Yesterday I summoned a REAL WH Insider who debunked the “Q” mystery. Why don’t you people believe this? Pic related
Q is NOT real!!!!!
You're preaching to the choir, nigga. If anything you need to post this on nursing home facebook pages because only old people seem to believe the Q larp.
Song bird = useless
I posted it last night and those fucks left and went to 8 and infinity (?). This morning they’re back. They don’t fucken listen
>full/pol/ entertains Q threads
I have a hard time believing this is true.
I trust MegaANON wayyyyyy more than those fucks. She actually has never been wrong
Go to 8, you’ll see. I just posted it in there again. They won’t listen
I don’t have Jew book.
Good to hear our tax dollars are going to good use for some faggots to play games. None of you should take a salary in DC. Bunch of fucking rats.