>a fucking cafe
A fucking cafe
Other urls found in this thread:
: )
>Gainax trolling even from its grave
Truly the best studio
Gainax ruined Christmas
new product? What does it even mean?
It means there's going to be
- an exhibition
- a cafe
- a new product
All planned by a recently formed PSG team at Gainax west.
Why do I love to hate them so much?
>they actually thought there would be a second season
>they still believe the after credit scene is canon and not just a ruse
>there were people who legit believe there was going to be a season 2
>they believed in a branching company that didn't hint anything
>"it's not pachinko so it must be season 2!"
it says
>a new product
that is addition to the cafe retards
i still don't know why they made us wait 15 days to TELL us they were going to make a new season..
This is now a reaction face thread.
That kanji's more akin to merchandise than a work.
Dream's dead, user.
Here's my favorite.
This is what they want you to think.
>PSG gets a cafe after a hype
>Haruhi gets a pachinko song after a hype
>Meanwhile SYD gets a fucking movie from outta nowhere. That is after 2 seasons at 14 ova's
I pray that Gainax goes under from the lawsuit and sells Panty and Stocking to Trigger.
Fuck Gainax.
>implying Gainax would've followed with that troll end
>implying season two wouldn't have retconned everything back to status quo
What do you expect for s2? It's a gag, a parody, a affectionate joke on Western cartoons.
You stupid fucking cuck. You should have seen right through this. Gainax is dead unless they stop being cunts and give rights to Trigger you aren't getting this. Ohhhh the looks on all your disappointed faces is satisfying you stupid motherfuckers
GAINAX is just a merchandise company and a tomato farm, selling goods they can't ever hope to make on their own.
They can't do shit. Or rather, even if they tried it would be just shit.
But we won't even get that said shit. Just more merchandise selling, cafe and other similar bullshit, trying to take advantage of the smoldering remains of the hype before even that completely dies out.
Fuck Gainax. Just die already.
It was obvious enough.
Can't wait for Anno to kill Gainax.
Very wonderful news.
I hope they will annonce more rumors of the new show for Panty & Stocking by Ganiax West.
fuck it im happy we get anything at this point
The entire ending is a gag about how most Western cartoons reset everything back to the status quo at the end of each episode. There was never intended to be any follow-up, and it would ruin the joke if there were.
>implying you'll get anything outside cafe merchandise
Well, Maybe it a mishaps
I hope we will see Brief's handsome face again in the new show.
Maybe in the opening of S2 the ending of S1 is all in Brief's silly nightmare. Of coruse everything will be allright.
A new cafe for PSG will be fine, we never had this cafe for 5 years.
>expect anything from Gainax
We got dakis.
>a fucking song
>a fucking cafe
What are some other ways to fuck over your loyal fanbase?
>SYD got 2 sesasons, practically 3 since the OVAs can fill up one cour and a whole movie
What a great franchise.
2017 is going to be a fantastic year for anime.
haven't seen akira in this pose in a long time
>expect anything from a tomato farm
>The Japanese version of the Tweet states that the "new product" will go on sale between the beginning of March and April.
What do they even mean? Is this just a backhanded way of hyping merch?
GoHands is my favorite studio at this point.
Great now my Christmas is ruined
I knew it was gonna suck. Expecting Gainax to do anything other than pump out merch and invest in tomatoes is a fool's errand.
Kill yourselves Gainax
They just retweeted this.
I still belive
They never "fucked" you autist. If you actually saw the forest for the trees you would have known an anime was out of the question
>cant tell if PR is trolling or being legit
They aren't appealing to Westerners, you're out of the question.
Go make a Paetron so Gainax can produce PSG2 and release it on Netflix as LWA.
He know, Tripfag. That's what he typed. No use to reiterate it.
That's why s2 will betray everyone because some are dead set on seeing that continuation when there prolly wouldn't have been one.
haha nice try but you guys wasted all your luck on code geass s3
wait another 10 years for results.
lol kthnksbye
They're keychains, aren't they?
Keychains and clearfiles are released today, but that's just so far.
It's a troll, wait for tomorrow
>we'll never make a second season but buy our merch and we MIGHT reconsider
That's quite normal.
It still pisses me off.
At least they could have announced new figures, since every figure based on P&G out there is trash.
Oh well.
today its already the 16th in Japan
I want new Stocking merch anyway, some nice new figs.
So how manny kinds of jizzmuffins are they gonna serve
>not booger balls
That one ghosts tit milk that made Stocking fat that one episode.
>a fucking cafe
The most beautiful part is that they probably don't know the irony in their timing of this.
GAINAX ruins Christmas again!
It's gonna be coffee cups with PSG stickers or something like that.
>The most beautiful part is that they probably don't know the irony in their timing of this.
Well, a very common japanese tradition in christmas is taking out your family to eat at KFC. Not even joking.
>people unironically trusted Gainax
This is all because of Anno.
It's really not.
every single time god damn.
i fucking love gainax, even when everythings gone to shit they still can't stop trolling.
Jesus, stop whining you cunts.
And maybe now they even think we wanted a pachinko or mobage since everyone made a question like that, so if we ever get another announcement, it's going to be that.
No let it live
I hope Ganiax West would make the teaser trailer of the new PASWG show.
>all these idiots that fail at raiding comprehension
1. a "product" to be announced tomorrow
2. an exhibition
3. a café in Kobe Anime street.
The exhibition and the café are just to promote the product, which could very well be S2. we'll just have to wait till tomorrow.
I would honestly have preferred pachinko because it might have meant new animated scenes
Let it go man.
That explains Code Geass S3
Alright, still better then the pachinko machine.
The way it's written the "product" seems to be an object/goodies. Not an anime.
>Let it go man.
I cannot and I will not.
I'm honestly glad we're getting anything at all.
>all these idiots that fail at raiding comprehension
>raiding comprehension
I agree with you though.
Why is everyone acting like an anime has been deconfirmed? They haven't actually confirmed what the "new product" is.
>There's a parallel universe to this one where Gainax saved Christmas and gave us at least 2 seasons
Because anyone with basic knowledge of moonrunes knows they mean "merchandise" as oppose to the vague implication, "product"