Hello, people of Sup Forums. I'm trying to figure out if I should get vaccinated. Please redpill me
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If you feel like asking maybe you shouldn't
depends. do you want polio?
There is no vaccine for being black
Ok, here's your redpill: naturalnews.com
Nope, not needed at all.
Also, make sure to never ever eat green vegetables, take vitamins or eat any onions or garlic at any time.
Don't wash you hands too. Its all a ruse
They put a ton of aluminum in vaccin
Vaccinated for what?
One day I was walking down the hall at work thinking about the evil's of vaccination, when I came across quite by accident company's free vaccination program. There wasn't even a line!
I immediately got a flu shot. Why? Because I'm already slightly autistic (aspergers), it's right there, the flu sucks, and NO LINE.
One day they're going to put some horrible shit in those shots that will, at the very least, make your balls fall off and roll down the floor. That's okay, already had my children.
>assuming polio was cured with that vaccination
Come on user, don't be a jew puppet, polio is still around
I got vaccinated and never got any of the stuff i was vaccinated against.
So... Fuck of anti-vacctards.
Anyone shilling against vaccinations is probably a kike.
OP here, I have forgotten to vaccinate against tuberculosis. I am also in my teens. And I'm white
I asked this cause lately I've been looking at the Kalergi plan and Agenda 21, which indicate they (the rich corps) basically wanna depopulate (specifically) us
Just look at Prince William's recent comments. They still want to go forward with it. Hence, the "outbreak" of plague in Africa.
You caught on fast. Glad to hear it.
You are probably underage and should get banned for it.
Yes. Vaccines are one of the most rigorous and thoroughly controlled products of medicine and bioengineering. Vaccination, along with hygiene, are the most potent weapon against the spread of infectious diseases. They are one of the things that separate 1st world countries from the rest. Not only should you take vaccines to make yourself immune, it is also your duty as a citizen to not to become a walking sack of culture medium for infectious bacteria and viruses, thereby putting others at risk of contracting perfectly preventable illnesses.
Dont be a nigger. Take vaccines. Bathe. Clean your house. Shit in the toilet instead of the street. Wash your hands before processing food. There is a reason why whites and asians are successful: we are civilized.
i got vaccinne when i was a kid a few times but otherwise i dont unless i travel to countries that carry dangerous deseases.
for example i work as a middleman for companies and as such a travel a lot.
the last time i got a shot was when i traveled to morocco to negotiate materials for a construction project.
that was like 4 years a go tough. cant even remember when i got a shot last time really. i think i it was 10 years ago when i was in china or something.
i quite frequently travel to britbongistand and the US though. no vaccines required there.
vaccines for kids are fine. later in life though only if you travel to places that carry dangerous viruses or sicknesses. no need to get shots in modern countries beyond shots for children to help bolster early immune system development.
Why are you old enough to post on Sup Forums and not vaccinated in the first place?
Like I said I've forgotten and just saw it today in my medical documents that the space for tuberculosis is blank
Yes. The vax/autism thing is a lefty meme. Don't be a cuck and get AIDS.
Also sure you could say whites are more civilized and all of that but right now the odds are pretty much against us cause the j00s up high are trying to depopulate us. (Kalergi plan, once again)
Anti-vaxers have the blood of millions on their hands.
Get the shot.
I like Alex too but you should get vaccinated. You are putting the entire population at risk with your selfish paranoia about possible side-effects.
Vaccines = good
Flu Shot = bad
Show us your flag and I'll tell you
>37 reported polio cases in 2016
Anything that is injected into the bloodstream by a properly licenced physician (i.e. non affirmative action hire) is subjected to insane testing and clinical trials. Military is the most powerful industry in the world. Pharmaceutical is second. If a vaccine is not intensely regulated, it doesnt even reach the shelves. Even if the big pharma tycoons dont care about your life, they certainly care about not being sued for a faulty product. Im not asking you to trust pharmaceutical companies. Im asking you to have some faith on the biochemists that allow or block the appearance of a vaccine in the market.
