It really was an amazing congress. I think we definitely impressed with how many turned out and how many support the movement.
There is only one thing I'm not sure about, and it's the fact that some still feel the need to include foreigners in everything, like "it would be even better with more color". I know FvD is not the NSB but with statements like that they do sound like het partijkartel.
Tyler Hall
NOS besteedde een artikel aan de FvD-conferentie. Kijk de selectieve beelden maar eens terug
Thierry gaat het tij niet op tijd keren. Het probleem zit inmiddels diep doorgedrongen in onze verwijfde weg-met-ons cultuur. Het gros van onze vrouwen is geïnfecteerd met het carrièrevirus of ze (kool-)branden er vrolijk op los tot hun 30e. Een laatste groep mannen die onironisch nog bereid zijn om te knokken voor hun land staan bij PVV, Zwarte Piet of Pegida demonstraties, maar krijgen weinig steun van welbespraakte zelfverklaarde patriotten, want imagoschade, want tokkies. Voor een kijk in de toekomst adviseer ik jullie eens een middelbaar schoolplein te bezoeken rond pauzetijd.
Stel de FvD komt op miraculeuze manier in het volgende kabinet, samen met PVV... Wat dan? Stel ze krijgen het bindend referendum doorgedrukt, hoe ver mag dat gaan? Nexit is wenselijk, om vervolgens samen met UK een nieuwe gouden tijd tegemoet te gaan. Maar hoe gaan we dit land minder vol krijgen? Het lukt ze geen eens om het dubbele paspoort voor kamerleden af te schaffen
Ik zie het somber in, het (((EU))) plan is overduidelijk. Ook papier gezet door een van haar bedenkers. De toekomstige Europeaan moet en zal een hybride mens worden. Een mix van Germaans en Afrikaans. Zelfs Hiddema bepleit het met zijn rasmix-uitspraken. Veel vrienden emigreren nu ze nog kinderloos zijn of de kinderen nog jong zijn. Ik twijfel, wat jullie?
Geef me 1 reden om te blijven
Brayden Price
If you don't think the netherlands can be saved then leave, I'll stay and fight for what it's worth
I'd be pretty torn between these guys and Partij voor de Vrijheid if I was a swampfag
Aren't any of you guys concerned FvD is a controlled opposition party on the payroll of the other parties to divide the nationalist vote?
Isaiah Long
Partijcongres FvD: Baudet wil terug naar het Europa van 150 jaar geleden
Jeremiah Smith
>I'd be pretty torn between these guys and Partij voor de Vrijheid if I was a swampfag
Why vote for a party again that has accomplished practically nothing in over a decade?
Noah Adams >I tried listening to radio4 - but was immediately confronted with the horrible atonal ''music”. Wat a horror He hates modern art >Aren't any of you guys concerned FvD is a controlled opposition party on the payroll of the other parties to divide the nationalist vote? Such a retarded conspiracy. Wilders is fucking it up for himself, I wouldn't vote for that shitbrain but would gladly vote for Baudet
Asher Baker
No, I'm pretty sure Forum was created intentionally for the swampniggers who didn't want to be called a tokkie by voting for Greet. Thierry himself was heavily influenced by Martin Bosma and Theo voted Wilders before joining FvD
Jayden Murphy
>i have decided to become a FvD member.
t. stamgast van /polder/
Noah Stewart
Ik begrijp dat het lastig kan zijn om te blijven gezien de huidige situatie. Maar het verlaten van dit land zal geen oplossing bieden. Slechts in uiterste nood zou dat nodig kunnen zijn, om ergens in de wereld een soort kolonie op te zetten waar we ons volk met haar tradities kunnen bewaren, wachtend op een tijd om terug te keren. Het is nu met name van belang om realistische doelen te stellen. Ik ben ook geen fan van Hiddema's uitspraken maar FvD is in ieder geval een stap de goede kant op. En je moet bedenken dat het in andere landen (bijvoorbeeld Zweden) nog veel slechter gaat, hetgeen mogelijk kan helpen bij het winnen van mensen voor onze kant. Zelfs de NOS heeft geschreven over de Zweedse probleemwijken:
I love it, show these people who are still blind to the dangers of multiculturalism what it's really like We need a chimpout in Rotterdam or Den Haag
Lincoln Edwards
Thomas Sanchez
just another chimpout
William Thomas
Nog even tot Rutte naar Brussel verdwijnt en dan zal Nederland weer voor de eerlijke Nederlander wezen.
Mason Brown
Hebben we dat al niet gehad met de Turkse rellen? Vlak voor de verkiezingen, nota bene.
