Red pill

Red pill
>you look EXACTLY like your waifu
>you now live in her world and have to live her life

Blue pill
>your waifu is becomes real
>she appears in front of you in 3d form
>has no fucking clue who you are
>wondering why her body looks multidimensional

Judgement call, Sup Forums.

Red pill.

I'd rather not taint her in this disgusting 3d world.

Initially I thought I would take the blue pill but after thinking about it more, becoming my waifu would be way better because having super powers would be neato.

>I'd rather not taint her in this disgusting 3d world.

Are your sure? Sup Forumsnons will want to fuck you.

But user, she was a chinaman in this world

red pill by far

My waifu is dead though, so either choice is shit.


If I select the red pill I vanish from existence.

I'll select the blue pill and nothing will happen.

> Sup Forumsnons take blue pill
> waifu cucked by some 3d chad

Why would you pick anything but red

Definitely Red.

Assuming I keep my personality, not only do I get to see my waifu every day, I get to BE her? That's literally my fetish. Screw my old life, it's the life in anime nippon from here out.
I'll send pics

user at least try to come up with a second option that's actually somewhat compelling. Nobody with half an ounce of gray matter in their skull is going to choose the blue pill.

It really depends on whether her world existed before I took this pill, cause if it does, the first pill kills her and the second one subjects her to a pretty miserable fate.

This, I'll take the red pill.

You'd need a very specific type of waifu for blue to even have a chance of working- I can't think of any girls off the top of my head whose ideal relationship is being kidnapped and essentially being an illegal immigrant.

id rather stick to jerking off to pics off her
neither thanks

kek redpill ofc, being me is pretty shitty.

Unless your waifu lives in a dystopian setting.

Shame on every other one of you morons for seriously replying to this thread.

One example for you.


'I saw the word pill preceded by a color so it must be Sup Forums shit!'
This is or shit, not Sup Forums shit.

I knew I should've put old fat man in there somewhere.

At least with the red pill people will like me.

I'll become my waifu and rape other girls for eternity. Sounds like heaven to me.

>implying Sup Forums would commit genetic suicide to be a woman

I-I like you.

I choose neither and continue on with the status quo.

Red and fulfill my dream of seeing her as hyperslutty semen pumping machine

Red pill obviously.

No neither, faggots.

good pic

Do I really have to choose any?
>you take over your waifu, literally killing her in the process
>once the charm of "being a cute girl" wears off, you'll probably find that her life isn't as free of worries as you think it is

>make your waifu 3D
>pull her away from her friends, family, life and goals to a world where the only person who knows her is some creepy nerd that just wants to fuck her

Red Pill. I will just become a lesbian and fuck 2D girls.

Thanks. An user drew it for me a few years ago.

>once the charm of "being a cute girl" wears off, you'll probably find that her life isn't as free of worries as you think it is
Buddy, my waifu is a lazy goddess who only gets off her ass when plot comes knocking. I'm perfectly fine red pilling.

But you're waifu isn't real. You're literally giving her life by becoming her.

But the red pill choice says that you'll be living in HER world. So you'll becoming 2D.

This assumes that the 2D world actually exists somewhere and so do everyone that lives in. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

If you become her, do you only exist when people are watching you?

Green pill
>Op is a faggot

You only exist so long as people keep on making lots of art of you.

If you didn't exist how would they watch you?

What if my waifu dies? Can I use my knowledge to change my circumstances?

It become real because of you. You gave life to billions.

But I only exist for 13x23 minute episodes.

You always exist and you always look EXACTLY like you're waifu.
You can use you're knowledge of her series to keep your waifu from dying.

It would be interesting to know who's everyone's waifu among those that chose red pill.

Because one thing is choosing to be Hotaru from Non Non Biyori and live her life in her comfy world, another thing is choosing to be Mikasa Ackerman and having to deal with Eren.

What kind of shitty world would you be willing to live in as a price to become your waifu?

>take blue pill
>Thad ChunderCock ignores her and suddenly develops an infatuation with trap a/non
>Chad cucks a/nons former waifu

What did he mean by this?

I choose this one

I'm glad I have a comfy waifu. But if looking like her forced me to fight titans I'd do it in a heartbeat.

what happens if I swallow both pills at the same time?

thanks doc

It doesn't matter because they won't exist any more.

Also what if I take half of each? Would I be converted into 2d and sent right in front of my waifu in her world?

You get sent to the 2D realm, your waifu gets sent to our realm. You'll never meet, but she'll see you when she watches her favourite anime.