Well now you're just sounding like you're trying to hide your underage b&
medical industry is ran by kikes. Anyone telling you that vaccines are safe is a complete idiot. there is plenty of evidence that shows VAXXERS being the ones to contract and spread the disease they were vaxxed for. dont let them poison you will chemicals to lower your IQ and pump you full of toxic metals. GL user
Go Watch Vaxxed and read Suzanne Humphreys Book. Vaccines are for subhumans.
Bullshit. Big Pharma is The Most corrupt and evil Industry of all.
Indoor plumbing does way more to prevent disease than vaccines will ever do
Yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for, evidence.....
Don't do it, it's a kike trick.
They already have immunity for the damages caused by their vaccines
Well they put mercury in the vaccinations. So that should answer your question.
I am speaking of the traditional vaccines + the ones you take when stepping out of the first world.
I am not sure about the flu shots being needed unless you are a baby or an old person.
Pharmaceutical industry is basically triple kike concentrate.
The level of jewish control is probably worst than in the financial industry.
And when they make vaccines mandatory (like in Italy) the whole MSM tryna push in favor of it.
Yet, if you raise suspects on vacs you are a kike?
GTFO shill
>mercury salts
So does not being a nigger, but that's the same thing.
As if I could get a vaccination if I could. Every time I try, they say I'm a healthy white male and shoo me off. Then some homeless nigger comes in, gets a free shot and leaves.
I work, pay taxes which funds these programs, yet the one who shit and pisses in the street contributing nothing is the one that gets a free flu shot?
Good thing it is mentioned in the post for anyone who actually reads it. Are you one of those commies that burns down gmo crops, making poor people starve?
Skip your tetanus shot and play with rusty nails to really stick it to the man, comrade.
Investigate the diseases for which you are vaccinated. There are diseases that are not serious and are not worth risking.
Here in the third world, vaccines have foreign components such as mercury and others that can fuck your defenses or become autoimmune by confusing your antibodies.
Avoid putting several vaccines together on the same day, try to distance them for a few weeks or months.
Be careful with triple vaccines.
This. Plus smoking a gram of meth everyday ensures you will never contract any illness. Hell I'm not even gay and I bareback dudes with aids all the time and I'm not positive thanks to my meth use. Wonder drug.
Medical meth when?
This is what I was talking about
And this but the last one is said by some christian flat earth cucks so yeah....
You know what? I give up. The kikes have successfully convinced the average American that medicine is evil wypipo magic. Now I see why everyone says most Americans are retarded. Go ahead and avoid vaccines, become Africa tier shitholes. Just bear in mind we will not give you gibs because you willingly put yourselves in this situation.
Slowly walkin down the hall
Faster than a
Where were you while we were gettin vaxed?
Someday you will find me
Not having the flu
Bills gate depopulation
listen people when bill gates says it himself doesn't that arise some suspicions in you? lol
Total shill. Pure equivocation. What r u a flat earther? Why don't you shit in your hand? If you don't want vaccines you must not want any medicine at all!
Dodge the shot. Tell em you have an egg allergy. If you are not high-risk and not being compelled to get the shot, you shouldn't even be considering it. If they have epidemiological merit, you as an individual can still dodge the shot, without crusading against it.
Omfg. YES. Are you soft in the head?
This much autism in a single post.
This dude has obviously overindulged in autism causing vaxs.
If the disease can ruin your life, you should. If it's a flu shot, get bent and wear a NIOSH approved N95 mask instead.
If you're talking the major life shit like smallpox and polio and tetanus, YES absolutely get vaccinated.
If you're talking the yearly free flu shot, no, don't.
>t. Bayer
They have to do years of tests for a benis bill.
They do about a week of testing before injecting every newborn baby with Hepatitis A vaccines. The vaccine was meant for druggies and high risk groups like faggots but none of them would take it. The company still wanted to make $ so they lobbied to government to inject every newborn with it. It's a huge business and they're immune from liability in the USA. Every time the vaccine company fucks up you have to fight the US government for your pay out and then it doesn't create a precedent. The next person that same vaccine hurts in the exact same way has to re-prove all the claims you made. It's a total scam. If you want vaccines for the more serious stuff for your kid go for it but don't get the flu shot user it never ever works and has a bunch of bunk shit like aluminium in it.
