>wake up
>check phone and see news story
>remember thread from a few days ago
Pol strikes again
Wake up
Good to see someone got the job done
>Night Nurse
That's an interesting way of saying Nigger Nurse.
Also ironic that she thinks white men are rapists and killers when niggers are disproportionately both.
fucking sweeeeeet
No matter how much exposure I get to the English language, I will never understand these fucking retarded headlines.
What do they even mean, am I retarded for struggling to read these?
i believe somebody posted a tweet she made where she implied she was fired
tl;dr: nigger nigged.
what are you having trouble with here, toothpaste user?
'Night Nurse' is the retarded nigger's twitter handle.
She said that white women are raising rapists and killers. Rapists and killers are in quotes partially because that's what she said and because the msm has a tendency to quote negative things.
Her statements have sparked a legal probe into her employment and place of employment.
DId she not also kill her account then reopen and post "altright" memes to make it look like she wasn't a lefty dindu?
Don’t feel bad. Most American journalists are mediocre.
Notice how headline is missing how she’s black (anyone reading this might think she’s just another self hating libtard). Also headline does not describe her action as being racist. If roles were reversed headlines would call out white nurse making racist remarks.
What you really need to realize is that many more could feel that same way but are just not crazy enough to post it online. Be extremely vigilant on who is giving you medical care. The problem is that you may not always know or have a choice. Scary thought.
Great things happen when people work together
Titles in most online articles are made to be click bait, so the purposely write them like that.
Notice she is only being investigated. If it was someone saying pol tier stuff they would be promptly fired without an investigation. She will skate.
Can I get a quick rundown?
>pic unrelated, admit to phoneposting in bed, got no bog
why cant you just be nice to them? I always got black and hispanic nurses and i always tease them, joke with them, treat them good and they treat me good back.
White people! - never let your loved ones or yourself be alone with black hospital staff. If you have a child make sure it stays in the room with you.
Yes I’m sure those white boys in pediatrics were just horrible to her.
You could always just not post an image next time, it isn't always needed.
Idk man in 3rd grade i called a black kid a nigger to his face and got lunch detention for it. Just sayin those kids in pediatrics, ya never know
I just woke up and saw this. Well done.
bizarre if true
i can understand the feelings of blacks posting stuff like that due to the current political atmosphere but people are still people; be nice to them and they be nice to you. If youre a patient, youre white and you see a black nurse treating your ass and you call security asking them to get her out cos you dont want no nigger to be treating you, you obviously deserved it.
Dont worry i dont understand this i think its something you have to read into to figure out wtf their talking about
I feel the same way like id say my rasicm is more then larping but if some black guy is just doing his job i aint gonna hate on him i work with soem black guys and the ones tjat are lazy get made fun of by us and the other hard working black guys. Its when you cant see the line that you dont cross amd you cant see a difference thats when you got a problem.
meanwhile, cbts larps are on thread 580 of nothingness
>they got offended when anons pointed this out last night
Someone at Gateway Pundit ran this story, and posted it next to a graphic I saw on Sup Forums last night, lol.
Would kek my sides into orbit if true
It was a thread from yesterday or last night.
No, that was some idiot from Sup Forums. She changed her name and user co-opted her old one.
who can say anything like that and dont be fired,its incredible ,the entire system is against us
saw it last night.
good job
>when niggers are disproportionately both.
we the jews now
Fuck off niggers
>we the jew nao
feels good senpai
Simply using tactics that leftists use themselves. Leftists and kikes are if anything successful in their indoctrination and learning from your enemies is a useful tactic if you cherry pick what works.
Look at leftists opening up the Pandoras box of sexual harassment and assault allegations. Leftists literally thought they were going to beat the right on the biggest degenerate game? The fuckers are legit pedos.
I love watching them implode every single day.
ONe of the top drudge links too
When you larp in real life thats when you know ur retarted.
Don't worry about it, I've spoke English all my life and even I don't understand them sometimes
Yeah, but nigger rapists are overwhelmingly gay, so she has nothing to fear
Headline writers like alliteration.
INdiaNa Night Nurse
They want you to think about N-words
And niggers simply aren't raising their children at all.
This is the reason "it's okay to be white" pissed them off so thoroughly, deep down they know these tactics work because they've been using them for decades to great effect. Now they're worried about us picking up their weapons.
Essentially. How many decades now have we watched weak neoconservative men just take the accusations of racism from the left? Look at how many times they have backed down anytime some leftist used a buzzword on them?
They simply don't know how to handle this new wave of individuals that are tired of their bullshit PC buzzwords.
>Simply using tactics that leftists use themselves.
In order to beat the Jew one must become the Jew. One must learn and co-opt their tactics.
>"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
>IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a recently hired IU Health employee,"
aww sheeeeeit
just got hired too now its back on food stamps
They're not gay, just opportunists with standards. Would you try to rape a niggress?
