Vegan =/= vegetarian, but I still chuckled
saged, soyboy
>maybe if it weren't FOR people like you we could have done better.
Please don't be so historically illiterate. The US still suffered from the economic crash of 1929 (just like everyone except Nazi Germany) and lost trade markets to the Germans. To boost the economy and get unemployment under control, you literally needed the war.
>maybe if people like you were selling a positive message
Oh I am. I just realized from your first post how uninformed you actually are and went towards agitation. I realized that trying to convince an ideologue is not worth my time since it never works, hence I tried to get a little bit of fun out of it.
And the problem is still there, you understand so little about National Socialism, that you are just shaking from anger. Things like
>actually looking to make life better for people, rather than treat them like army soldiers or ants on an ant hill, things could have gone better.
just show that you have literally no clue what is going on and only no the propaganda. Also that you take this "oven thing" so seriously also shows that you can't think straight and forget where you are posting.
>if you guys had been looking out for liberty and freedom
That was the idea back then, freedom from foreign influence through international markets/banking. It was not about conquering. I hope you don't think that anyone of the allies fought for liberty and freedom right? It was all about economy.
Just to clarify, I don't think NatSoc for the US makes sense. For that, you'd have to balkanize the country OR create a large movement of people or literally genocide. All of these are rather unrealistic scenarios.
>Please don't be so historically illiterate. The US still suffered from the economic crash of 1929 (just like everyone except Nazi Germany) and lost trade markets to the Germans. To boost the economy and get unemployment under control, you literally needed the war.
this has absolutely nothing to do with what i said, you just wanted to make an opportunity to share some of your fairly basic knowledge of US history to make yourself seem more smart.
>this has absolutely nothing to do with what i said
I literally quoted that part where I thought you implied exactly that. You should make yourself more clear next time. Also
>fairly basic knowledge of US history
>Implying the US isn't know for their shit education system
i have to go bro, you've been nothing but a comic book character in this thread IMO
I hope I'm a super villain. Ah wait, no an Ultra villain, that is closer to what you described. Next time, don't let your blind hatred fuel your arguments, it was apparent from your first post. Otherwise, highly entertaining. And next time, please use more buzzwords like "Statism" to fuel your arguments, it raises the level of discussion a bit.
>but am all for gender neutral toilets
Fucking why? You really want horny creeps to be in close contact with women?
I support the welfare state to ensure equal opportunity (for example, going to university or getting cancer treatment even if you're poor) and mitigating the worst outcomes of a market economy.
I also support strict regulations on food safety, privacy, environment, etc. like we have in the EU.
At the same time, I think all the evidence points out how different ethnic clusters exist ("races"), how they are not equal in several key aspects such as average intelligence and aggresiveness, and how society functions better (more altruism, more trust, etc.) when it's homogeneous. Therefore, I think Europe should reject any non-European immigrants for the well-being of its citizens.
I understand how race became taboo after WW2, but it really pisses me off reading all these postmodernist academics in the humanities talking about every human is exactly the same tabula rasa when hard science clearly says we're not. Why can't they just accept the truth? They seem as ridiculous as creationists to me, and they are doing real harm to society.
I'd like to live in a progressive Europe populated by Europeans, and I have no problem voting far right parties if they are the ones who deliver the project that is closest to it, with the alternative being essentially the destruction of Europe. I'd also like compulsory military service being brought back.