Yes I'm talking major life shit... Thats why its so hard for me to decide
If you don't want to take a vaccine, there is a method that will remove parasites once and for all
Take a revolver, put it in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger
There's no reason other than paranoia to not get vaccines for polio and smallpox and shit like that.
I've never known anyone with polio or smallpox and it's better that way. By not getting vaccinated for these you're also making yourself a risk to others.
But dodge the dumbass yearly flu shot. Never trust a 'free' yearly shot, especially for something as innocuous as the fucking flu, a pussy ass virus that you can get over in like a week and just gives you a fever.
Ya that's a real logical argument and not an appeal to emotion. Get. Off. My. Board.
Ya because the US Government would never inject syphilis into it's soldi-
Ya but they signed up for the military the US would never do this to civ-
INB4 ya but that was the past user. We're living in a post historical sitiation now. There's no corruption or evil in the world because that's what Mommy Murkel told me. Fuck. Off. My. Board.
Get vaccinated to increase those autistic powers
Same here many toxic adjuncts such as Mercury and Aluminum that the shots don't even really need and are always 100% toxic to humans.
>Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting "pooled blood" can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.
Do the math. Here let me help you brainlets. California has a huge homeless problem. Homeless people sell their plasma for $. California just decriminalized knowingly spreading AIDS through drugs or selling blood. California has a huge gay sex and drug problem. California has a huge population and their blood will be everywhere in the blood supply. ALL the vaccines are going to have AIDS anons. If you love your children at least do further research is all I'm saying it's not as cut and paste as Portu-bro thinks.
Yes you should get your self vaccinated. Otherwise you could get some old virus like Polio or Small Pox.
That additive is used as a preservative and is almost never used today. And when it is it is used exclusively in adults.
>Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system.
Have fun injecting formaldehyde in yourself and then feeling intellectual about it.
You have to get vaxed.
It's the only way to not die from all of those diseases that aren't around anymore.
Nice try skeleton you're just trying to get us to kill ourselves so you can swell your army.
I seriously hope there's an actual polio or smallpox outbreak again because all these fucking retarded parents not vaccinating their kids.
I mean fuck, you'd rather your kid have a chance to die or be cripple and have horrible plain the rest of their lives then them being autistic, which has had its definition changed so much that it can mean anyone who's slightly socially awkward?
What a quality parent you are.
>Older vaccines made from live or killed whole organisms were effective, but suffered from high reactogenicity. As vaccine manufacturers developed safer, less reactogenic subunit vaccines, they found that with lower reactogenicity came reduced vaccine effectiveness. Somewhat ironically, the solution proposed to boost immunogenicity in modern vaccines is to add back immune-activating substances such as toll-like receptor agonists—the very same contaminants removed from old-style vaccines.
>Therefore, the benefits of incorporating any adjuvant into vaccines must be balanced against any increased reactogenicity or risk of adverse reactions. Unfortunately, in most cases, increased adjuvant potency is associated with increased reactogenicity and toxicity.
If I'm reading this one right the more toxic additives worked better and the new less toxic ones are less effective vaccines and possibly less effective at deadening the microbe you're trying to vaccinate against. Are any of you even old enough to remember sacchrine and all the other artificial sweeteners? Aspartane? Well the pattern for 20 years has been they invent one artificial sweetener and then sell it for 5-10 years until people figure out it's a carcinogen and then they have a new sweetener that they promise is safe that turns out to be carcinogenic in another 5-10 years. Whatever they're using that can fuck up a virus can fuck up your body. Basic science m8.
if you're not old enough to have already been vaccinated, what are you doing on here?
