The trailer was out for 9 fucking hours and no one here have any word about it, guess this place is finally dead

Other urls found in this thread:


> for just one night
> a mysterious power is yours
> what will you do

> proceeds to show a house burning down

i like her already

>them eye brows
too bad for the shit tier hair style though

Somebody made a thread last night retard.

nice thread you got there senpai, I counted 19 words, yeah that's without counting the youtube link,
sorry I was wrong

Will it ever beat the Shinkai's film?

No because "ghibli" is now the niche thing, not many people watch their new movies anymore so I guess Sup Forums could start liking they again

Will be forgotten about and bomb at the box office just like this:


Unless it has Miyazaki and Ghibli's name on it, it'll sell like shit.

>It is Tib the black cat who leads Mary to the strange flower in the woods. When she discovers a little broomstick shortly afterwards, she is astonished to feel it jump in to action. Before she can gather her wits, it is whisking her over the treetops, above the clouds, and in to the grounds of Endor College, where: 'All Examinations Coached for by A Competent Staff of Fully-Qualified Witches.' Here she discovers evidence of a terrible experiment in transformation - deformed and mutant animals imprisoned in cages. In the moment after her broomstick takes off, she realises that Tib has been captured. Returning to the College the following day, she manages to free the animals, but not before the Head of the college, Miss Mumblechook, and her colleague, Doctor Dee, have seen her. Mary manages to flee ...but the evil pair are in hot pursuit!


There was a thread about it up just like an hour ago too.