>Investigation = wait until retards are distracted by next big habbening, bring chimpess back to work, investigation reveals she DINDU NUFFIN, YT HACKED MUH TWITTER!!
Nah, this is Indiana. People here are still at least tepid racists if they're employed.
I love when we get updates. Gj everyone.
Some nurse tweeted that white people were rapists, kill all white people, the usual nigger shit. We doxxed her and reported her to her employers. It is now in the news
وقدمت الفرنسية المستقيم للديك البني
Maybe you can read it now.
IDGAFF- any CHILD that's hospitalized is most likely sick enough that they'd possibly utter something even close to this could be dismissed as delusional.
Victim blaming, especially a sick child, is so typical of fucking soyboy shills. Neck yourself.
We did it
We did it
We did it
A lot of people are also unaware but if you really wanted to hurt this bitch you would make sure the board of nursing knows. Not a lot of people know that nurses go through a licensing process just like doctors. If she can't get her nursing license renewed she can never work as a nurse again.
At least that is how it works with LPN and RNs. If she was a CNA I don't even know if they actually go through a license process at all because I wouldn't really consider a CNA as an actual nurse.
>b-btfo! now I have to pay for her to eat junk food until she dies
this. english headlines are fucked up.
They will drop her for another colored person in a heartbeat.
Probably but perhaps the next token minority will not be such an insufferable cunt.
They're compressed because they are still in the "newspaper" mindset even though electronic words are free
The linked headline is a particularly bad example of an unreadable mess, it's mashing together multiple phrases and clauses of a complex sentence while removing the words that you need to identify them.
"Infirmière de nuit" (son pseudo twitter) d'Indiana (un état américain) dit que les femmes blanches élèvent des fils qui sont des "violeurs" et des" tueurs", ce qui déclenche une enquête.
> tldr: c'est pas le gros titre qui est bête.
Lol nignurse BTFO
Headlines frequently just use pertinent words and leave out grammar and some words they consider can be removed without completely destroying comprehension (it allows them to use larger fonts in limited space).
It should say something like 'Twitter user Indian Night Nurse sparks a probe after saying that white women who are raising sons are raising and killers'
You can better understand what is written in this headline, though, by putting 'are' between 'women' and 'raising'.
*raising rapists and killers
>The Twitter account behind the controversial messages, @tai_fieri, was originally deleted after the post sparked a firestorm, but now appears to have been created by a different user who is posting new tweets
100 years ago you had limited space and it costed money to print big headlines so they were condensed. This auteur has decided to continue that style. Thus you don't have proper english you have a broken english. If properly written it would read:
>An Indiana Nurse says that white women are raising sons who are rapist and this has caused a legal inquiry into her actions.
It's a shitty headline, user. It should read
>Black nurse who rejected white patriarchy now facing back lash from racist Nazis.
No, properly written it would say.
>An Indiana Nigger whomst've became a nurse through affirmative action was executed today for crimes against whiteness
Your post is more confusing than OP headline. Thanks for proving Ameritard-meme.
Bump for justice.
She's an RN
Something tells me you didn't have anything to do with it.
if my life is on the line, I'm not entrusting it to some double-digit IQ subhuman.
Yes and No some retard took her old @ name. And now gave her a huge excuse to claim dindu
The preferred term is "Person of nightly complexion."
This bitch is a Hoosier? Gibs link, I might know some people that want to speak with her.
Jesus fucking Christ, you idiots can't do anything right.
If she's an RN then we are in trouble. The RN programs around me are all white women, two year waiting program, hard as hell to get into, hard as hell to get degree. She is definitely affirmative action, as her thought process leads one to rightfully discern an abhorrently low amount of human intelligence, plus this gigantic lips prolly have pre-disposed her to hate the thing she desires most...white men.
That's a given
Sup Forums did it. But they're also the ones that made us aware. Sup Forumstards need leadership to focus their efforts or they flail and do dumb shit like this
I agree. SHould have put an "are" between "women" and "raising", otherwise it looks like it means "white women (who are) raising sons" and you expect something at the end of the sentence.
Hey faggots, gibs me a name. My entire family is in the medical field. We might be able to ruin her.
Smells like a leftie op to me.
This reverse racism is WAY WORSE than most know. Wife is a nurse and she sees this crap everyday. She says it is scary how these apes operate. The apes barely passed. The incompetence plus the racism is a big part of the decline of healthcare. Don't trust the apes if you are in the hospital. You can die!!!
They're trying to translate from nigger into human so even to me it mostly sounds like ooga booga.
Power's nothing without control.
Nigger Elves => Night Elves
Nigger Nurses => Night Nurses
Every single confed flag poster is a shill. Prove me wrong. Hint: you can't. I think most actual southern memers go for gadsen or ancap flags.