I encourage people who does not belive in vaccines, less amount of retarded people in the long run
How many is enough Swede bro? They used to give about 5 vaccines. Now it's about 20-25. They have plans to give people over 200 vaccines soon. Do you really think there is no profit motive? Do you think the drug companies just do this out of the goodness of their hearts? What about HPV vaccine? They want to inject newborns with a device that will release vaccines over time into their blood stream through out their life. There has been no testing on this device the babies are the test. Do you support that?
like I've already said, I've forgotten to vaccinate against tuberculosis, that's why. I've delayed it
Lmao where are you pulling these numbers from? I get at most 1-2 a year at most, if your source is correct its kinda fucked up
>I'm trying to figure out if I should get vaccinated.
>Please redpill me
I'm trying to figure out if the earth is round. Please show me flat earth pictures.
Maybe I should have stated it as "Give me proof that vaccines are good/bad"
but then again it would just turn out to be the same shit, I think people got what I wanted to say
>Vaccines have the potential to be used to treat rather than prevent infectious and noninfectious diseases. Such therapeutic vaccines are being targeted at persistent infections, such as shingles, and also at non-infectious conditions, including autoimmune disorders, allergies and cancers not related to infections. In the case of tumours, the vaccine can either be directed against the tumour itself or be designed to amplify the anti-tumour immune response. By contrast, for autoimmune or allergic disorders, the vaccines are being designed to switch off unwanted immune responses, so-called negative vaccination—rather than switching on the useful immune response needed for infections and cancer
>Technologies for delivering multiple vaccines in one injection are improving— many different killed vaccines can already be given in one injection without impairing the immune response to any of them 99, and some live virus vaccines can also be given together
The idea of a vaccine is great but they're using your trust in them to sell you products. What does a company do when it's products are selling? Introduce more lines of products.
if you don't want vaccines you should never go to a hospital ever again for any reason
>The vaccination schedule currently used in the majority of developing countries was developed, largely empirically, when there was only a limited number of vaccines in the routine immunization schedule and when it was considered that vaccines should all be given in the first year of life when clinic attendance is highest. However, as more and more vaccines are added to the immunization schedule, this approach has had to be reviewed because of the potential for immunological interference between vaccines when given together and because the immunization schedule developed for the original EPI vaccine may not be the one that will give the best immune response for a number of the recently developed vaccines. Thus, it is likely that more frequent attendances at a vaccination clinic will be needed and that vaccination of children will need to extend into the second year of life, as is already the case in many industrialized countries. Because vaccination responses, as well as the epidemiology of many infectious diseases, can vary significantly between populations, immunization schedules need to be designed to meet local needs and a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is no longer appropriate.
There's some redpill carpet bombing in that paragraph. Not only do they have to adjust the schedules because they keep cramming more and more vaccines into the babies but they have to adjust the schedules for race and location because different populations have different immune responses almost like we're not all exactly the same with only different skin color. It's almost like we're different animals with different immune systems. To OP: It's fucking complicated. Do what the other posters said and every time they want to give you a vaccine look up what the disease is and what's in the vaccine I for one would probably take the TB vax.
with the explosion of immigrants that have fake IDs and medical repots, it's more important now than ever.
Oops this paragraph was quoted from
my bad
If what they say about herd immunity is true then it's already to late and now you're just giving yourself all the bad side effects of the vaccine with no real protection from the disease itself. Vaccines work kind of but it's not a magic bullet like they taught us as kids.
Here is a recent movie for you
Vaccines are a huge industry. ANY PLACE THERE IS BIG MONEY, question everything.
From my point of view 'vaxxers' all seems to run on the same argument as global warming fear mongers.
Spend time looking at the technicals of both issues and you begin to find mainstream arguments are not based on as much 'science' as they claim.
Less then 0.5% of people that get Poiio have paralysis symptoms from it, and ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE of that 0.5% will not 100% fully recover.
Source: The main stream info @ en.wikipedia.org
Doesn't seem to fucking dangerous now does it? Compare that the potential side effects of the vaccine and you start to see that the cure can sometimes be more dangerous then the disease, and there is a lot of snake oil being sold.
If you live in a society in which most other people are vaccinated and there is no influx of unvaccinated third worlders, you can get away with putting it off.
