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Fucking bum lids, fucking state of this board
U WOT m8
I'm filling it all the evening
I'm not British though.
Stay salty you MOORED scum
I added that they should scrap the UN refugee act
Don't make me tell Portugal.
Enjoy the paki and polish immigration I'm creating in your name you cheeky cunt. I've also encouraged your brave Prime Minister to monitor the internet further to catch more little nazi rats such as yourself.
that's hopenothate who cares what they think
Ok, ok I'd fill it. But why is it so long?
done and BUMP
Done, I tried my best. I hope England stays White British forever.
Eat shit stupid nigger
Done. Good luck Brit Bros
Based. Heil victory!
Just wasted 10 minutes of my life on this shit, hope it makes a difference
Helping my EU brothers!
Thank you lads
done, I enjoyed give them a piece of my fucking mind.
I'm doing my part pa
No problem. I was in the shitter anyway. Tried to keep it somwhat lowkey so as not to be discarded as hatespeech but still made it strongly against non-EU immigration
Wazzup my Pennsylvania bro! Sheetz or Wawa.
bump, we need to get 10,000 anons on this
No worries.
Good lad
>"Other suggestions"
Stop being traitors.
I filled it in Sup Forums style, hope it helps britbongs.
Did it m8. Tried to sound as British as I could.
I'm pretty sure that being a national conversation it would exclude all foreign ips but I bet it's 10-1 in favour of brexit
am i helping?
Done, shame though that it will be dismissed as white racist.
>Without migrant labour, our agricultural sector would not survive
Disagreed, & if it fails build more fucking houses for migrants, Africans and other assorted scroungers on it.
What the hell, half of these farms don't even grow much & exist on subsidies to not grow much, if they fail its too bad.
How would you know if it's a Brit on vacation?
Who's to say a Norwegian isn't a British migrant and has just as much say anyway? Who needs borders they are arbitrary distinctions that no-one cares about anyway.
I've done my part papa
>Who's to say a Norwegian isn't a British migrant and has just as much say anyway? Who needs borders they are arbitrary distinctions that no-one cares about anyway.
yeah borders are pretty 20th century, i thought we voted to get rid of the damn things
>who are clearly men in their 20's
Kek. Doing God's work
Oh, I filled it out properly, I feel like a tit now for not making more jokes. Section 11 & 12 are dogshit, btw.
I love you
Kek, that explains why many of the questions had the underlying assumption that Britain should change into something more multicultural.
>survey targeted by russian trolls
Ive done my part to help our english allies, have you?
>‘they do the jobs that British people don’t want to’.
This phrase makes me want to tear my hair out,
Inb4 this is a honeypot to arrest "Right-wing extremists", filled it out anyway. Cant wait to see the "Hate" that is reported on in a few weeks.
I filled everything in positively and encouraged the government to do more to combat far-right wing hatred. Get fucked you racist cunts. Civic nationalism is the way.
Ahhhhh, the internet poll meme. It's amazing the bongs are still falling for this nonsense, as if their rulers actually care. They should add this question: "Will you be supporting muh Tories again like the retarded bong that you are, or will you actually show some intelligence and support politics that makes a difference re the issues we your rulers are LARPing about in this useless internet polling sham?"
"Yes, you say?" That's a good lad. Well done.
>or will you actually show some intelligence and support politics that makes a difference
Like who is that party?
& what chance do they realistically have vs Red and Blue. 0
they can't keep getting away with this!
Reminder that the English are a minority in England.
Well it's partially true
i'm doing it anglo bro
Well it's the official UK immigration survey run by MP yvette cooper
i thought i had made all my points, but it had to be said
Thank you jean-pierre, you lads are alright
Tbh it probably won't make a differance but as long as one of our MPs reads through the responses of 'fuck niggers' it will be worth it
>yeah borders are pretty 20th century, i thought we voted to get rid of the damn things
Exactly, I don't see why Africa can't be allowed to vote in our elections, it only seems fair since we are all the same race the human race anyway, in fact all the Russians should be allowed to vote in them too, I don't see why not, they can be X national too!
fucked it up fampai
made me laugh user
We need more burgers on this job
This is beautiful. Fuckin' saved bong bro
Just finished. Best of luck, Dad.
Done, hopefully the bastards get the idea
It's OK to gas the kikes and go to race war now.
Done. I gave the most anti-immigration answers possible. MUGA (Make UK Great Again)!
If we do ever get out of the stinking EU, at least we can pressure our OWN, ELECTED politicians to cut immigration.
Won't have "because muh EU rules" as an excuse.
Damn, too bad they're not dumb enough to allow multiple votes from the same IP
Took me 30 min to fill this out. Really hope it helps unfuck you bongs
You know they're going to be able to see that the surveys were done from IPs from Slavfrica and other countries right?
Fuck you anglos Im a fenian in NI and ny opinion is just as valid as yours :^)
I filled it out properly too. Just making "lel zyklon b merchant" jokes is retarded.
Nothing stopping a Brit from being in another country.
>Part & parcel
Top kek
fuck you beady anglos
>Myself and my wife's son
high skilled migrants are fine,its the low skilled non euro ones you need to worry about these are the paki dole dossers
narrative should be high skilled can come from anywhere (most of the 3rd world doesnt pump out high skilled people) and euro only low skilled to pick fruit
id rather have ivan farm my potatos than abdul
Good one.
No it isn't, what are you basing that on?
It's a government website.
filled it out for you lads. Why can't we just go back to the good old days and just have immigration between the British Isles? We kicked up very little fuss and our cultures are shockingly similar due to our proximity.
Thanks, friend
holy shit that survey was cucked beyond imagination. 10. 11. and 12. made my blood boil
m8 im english and even i wouldnt do this to ROI
Fucking transphobes
>hehe we're just like you guys
Fuck off west brit, the british view us as retarded drunkards and we have a slave mentality that means after 800 years of war and then 90 years of indpendence our national language still isnt spoken, dublin is trying to be a mini london with all the cultural AIDS. Plus the anglos are all atheists, not even degenerate protestants
faggot GTF then!
and stop running away to Scotland you scared bastards
>What group best describes you
>Asian British
>Black British
>White British
Jek, Bongs are a lost cause.
stop living in 1800 you faggot we see you the same as us now with funny voices nothing more
Fuck you anglo, warrenpoint bombing best day of my life desu. Hey, hows the Queens cousin Lord Mountbatten doing this weather? Still out fishing?
Yeah but we're fucking not, thats my issue you retarded anglo. Is cinéal na ndaoine difriúla muid agus tá bród orainn