Ask my anything.
Who are you?
post tits or neck yourself
What exactly is spurdo and gondola supposed to represent
I'm male, no degeneracy allowed here, fag.
It's a stupid meme, don't take it too seriously
Finns love persians gurls, btw
Aye poo in the loo
Yeah you are not a finn, fuckin joraji
I fucked a parsi girl
How to fuck iranian qts?
why do you larp on Sup Forums ?
why are you still alive?
why aren't you afraid of dying alone and unloved?
why are you still alive?
why persian still sucking arab cocks
>Yeah you are not a finn
Yeah never claimed to be, I'm persian living in Finland
>I fucked a parsi girl
No you didn't they have high standards and won't fuck before marriage
I don't larp, I'm alive because I've a mission to complete, I'm afraid of dying now, but after my mission complete I can rest.
I'm already loved my many people friends, family members, teachers etc
Naa my dude Persians hate arabs, only that retarded regime in iran loves arab cocks and islamic shit.
Maybe Persian pussy can safe the West but they are kinda hairy and fat
Save* oops
Different guy but I can attest to the muh high standards persian girl thing being bullshit. I fucked one in college and never called her back lol. She was a virgin.
Why are you so Asian?
when you go back to china
Arabs like me love finish girls hihihi
why are there never posters from iran on here?
go home and do away with you Islamic Theocracy
because internet is blocked in iran, it's a shithole
yeah normal persian girls, but the poo guys mentioned parsi.
Fucking LARPer LARPing as a based Iranian.
Nukes will come.
when will you go back to the gas chamber
Get fuck out of my country you dirty islamic sandnigger.
Seriously go to Sweden. There is much more of your kind in there. Would suit you. Look how cozy it looks in the pic. Just like home isn't it.
Btw islam is cancer and a fake religion.
This 100%
Based Muslims.
Why are there all these subhumans posting here? This is a white only board. The day of the rope will come for you savages. Muhammed is a pedo who fucks pigs. I shit on the quran.
>This is a white only board
But Americans make up most of this site!
>The day of the rope will come for you savages
So you keep saying...
>Muhammed is a pedo who fucks pigs
Citation needed.
>I shit on the quran
And we conquer your countries without firing a single bullet.
Why not just come over to America if it’s too late to save Europe?
We got the guns! We got the shittalking free speech! We got the burgers! We got the hot babes! We got capitalism!
Just think about it for the future. Wyoming and Montana and Idaho are absolutely marvelous regions.
You might as well, my family came from Sweden and a bunch of us nords are in Wyoming and Minnesota and Montana.
might wanna deal with the ones in your country first, kek
Oh you will get bullets in your skull when the time comes...
>when the time comes
Yes, when it comes?
When does it come?
It comes soon, they say.
No. Zero interest to come there.
Dicks or go gtfo attention man whore.
UK is still in EU so you can travel here. Set up a time and a place and i will gut you vermin.
>i will gut you vermin
The only thing you can do is cry like a bitch on your containment board.
Dick or gtfo (2)
death to kikes.
Should cock riding be an Olympic event?
Come on then pussy. What's stopping you? Use some of that money you have leeched off british tax payers and take a flight here.´I can come meet you. Maybe you won't be so tough when you are not behind a computer screen then.
I'm ready. Are you ready rat? You could stop crying here and come show me how you take over my country. Oh you don't have the guts because you are 165cm manlet pakistani subhuman? I didnt think so either.
>Arabs like me
You mean nafris like you
When will you get that nuke already?
You are just an empty shitposter. So many words so little action. One thing you should know that eastern europeans are not cucked like western european numales. We are ready to die for our race and country. Communist traitors in the government might have let this iranian subhuman to my country but rest assured he will be removed when the time comes. I'm done with your pussy ass.
Wtf i love pakistan now!
I'm not larping, I'm iranian, and only based iranian are those who prefer their own tradition over arab ones.
I don't like islam either, that I'm not in my own country and in your country, sigh...
ME without islam when?
> nigger warrior
Idk, we just clicked
>high standards
What makes you think I lack the strong Aryan cock
>I'm iranian
Your opinion about ghorme sabzi?
That rice looks like poor people rice and stop mixing meat and sabzi, fuckin cut dicks
>stop mixing meat and sabzi
>stop making your national dish
Fucking poo subhumans.
Wew, it's still disgusting though i prefer Persian sweets
one of my favorites.
>>muhh meat
go drink cow pice, you faggot
>Persian sweets
Have you even tried gaz?
or are you full retard mode? MUHH IT HAS COW MILK
why dont you go back?
only if real
because iran is a shithole, it's place for those who like suck arabic cock and pray 5 time, bleed for a arab faggot, basically being cucked.
once again a Jew larping as X
>calling others larpers
drink cow shit.
>not drinking cow piss
Haven't you met women named soma, look into what it is
We don't eat cow meat
Indian women are better than Iranian women
she's lebanese though
You're berber not Arab you immigrant scum
Last time i saw you here some Finnish guy said this to you lol
forgot pic
That's right, subhumans. Only white nations are allowed to post in this board.
I love you for playing the meta, Argentinabro!
sabzi is literally vegetable curry. its like calling tofu steak.
And other finns support me