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56% I think not
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fucking pathetic mongrel melting pot nation
The 61% includes arabs and north africans retard
:( ow my feels
They are very uncommon here. Despite all the Jewing people are still pretty racist against anything having to do with Islam. They prefer Europe and your frigid shithole.
that number is legit as 47% aka 91 million of brazilians that are white
You gonna post your 23andMe results too?
How about the octoroons that claim to be white?
refer to
Well they're common enough at 5% of your population
also checked
>Despite all the Jewing people are still pretty racist against anything having to do with Islam.
Explain the twin cities and the mall of America.
welp, take a worm, give it some pride and watch it arise from the lesser worms....
>counting upper michigan as the same region as lower michigan
lists like these should be banned.
upper michigan is at least 99.9% white.
i only know of one nigger in my town, and he got arrested for dealing drugs.
It's counting it as the same state, because it's the same state you dumb fucking nigger Tyrone.
Jesus Christ...
> tfw we ethnogenic violence and fleeing """Whites""" will force us to give up our devil may care attitude and fight for white rights everywhere.
Get your fucking shit together.
Many of those "whites" are mixed as fuck
'we beset upon all sides by'
>t. chink upset at the white paradise of upper michigan
If I'm a chink then you're obviously a nigger going by America's sad display of demographics in the current year.
>said Chang, as he struggled to get used to a QWERTY keyboard.
What would pass as a nigger here in Finland is considered non-hispanic white in USA.
Just a reminder that Arab, Sudanese, Jew's, North Africans, central Asians, Turk's come under non Hispanic whites. That's atleast 15 million people, not counting mongrels. Kys
there is absolutely 0 chance that this is true, all the footage that i've seen from america (and it's a lot) there is about a 1:10 ratio of whites to shitskins
This image OP posted is from Wikipedia and likely wrong. Also no there is not 15,000,000 Arabs in the US
Lack of self reflection is what has you in your sorry state.
thank you based norwaybot
what footage have you been watching nigger
we have nigger containment centers, mainly big cities and southern shitholes.
in the upper peninsula of michigan 99.9% of the population can't even tan without burning to death
you shouldn't post pictures of your lover, chang.
>not being able to tan is a good thing
How do you work outside without getting sunburns? haha, faggot. Seems like you need a black ancestor to get the pussy out of you.
I didn't say there are 15 million Arabs, just that if you combine all of the non Hispanic non whites considered whites as a result of your countries retarded racial categories, it would amount to atleast 15 million people. There are 5 million Jew's in the US, not including the millions of mongrel Jew's. It's a pretty realistic figure, don't you say mong?
That doesn't include illegal aliens
>"African Ancestry"
Oh wow it's fucking nothing
It's like "I'm 1/64th Cherokee"
>he can't endure a sunburn
>he literally dies when it snows
lmaoing at ur """"life"""" tyrone
niggers aren't even alive
Non-hispanic white here, my heritage is at least 2.054% German
>African ancestry
>when you wear the one ring for too long
>Oh wow it's fucking nothing
t. turko-gypsy
White trash also aren't white. That 1% negro 1% Cherokee turns a European into American white trash
Non-hispanic recreational activities
>5 %
Really rips my tortilla when they refer to us as non hispanic whites
That's not all
I think white people don't go out much anymore.
I live in a large 96% white town (about 100k people). A new mall opened a couple years ago, really nice place, cost a fortune. I was there Friday night and I'd say 80% were nonwhites. I think every immigrant within 10 miles was there, but virtually no white people. They must all shop online these days.
>none of the immigrants were actually buying anything, just hanging out and walking around.
That mall is fucked.
says the phoenician trader
At least our president isnt opening the gates to the barbarians.
>1% is the threshold
oh nooooo there's no way they're white
kys hungarian retard
they are less than 1% of the us population retarded leaf.
Because your nation is already full of barbarians.
>counting a*abs and t*rks as non-hispanic """whites"""
its probably less than 56% t b h
I can't wait to go to war with Canada. Fucking leafs.
What do you think "White, not Hispanic or Latino" means? We have 198,000,000 people with completely European ancestry and you are a brainlet falling for lefty memes if you think otherwise.
>practicing shooting without moving targets
No they're not, the mixed whites make up the 18% Hispanic you complete retard
>would rather invade whiter nations than make his nation whiter
>61% is not within the statistical margin of error of 56%
half of them is blacked and half of the remaining half are too busy working at walmart.
that's in the census, you have 12+ million illegals not accounted for
>61% of population
>same thing as being 61% white
I can’t drive through Marquette without seeing someone chimp walking the streets. I even walked pass a an albino one, not to mention the Chinks have embarked on their invasion of the UP.
Don't forget the jews, they also count as "white"
Michigan is listed as white. Please do not post anymore.
The White population remains approximately 65%.
Okay I died.
That's pretty funny.