SJW staged a harassment of a Russian girl

Instagram girls attacked by Western users, calling the girl a devil in the flesh and almost a fiancé of hell.
Russian blogger Sasha Kat published in her social network photo, which appeared in the image of a black girl, smeared her face with black paint. Foreign users immediately dubbed the girl racist.

The fact is that blackface in the US and Europe is considered unacceptable and is regarded as an insult. Americans, of course, do not know that in Russia no one has heard of the blackface, but the indignation over the photos was supported by another Russian blogger Nick Vodvud (nixelpixel).

"Again a white blogger made up like black skin. Oh, Lord, when will it end? Regardless of its intentions, it's not ok, it's racism, it's called blackface. I'm very sad when people argue about things they do not understand and are guided by their feelings and lack of education. Google and read, study racism. Race is not a suit or an onion. You can not do this, "- wrote Nick Waterwood in their social networks.

Russian users were divided into two camps. Many share the progressive views of Nicky Waterwood, others are sure that, since Sasha Kat did not want to offend anyone, she can not be called her racist.

Other urls found in this thread:

pazzaken@xketura oh fuck our culture eh? And who is racist now? This is just classic xenophobia lol. Once again, here in eastern Europe we dont care all this racial shit you so concerned about on the West. Your ancesters make some shit on racial basis to each others and now you running around with your skin color like it something more important than common language, culture, nation and everything in the world. Nothing wrong in painting your skin, nothing wrong in wearing other race as a costume, unless you some westerner, who suffers of some wierd racial fixation lol
amberqazi@fjskalvpwpzla lmao learn English please. I don't know what you just said.
[email protected] lol what opportunities. Her 1m followers are Russian and people in Russia dont find this racist. They are all protecting her from you lot who are spamming in the comments with hatred. This is only gonna make her more famous and in a good way. She should prob thank you all, well done





Bump, fucked niggers sosnuley

First of all racism is fun thing inherent to human nature.
Second, why you murica cuckolds let your subhumans dictate how everyone should behave, and tremble about offending some bitch ass nigga muh feelings.

Bump, but this is quite retarded

Who gives a shit, fuck niggers

Why do negroes think that their opinion is of interest to someone. Why do negroes don't respect opinion this girl?

Who cares?

niggers r scary

I hate dark features in women. Why the fuck are Russians trying to look like American black women? The fuck?

In Mother Russia pure stupidity and ingnorance is always an excuse. Becuase They’re stupid, ignorant, people. A stupid, ignorant, country. With stupid, ignorant, leaders. And stupid, ignorant, shills.

Oh, is that insulting? I didn’t know.

>Russian users were divided into two camps. Many share the progressive views of Nicky Waterwood
>progressive views
>in Russia
Third Rome my ass. You've betrayed your civilization by handing over your youth to (((westerners))). Sad, бpaтyшкa

Americans, you must repent for your stupid fellow citizens.

it triggers them because it highlights the differing bone structure they will never attain

so is your mom

It was a joke photo. Like a halloween mascara.

They just love chocolate


Shut up retard

painting ourselves black is a tradition here

Holy hell, she's beautiful.

Ayy lmao. If all black women looked like this, and not like retarded fat baboons, then racemixing would probably be more prevalent.
Niggers are just salty that they look and smell like ass.

In our country many people hates imperial views. We are hate "pidorahas"

Russian libertarians are against this SJW bullshit.

Most Russians are Imperials. Racism is less characteristic of us than xenophobia. And we must pay tribute to the Soviet Union with its internationalism

Intresting, if she would publish footage from "Operation bl", would the negroes be burning?

>Niggers are just salty that they look and smell like ass.
This. If dindus looked like her, I probably wouldn't even mind their low IQ.

you shouldn't argue what is racist and what isn't,just call them a nigger and tell them to fuck off



Agreed, fuck niggers. Can i get an amen from my brothers?

Amen. Just don't fuck them literally.

"Imperial", "Racism", haha. Pidorahas wants be slaves. In Rome Impire was citizens and barbarians, in pidoraha's Empire live only barbarians


They're really pissed off, cuz she looks like the hottest black chick ever.

>many people
They aren't even humans after all, they're liberal scum.

This burning niggers like that pidorahas, who burning without trolling about veterans.

But, in the end, the Russians are the white negroes of Europe. like all Finno-Ugric peoples

Its better, than being slave

Go blow Abdulah, its your civil duty

I don't believe white murricans really afraid of some black ass bitch monkeys, who can't tolerate some simple jokes and really take them to the heart. Tell me it's not true.