Jonathan Martin
Yes, sadly the VVD decided to act hard for the first time in 4 years and they won seats because of it The PVV was polling way higher before that incident
Christian Morgan
>een soort kolonie op te zetten Dit dus. Er bestaan al Nederlandse enclaves in Canada, Australië, Nieuw Zeeland en Amerika. Vertrekken voelt als verraad, maar wat is dit kleine stukje aarde nog waard? Het dient enkel als belastingparadijs en experiment voor het multiculturalisme. Brussel gezien gisteren, of die auto die over kinderen scheurde in Engeland. Zweden heeft Malmö, wij hebben de Schilderswijk. Verschil is, wij zijn het dichtstbevolkte land in Europa en in Zweden kun je nog binnen de landsgrenzen ontsnappen. Het belangrijkste zijn wij, de Nederlanders en onze cultuur. Die nemen we mee waar we ook gaan. Hier blijven is ten onder gaan met de cultuurmarxisten of je kinderen zullen zich terugtrekken in beveiligde communities. Kijk naar Zuid-Afrika maat
Evan Rivera
>Baudet's speech
is there a mainstream politician ANYWHERE else that names (((modern architecture))), the (((Frankfurt Schule)) and actively strives for actual traditionalism. I feel blessed.
The people (ad hominem) responding to his tweet don't even know what atonal music is. I even see some fags mentioning Jimi Hendrix and other we wuz artists, kek.
Owen Miller
PVV has *literally* a big Israeli flag in their office.
Thomas Jackson
>- Unequivocally against cosmopolitanism in acedemia, newspapers and media.
>Everything is so bad, we are totally against it, we need CHANGE!!1! >Millions of foreigners can stay of course XDDD >Oh yeah and more can come too XDDDD
Forget it, all these frauds exist solely to stabilize the system by giving people a team to root for and making them believe in democracy.
Dominic Gomez
I feel proud that I voted for FvD last elections.
most people close to me said I was throwing my vote away, because they will never get enough votes as a new party. I think their votes will increase each election until they are eventually at the top
Bentley Peterson
I will probably still vote PVV in the voting boot.
But become a member and advocate FvD for the normies.
PVV did not make it, and never will make it, because Wilders and other party members are TOO RADICAL - too foul-mouthed.
Last election Wilders `party program` consisted of 1 A4 pamphlet saying, among other policies, he wants to close all mosques, ban the Koran and forcefully re-migrate marroccans who comitted a fellony.
FvD is much more intellectually oriented, yet they want to try be inclusive to working class peoples.
Grayson Scott
Uhh what? FvD is for closed borders, an immigration policy like that of Australia.
Alexander Green
Ik denk dat we pas moeten vertrekken als duidelijk alles verloren is. Op dit moment is de toestand kritiek, maar we kunnen geloof ik het tij nog keren. Als we moeten wegtrekken, dan moet het sowieso massaal zijn. Anders krijg je een handjevol Nederlanders dat alleen zijn eigen cultuur en volk zou weten te behouden door middel van inteelt.
Hudson Murphy
Theirry will get himself in a corner, already has to some degree, and what he said in the past won't be truly forgotten. I'd be suprised if what you're saying turns out true.
Mason Mitchell
Pim Fortuyn zat in de peilingen op 33 en zou de grootste partij worden. In wat zijn EERSTE VERKIEZINGEN zouden worden.
We zitten nu al op 11 zetels met FvD. Het is dus mogelijk jongens.
Ryan Davis
FvD heeft ook echt wel door dat NU iets moeten doen gelukkig.
“Maar het zijn de jongeren van nu die moeten opdraaien voor de kosten van dit waanzinnige demografische experiment en voor het uitwissen van onze gemeenschap.”
- Frederik Jansen, JFvD
Michael Lee
>immigration policy like that of Australia.
that's the problem
Colton Campbell
76 zetels wanneer?
Jacob Bennett
als je naar de peilingen kijkt zie je dat het ook veel effect heeft op de kiezer (als je kijkt naar de peilingen van maurice de hond (26 nov.) zie je dat de FvD nog een zetel erbij heeft kunnen krijgen..) kan niet wachten op de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen!
Things will never be like the old days Hans you can forget it, you crazy old Nazi.
Jack Nelson
Australia is surrounded by asian countries, an australian immigration policy in the netherlands would be europeans immigrating to us. And why would it be otherwise?
>Asylum policy by Australian model: The Netherlands decides for itself who is being cared for here. Immigrants with extreme political ideas that are not in line with our Western civilization should be immediately deported to the country of origin.
>Asylum applications no longer lead to a (semi) automatic permanent residence permit but (at most) to temporary shelter. The goal must be return to the country of origin;
>Active policy on illegal immigrants; criminalize illegality.
>Promote remigration where integration (assimilation) fails.
He makes the SJW's seething with rage because they cant silence him by calling him a white male. Thiery took 35 red pills, Yernaz took the remaining 15.
Adam Cook
FvD sympathizer Prof. Jan van de Beek - A politically incorrect professor who was bullied to leave University of Amsterdam - gave a speech to JFVD recently.
In which he advocated for `only allowing migrantion from the European continent, with some exceptions such as Afrikaners (white south africans)`.
as I said>>Millions of foreigners can stay of course XDDD >>Oh yeah and more can come too XDDDD
The argument "come on, you can't expect to stop White genocide" isn't very convincing. It could be true of course but then at least don't pretend or imply people like that are trying to stop it when they're clearly not.
