Woman red pills herself

This is why you shouldn't red pill yourself too fast: youtube.com/watch?v=Pq8HtXO6xHc

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not watching that shit. Looks like a woman with emotional problems who's acting it all out on social media. This isn't politics

schizophrenia is a hell of a drug


Bitch, you just described yourself on Sup Forums.

You're on Sup Forums.


is she dare i say it /our/schizogirl?

crazy people are weird

Those aren't redpills.

"Clocks are demons and I can't leave my house because numbers" is just crazy.

Did she by any means be an active anti-Trumper?
Because there's such a thing as the Trump Curse. Fukken CHECKED.

haha checked

should be on /x

People who aren't into talking to you or are thinking about something else will get annoyed at you and "change" their personality.

She sounds like she needs to become a hardcore Christian for protection against "daemons." She'll get peace of mind.

>Christians in the comments taking her seriously and unironically indulging her delusions
>dont mess with witchcraft bro!!!
The fedora meme was a mistake. Religious people are genuinely fucking stupid.

wow she's getting sick gets
Kek has praised here

Oh shit, I've been seeing 9:11 a lot recently. What's this mean?

why are americans so delusional?
most need a big kick in the bum

the biggest problem with people who think they are being targeted by daemons is that most of these "daemons" are just people... regular sociopaths, psychopaths, and people who want to prey on you. Back in the stone age and more primitive times you could just murder them if you felt threatened by them or they creeped you out. Now your hands are tied, so you feel hopeless that you can't kill a person trying to prey on you. It's like the issues with niggers, gangbangers. Logically, the "farmer minded" people should be committing genocide against the bandits, gangsters, and anyone who is a threat. But in a modern society, they can't do that.

In the old war, good people who team up against bad people. And the bad people started teaming up against the "good people."

The eternal struggle.

Idk but I see 33 on the clock multiple times a day.

She's just retarded getting spooked by noticing patterns and marching symbols.

the numbers are always there. You're just starting to notice them.

Mental illness is no joke.

Christ will protect from demons. You can be on the winning team or you can go on crying and torturing yourself and letting demons touch you in your private places.

>when the psychosis develops into schizophrenia.




>repeating numbers

Mиp Mиp Mиp Я киca

>the numbers!!!

Reminds me of when I first encountered the mandela effect, being intelligently minded I was kind of freaking out about timelines changing and what the implications would be, it took me many days of constant thinking to figure out that timelines have always changed anyway.

In fact whats funny is I have a friend who is rather christian, and he said of course the words in the bible have changed, they always change, it's how it was written in the first place, god does it.

Clean your room.

>Christ will protect from demons.
You fool

What are these numbers? Does she see them in her head? or is she seeing them on a mongolian throat singing board?

is that louise mensch?

It must be soy, or that fucking GMO. What the fuck is going on in US with people? Is is vanity? are you just having so good living you have to make up artificial problems and issues? for fucks sake...

Being schizo is redpilled now on Sup Forums

begone demons

schizophrenia is a hell of a drug

Fuck you, I'm not watching some random meth-head bitch cry her eyes out. Someone give me a quick rundown.

About a month or two after taking the pill, I was 100% sure we were living in a virtual matrix and people were using energy fields to suppress the human consciousness.

Insanity is a natural response to taking the full redpill too fast.


fake and gay acting shit

> female
> red pilled

Yeah no. Retards are unable to.
This thread is bs.

Schizo is like being stuck in a bad trip.

This actually looks like SPD (schizotypal personality disorder). Schizophrenia involves actual visual and auditory hallucinations. This girl is simply having ego delusions. She pursued a delusion (egged on by the internet) to try to bring some meaning to her painful and monotonous existence. Predictably, the delusion crumbled, so to protect her ego, she blames demons, rather than admit she was delusional.

Is the solution to spam as many Satanic messages to her as possible to desensitize her?

I know a polish woman that redpilled herself and started losing it like this, so I took it upon myself to help her.

do the right thing Sup Forums she isn't crazy, she just needs guidance before she completely loses it and the despair code fully kicks in...


What you're saying is she needs dik therapy?


no youre just a fucking faggot.

No, she needs to find her true self and her divine purpose which is this board here... She is probably very intelligent otherwise she would not have been researching into the occult and numbers etc.

We use magic everyday on this board, we're a collective of intelligent minds changing the focus of reality with memes.

its hard to explain but people like this woman in the linked video are very hard to get through too.

I think it fucking is

>100% sure we were living in a virtual matrix and people were using energy fields to suppress the human consciousness.

Keep digging faggot.

Apparently some bizarre blending of Christianity and New Age tatrot-esque thinking has led to the concept of "Angel Numbers" in which people begin to treat certain numbers as sacred messages from Angels. Like many Christian-themed fads, this has been monetized, and you can buy a number of books on the subject.