I suppose I'm a corpse in a bus ;_;

You purposely made the blue pill shit so you'd have tons of people asking for the red pill, didn't you?

finally I can BE the undying loli vampire

>tfw ur waifu is gay and already has her own waifu
>upon realizing her waifu doesn't exist in this reality she'd be a hollow shell of her former self
also she doesn't speak english so she wouldn't be able to go outside without causing chaos anyways

it would make for a very tragic and depressing SoL plot

Depending on the world your waifu lives in, the red pill choice might actually be the objectively less appealing choice.

What if you get the English Dubbed version of your waifu?

True. I wouldn't like to live in the world of seraph end

It'll poison you. No cheating, show your waifu your resolve.

Cris Vee isn't too bad, but it's probably make her hate me much faster if we could directly communicate.

Red pill doesn't seem like too good of an idea. On the other hand, she'd never forgive me for pulling her away from Madoka and what she considers her duty.

Red pill, I'd be a good waifu.


Well I could play the guitar with Azusa, but it would be creepy to have a relationship with her since she's 17 and I'm 25, unless it is the Azusa from a k-on world where time kept going after the series ended, in that case it is okay. But how would she look like in 3D? Like a normal asian girl or like a weird 3D model with big eyes? Too many questions.

Hmmm... how much money do you think I'd make by selling her to robotic researchers?

A 8 years difference creepy? That's quite acceptable. Just wait one year if you're really that uncomfortable with a minor, but chances are you live in a country where she's already above the age of consent anyway.

>not taking the redpilled
Already posted it in a love live thread on /vg/ but it hit me that i had the exact same hairstyle as chika when i was in kindergarten.
So i've always been pretty anime.
I don't think that i will miss the 3rd dimension.

I dont have an anime waifu, what do?

These threads predate all the normalfag boards, idiot. You are the clear example of someone actually trying "to fit in" while having no actual knowledge of what the fuck you are on about.

>literally killing her in the process
But you aren't, you are merging with her becoming one. So rather, the one dying is actually you.

Even better.

Well the choice is obvious, and that is not taking any pill at all.

However, if I'm forced to make a choice, then blue pill is the way to go. Red pill means she stops existing and I take over her life. Blue pill means we both get to exist, and hopefully we develop a beautiful relationship.

Yeah, it's still not acceptable by most people, but 17 is getting really close to the age where girls can date anything without getting weird looks. I could wait a year.

>8 years difference not acceptable
>Americans voted a man married to a woman 24 years younger

Red sounds really fucking nice desu.

>Red pill
>you are na immortal loli
>you pilot the most powerful 2D entity that ever existed
>you take treetrunk-thick cock every day

Why wouldn't I choose that?

>red pill
>kill your waifu

Blue of course. We would fall in love with each other anyway.

>having waifu so slutty she would fuck chads
How shitty are your tastes?

>get to be wicked smart Wise Wolf
>will receive dickings from total alpha and best boy
>get to travel the world and make dosh
Only problem with the red pill is not being nearly as smart as le ebin smart doggo

Tomoko is me as a girl .

Don't be silly. Tomoko has 1 friend.

He's my friend.
shut the fuck up.

I don't hace a waifu.

Can I pick the pink pill where I become a waifu of my choosing and get teleported to some cute Sup Forumsnon's home and fuck his brains out?

i take blue pill. then lock her in a room.then use her as living onahole

Would she still have her superpowers if she materialized in this world?

>a waifu of my choosing
I don't think it works like that

Red pill, real women are disgusting

Red pill, obviously. Besides, my waifu already lives in a harem

Blue Pill. Fuck you all.

Upon careful consideration I'd rather die than pick any of those. She would probably hate me if I pulled her away from her world into my own to satisfy my own selfishness. On the other hand I couldn't stand taking over her body, I would be infinitely close to her and yet unable to interact with her. Not to mention I couldn't invade her privacy in such a manner while having the mind of a guy.

I don't understand the red pill, how can I become myself?

So you want to be girl in harem


It'd be nice living in a world where people under 25 can afford their own place to live.

Ideally I'd like to stay myself and keep all the stuff I own but also go to the 2d world to live with my waifu.

So my choices are

>kill my waifu by taking over her body
>sully my waifu by making her 3D

I'll pass on both.

If her personality overwrote mine, then red pill.

If not, No pill. (If that's not an option, Blue pill.)The red pill will erase her personality in this case, and I'd rather have her still exist.