Luke Smith
Oh in the Western culture is superior video he also mentions explicitly that it was whites who saved blacks from slavery and that blacks still use slaves.
Jack Gutierrez
yeah man, he's woke to the IQ thing and not afraid to talk about it. He's so fucking ugly though.
But they are trying to stop it: Don't speak up so loudly when you don't understand our situation, german rat
Jack Allen
His sisters are extremely good-looking.
Chase Nguyen
ok that's at least *something* (and still not enough). I'm just allergic to people using Australia as an example (sometimes even Canada or the US, believe it or not). Ask Australians how they feel about immigration.
John Cruz
FvD is already the most radical they can get without being ostracized, some people just don't understand optics it seems. Baudet has said he want The Netherlands to stay predominantly white as well.
Brody Lopez
Levi Morales
Easton King
For this german idiot anything less than bringing the hitler salute isn't enough Of course people don't understand that that doesn't bring in votes, double digit IQ idiots
Ethan Cook
>The Netherlands to stay predominantly white as well.
the horror
John Gonzalez
good debating style first, second, notice how these people are always fine with immigrants already there? when remigration was still a mainstream issue a few decades ago. they are frauds and system stabilizers.
Adrian Brown
Robert King
They want to deport people with a double passport who commit crimes You're coming across like an american acting like he knows another country well enough, embarrassing
Jayden Davis
I have never understood how this has become such a controversial issue.
Josiah Myers
Yeah weird as fuck this is something taboo to say when you think about it.
>Op basis van standpunten en eerder gedane uitspraken.
>Welke standpunten precies?
>Je weet verdomde goed welke uitspraken het zijn. >Het is elke keer hetzelfde riedeltje, ik durf er geld op in te zetten dat je de copy paste met verdediging al lang naast je open hebt liggen. >'Ik wil dat Europa niet "Afrikaniseert". (...) Ik wil dat Europa dominant blank en cultureel blijft zoals het is.' Bron
Austin Myers
See >>Promote remigration where integration (assimilation) fails.
Cameron Martinez
I'm mainly against lying and hypocrisy. If people are fine with Whites becoming a minority - not my opinion but whatever... but why are they at the same time acting as if they weren't?
Kevin Morris
Jaxon Turner
>fvd is inmiddels even groot als Groenlijk, PvdArabieren, CDAch etc.
Geef de hoop niet op voor je gevochten hebt! De strijd is pas net begonnen
Gavin Smith
What the fuck are you even talking about? He said he wants to keep the netherlands white Go busy yourself with your pathetic country, there's plenty of work to do
Easton Peterson
John Morgan
Dylan Johnson
Jackson Williams
Zachary Sanchez
Goedemorgen broer, leuk je te zien!
Cameron Perez
Because racial science was (((debunked))) in the first half of the 20th century.
Michael Taylor
lol actual fascist here, FvD is nowhere near really, truly fascist. More like old time centrist. Its just that most western societies are now ultra left, and thus it only seems like he is really right wing.
But I could utter like 5 sentences to truly show you the depth of how right wing one can easily go. Which he wouldnt even dare to touch...
Jayden Price
Wie van jullie heeft dat politiepaard vermoord in Nijmegen?
Carson Davis
so glad i didnt go there. Probably a bunch of acne faced obese Sup Forumsfags there
Carter Miller
Is de FVD-jugend weer bezig geweest?
Joseph Bailey
yeah that's at least something (again). giving info is more productive than crying and cursing like so many here. but it's interesting that no one says "we want x millions less foreigners" like even mainstream parties did not long ago. (of course they just said that to keep people believing like all these new parties now.)
>lol actual fascist here, FvD is nowhere near really, truly fascist. Stop LARP'ing
>More like old time centrist. Its just that most western societies are now ultra left, and thus it only seems like he is really right wing. Well we have to start somewhere
>But I could utter like 5 sentences to truly show you the depth of how right wing one can easily go. Which he wouldnt even dare to touch... Yes, that's a good idea. Let's say some controversial stuff to scare away any potential voter so that we can never reach at least some of our goals. Because muh purity and all that
Andrew King
And what are you doing, Heinz?
Connor Walker
I forgot, it's evening in's too early here, need more koffie!
Tyler Kelly
>Je weet verdomde goed welke uitspraken het zijn.
Finally a good flowing Dutch version of "it's not my job to educate you, shitlord".
It's like 10 am on Canada's east-coast, right? That's not really that early.
Juan Gray
Pretty sure Nadira is his sister. Really flurries my curries.
Easton Sanchez
The revolution starts with reintroducing an appreciation of the self and the nation. You have to remember how much the education systems, media and politics have brainwashed everyone. Without dealing with first you can try to be fascist all you want but you won't accomplish anything.
Nathaniel Davis
I am west coast vrind, it's just after 0700. Is it real pannenkoeken hours already?!
Luis Ward
>And what are you doing, Heinz?
Not much actually (like everyone else) but at least I don't sedate people and tell them problems can an will some day be solved by making dots or crosses or whatever on a piece of paper.
Hunter Ward
Ah we are dealing with a radical revolutionary chad