Finno-Ugric >>> Slav shit


>We are hate "pidorahas"

Yet you still pidoraha

Being determines consciousness. You are also a slave, because you are also surrounded by slaves, and you are their descendant

She's trying to look Melanesian, not Black.
Do Russians even know about Melanesia?

Niggers are so annoying!
Nobody sane wants to be you assholes. Don't even want to live next to you when we have that option. So don't worry about that!


Why don't she just says "Suka blyat"? It is so simple.

>Do Russians even know about Melanesia?

should i remind about Miklouho-Maclay, dat guy was ethnolog and wrote about papua people

russians are niggers

t. 56%

It was when we came over for a generation too
But the Dutch community here is more interested in saving Hondurans than being Dutch anymore
Kill me
>100% Dutch
>Shunned by the Dutch community for being pro Dutch community
I hate clown world

> Do Russians even know about Melanesia?
Do Murricans even know that russians don't care about racism and all the shit you've done to negroes in your history. So we can joke about niggas and your cuckoldism however we want.

We all are niggers, even sky, even Allah.

Americans are stupid and fat

where do you live?


Who the fuck but the mentally insane wants to be niggers? You have to be the dumbest fucks on the planet to WANT to be that. Don't worry niggers we are not going to try to be niggers.


unironically this


>bulgarian dicked for 500 years
>russia frees him with turko-russian war
>gets cucked, decides to lie and say he did it on himself

You are the slavic definition of we wuz kangs n shiiet

Quotations of Sasha Kate "Yes, it's me I left too many comments about my skin color under the last video. To be honest, I'm already used to being picky about me because of this. pale skin color - at how to understand? I do not think that it looks like a corpse, a dead person and that "in fact, such a color needs to be hidden by make-up" If I seem painfully pale to you, then catch this image In instastori I uploaded the photo without wig "

Who the fuck but the mentally insane wants to be? You have to be the dumbest fucks on the planet to WANT to be. Don't worry we are not going to try to be.


Notice how these assholes just declare something as bad andcthen running around harassing people into accepting its bad or so they try. Most people dont even know what the hell they are talking about. But due to social media (facebook and twitter needs to be deleted) they sit and lecture people in other countries. Keep your fucking nigger antics to yourselves they dont live in your neighbourghood or have to follow a god damn thing you are saying!

atleast we are white niggers, unlike you

fuck niggers and nigger lovers


Even white girls make hotter black girls
Putin is the savior of white race, lol.

Is there something niggers actually do in the us except constantly complaining to everyone in the world? It seems very clear, they sit on welfare an go on twitter facebook or instagram and complain 24/7 when they are not out burning shit down and looting. If you made it a crime to do these things when you are on welfare (because they shit in many cases on the anericans giving them food through welfare and ebt.) most of these cunts and protestors etc would vanish in a nanosecond.

Girls just want to have fun.

It really must be a truly bizarre experience to be a n american. You go to work all week and every day you come home you come home to this shit. AND you're fucking putting food on the table for these fucking people!
It's no wonder why this leftist agenda have gotten so far! Why? Because these people have like twice the time as everybody else. Whilst everyone else are working they are sitting 24/7 conconcting this fucking bullshit whilst everyone else is paying for it!

Putin is a kike shill, only way he ever got power and has no intentions of working for anyone else's interests but the international clique of subversive jewry

who dis is?

Administrator of the largest russian imageboard

Forgot a picture

is he from Caucasus? looks very turkic

Russians - white niggers. Slavery appeared in Russia in the 10th century and was legal until the middle of the 19th century. And there were no niggers who was a slave in Russia. Russians have been slaves for almost a thousand years. We have no colonies in Africa. And we are not guilty of their stupidity.
Will these black-ass motherfuckers call us white supremacists? No fucking way. It's time to stop this bullshit, and give them history lesson

He is azerbaijani.

It really isn't fear. It is indifference.

>Slavery appeared in Russia in the 10th century
16 -17th
Only 40% of peasants were serfs. And serfdom isn't slavery.

Yes, he is a muslim. And his wife is a russian bitch who put on a hidjab.


>serfdom isn't slavery.

Are you high? Wanna get an electric shock?

That’s rich coming from a leaf. How is your isis import coming along?

> muslim
> drinks alcohol

Дyйтe oбpaтнo нa двaч cвинopyccкиe.
Tyт тeppитopия выcших-pac.

>fucking leaf

Жидoхoхoл, здecь вaм нe paды.

Good one Bob. Russia has ethnic identity and no liberal cancer. How long you think West will last with suicidal liberal ideologies and whites becoming minoroties in their own countries?

Allax doesn't watch you at nigth.

Кpиптoхoхoл cпaлилcя.