If you do not live in a society where most other people are vaccinated, or have an infestation of Africans/Arabs, then get vaccinated if the option is available to you.
Ask to be vaccinated from HIV/AIDS
Ahhh yes I wondered what had got me looking into this shit thanks ancapanon.
>“We are very excited about this work because, for the first time, we can create a library of tiny, encased vaccine particles, each programmed to release at a precise, predictable time, so that people could potentially receive a single injection that, in effect, would have multiple boosters already built into it. This could have a significant impact on patients everywhere, especially in the developing world where patient compliance is particularly poor,” says Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT.
You can trust us goy we swear we'd never put anything fucked up in layer 35 of this vaccine! We promise that we won't put in kill switches or give them AIDS or cancer or some other disease where they'll need pills for life. We're your friends at the corporation. We don't want to have the migrants infect all of Europe with AIDS so that you have to buy pills from us forever. We're totally not giving the NGOs billions of $ to bring up stinky HIV BBCs and spending $ billions more to tell your women to fuck them. It all ties together. So many new friends on 4chin lately.
>people unironically conspiracy theory against one of the great inventions that white people have developed for themselves and others.
Non-scientific morons get the gas with the rest of the subhumans
SoFlofag here
The only vaccines I have ever received were for tetanus, HPV, and one or two other diseases. Essentially they're the basic ones required to attend public school in Burgerland. I had friends in HS who were often vaccinated for the flu or whatnot, but my parents never felt the need to worry about common colds or illnesses. I rarely ever got sick, even up to this day, possibly because of the climate I live in. The human immune system is built to withstand that kind of shit, just so long as you stay hydrated and rest whenever you come down with something. No need to waste money on anti-biotics or treatment when it's basic shit
Get a mild social defect like Autism or ADHD or die from a nigger disease. I'd rather turn into an autist.
The problem is the complete lack of admission that there are side effects. Also, at some point, the risk of the side effects is higher than the disease. The only reason we're hearing about outbreaks of these diseases in the West is due to illegals. The solution is to deport them, not force everyone else to get vaccinated.
I think vaccines are mandatory where I live if I want to work. Also they are all free... I do live in a 3rd world country, infested by gypsies and musim shquiptards
Again. Bill Gates admitted himself vaccines are caused to depopulate. I don't know how reliable statistics are, but I know that in the 60s the US govt plagued it's own soldiers with vaccines...
Vaccines are fine, its the fucking (((flu vaccine))) that is a lie, DONT TAKE ONE FOR THE FLU
>I encourage people who does not believe in vaccines, less amount of retarded people in the long run
Unfortunately some of us live in countries full of retards. Less than half the people in the US feel certain vaccines don't cause autism so you can't trust that the person next to you has been vaccinated for jack and shit. Add on to that the fact that no vaccine works 100% of the time and you risk your own personal safety to a large degree by letting retards be retards without calling them out.
And unlike the rest of you assholes I have every right to bitch. I'm probably the only person in this thread that was put under a quarantine by the health department for a vaccine preventable illness because some asshole didn't get their shots and mine didn't work or wore off faster than they were supposed to. Fortunately in my case I don't get out much so I only infected 4 other people and the outbreak was contained there with no fatalities before the test results came in and I got to spend the next few weeks in my room courtesy of government mandate and the next few months recovering.
This entire fucking debate is stupid. If the government is going to force your ass into house arrest if you get sick they should just force your ass to not get sick in the first god damn place. That vaccines aren't a legal mandate is a fucking embarrassment of civil society. I swear if I ever meet that guy that faked that autism study, I'm gonna kick him in the balls.
>Bill Gates admitted himself vaccines are caused to depopulate
As it turns out not having to worry about your kids dying in a sanitarium from TB means you have less kids.
Only get vaccinated for things that are actually a threat. If you have a decent immune system and never get a vaccine you will probably never need one because your body is a fort. Be me never had a flu shot in my life and I've never contracted the flu. Most of it is just Jews trying to Jew you out of your money through big pharma. Similar to how cancer treatment is so expensive and we haven't found a cure yet even though the world has dumped billions of dollars into research.