Of course we know the numbers don't come from Angels. We know from whom they come.

Negative, this will only bring 3 times more satanic shit upon yourself, don't be evil!

Once someone has publicly proven themselves fucking insane, you can do whatever you want to them. The police will never believe them again. Nothing they say will ever hold up in court again. No jury will ever accept their testimony about anything ever again.

Things to keep in mind.

this is some hanz level shit

Wait, are repeating Sup Forums digits divine numbers? Are we living in a spiral on a repeat repeating the same lives over and over again? Are we dead? Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

there is no evil only chaos

And no, that image is not an edit.

Look into the KEK installation in Japan. It is literally where the Internet was born. Their logo is a sideways Pepe and the green helmets of the people who worked there make them look like frog people. They were doing advanced particle physics research there: it's basically a smaller version of CERN.

Any amount of research into this facility and a working understanding of the Kek mythos leads to a conclusion: they let something into our world there. They let something through, it inspired us to create the internet (seriously, read about the bizarre way the internet was invented as a fucking fever dream of some Japanese physicist working at KEK) so it could spread it's influence. And not it's reaching the apex of its power.

She needs Jesus.

>And not it's reaching the apex of its power.
I meant "now". Dammit Kek, stop making me do typos to hide your plan.

Ok I will explain it, the numbers are what the subconscious mind notices because it is looking for synchronicity that leads towards conscious desire. When you choose to follow them you will alter reality to a one that manifests your intent.

thinking of that Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer.

Time traveling alien robots fucking with the human timeline.

Internet is a hub that let's the Vex "influence" our time with data across time without them being present.

There could be a comic book supervillain influencing us.

How come 99% of """crazy""" people are literally just total fucking retards?

I've seen a lot and the only person who even seemed smart at one point is that terry davis guy who wrote an OS

The rest of them are bumbling fucking retards who repeat the same stupid bullshit

It's like being stupid is a requirement of being nu-"""crazy"""

We need to gas these fucking idiots

further more, if an opportunity arises to do something and your at A and wish to get to B, then you better follow that opportunity to its completion. This is how the universe works, seeing 11:11 could mean that one of your numbers based upon your full birth name is 11 and it is the universe telling you to pay attention.

Yeah, she is having visual hallucinations though, every time she see's a number, she assumes it means something.
Although, it sounds like she made herself nuts reading religious conspiracy crap on the internet.

>if an opportunity arises to do something and your at A and wish to get to B, then you better follow that opportunity to its completion.

but only if it is synchronistic in nature i.e. You needed some cash because you were broke, a few hours later someone you know who you have not spoken too for a long time calls you. You better answer them because it will most probably lead you to some funds to get by.

That's not a visual hallucination. That's a delusion (arbitrarily applying meaning to what she is seeing.)


look at this black dude pumping white women with this bullshit.

Do the numbers make him feel euphoric or does the easy poon do it?

Mu 11:11 spirit gate. Geez.

oh and the time on your phone is something like 21:21 and 21 has something to do with relationships and partnerships.

Faggot confirmed.

>am*rican mental health

That's it. These people annoy me with their numbers.

I'm becoming Darkseid and searching for the Anti-Life equation. These people want numbers to make them feel good. I'll use the equation of anti-life to dominate them.

> evil laugh

If you tried to convince her she was wrong, she'd think you were tricking her and you were out to get her.

She's just like us, Sup Forums, haha.

>cries hysterically in schizophrenia

Kys nigger


It's called confirmation bias

Human kind needs a fucking cleansing, badly, too many fucking retards exist

That's literally what most of Sup Forums does with jews.

That's interesting, thanks. What do you think of these interpretations?


Yet we can prove it, you fucking leaf faggot.

Instead of getting blacked, she got Kekked too quickly.

She opened her eyes to the meme-magic and was blinded.

No, you can't.

I'm so annoyed by this bitch.

wow so edgy, you're underage for this board kiddo

acid is one hell of a drug

Are...are you an angel?


delet this

Really meant to link it to this

Schizophrenia is just another channel of thought.

She needs to figure out how to toggle that shit else she'll continue to drive herself insane.

Bitch needs to be medicated with some HALDOL.

it's because god is a cheap bastard whoms't did not buy enough wam.


She's a fucking 80 IQ subhuman.

She's going off the deep end a bit here but she is a woman. I can kinda relate to what she's saying though. I got sucked into that lightworker shit and I had a pretty scary experience that sebt me running away from that shit and back to a Bible.
Once you started researching the opposing views on it which I should have done up front I saw the error of my ways.

So shes balding over this?

> (OP)
>Looks like a woman with emotional problems who's acting it all out on social media.

So all of them?

Kek hosted the first website in Japan in 1992 it's still up, here it is. ibarakiken.gr.jp/www/index.html#
