She is our last yuri hope.
I miss Rickert.
Please have a good ending. Please.
Go away, Bianca.
We have FLFL to bank on still. It's not over yet.
How many children?
Twins: sophie and matthias
I don't want Sieg to die.
I miss this guy.
Why are they so perfect?
Izetta has the best old men.
Izetta's so cute in that dress
Why are they so perfect?
They shouldn't have offed the guy on the left so quickly.
Izetta taking the lead and getting teased by Fine was the greatest thing ever.
it was funny when he had that pause of realization when izetta talked about "the archduchess I love".
he knows.
The supports, supports s/u/pports
Just try to touch their [s]carry[/s] yuri, you're getting peeled off
Don't need the kills or glory, they'll make them feel strong
Who will save Izetta/Fine next to bring them back to each other?
Ayy lmao
Me too Bianca, me too.
He's fucking up Germanians don't worry
Fine will give birth to two beautiful children from Henry.
>Izetta taking the lead and getting teased by Fine was the greatest thing ever.
Teasing aside, Fine did learn her place as the wife of the pairing.
Nope, from Otto.
I expect he'll show up with the allies to take on germania's forces while izetta fights sophie
There was his introduction scene where the camera closed in on him for some reason, making me think he was suspicious.
But no, it was probably just his dyke detector going off.
Who will be the mother? Will Izetta magically impregnate Fine, or will she give her a magic penis instead?
>Who will be the mother?
Fine, of course. Pregnant princess best princess.
>Pregnant tomboy
This is my fetish.
Cant they just each take a turn and have two kids?
You know, it wouldn't be a surprise if Fine is revealed to have played around with her ~fraulein~.
I don't think Izetta could get a maternity leave, considering she's like the last line of defense of their country.
>inb4 fanfic where fine has 3 miscarriages and 1 more will kill her so izetta wants to be the one who gives birth
>has 3 miscarriages
Her genes were shit after all. Better not to have a child with her in the first place. Izetta should impregnate Bianca or Lotte instead.
user, please, they have both modern medicine AND magic. She'll give birth to Izetta's children without any issues.
>purple eyes
>royal blood
Some definition of shit you have there.
That's aesthetic shit. If she can't even give birth she's weak as fuck and her genes are crap.
Who says she can't?
sophie pls
Why are Izetta threads so dead? I might be the only excited as fuck for Saturday.
there's not that much to discuss anymore.
I'm excited too but there's no need for a thread 24/7.
I'm excited too. What do you want to discuss?
Will Hans and the doc survive?
they stayed behind so they're safe
the ones under threat are
It wasn't /u/ so it wasn't allowed to go anywhere.
I just want Fine and Izetta to survive with no possible het end. This is Yoshino we're talking about. I can't feel too safe. He turned Natsuki straight after all.
het end isn't possible anymore
but i'm worried that they'll keep with the parallels to legend and have izetta die after the battle
Shouldn't Fine be the one to die then? She's "the prince" now
>implying anyone but sophie is going to die
>Izetta and Fine won't get a explicit yuri end
After seeing YOI, I have no faith in Japan anymore
Didn't YOI had canon gays? What are you complaining about? Fuck off.
YOI didn't get explicit yaoi end? I wasn't following
They did get engaged, but the latest episode (before the finale) had Yuuri noticing Victor liking competing again, and did a one night talk starting "We're going to end this"
I mean a parallel, not the exact same plot
in the legend, it was the witch who saved the prince. in this story, it was fine who saved izetta from the mob.
>still not satisfied
God I hate fujoshis.
But is it really bad? Even if Victor resigns from being Yuri's trainer and returns to his career, they still can be together and as equals. Isn't that a good thing? Anyways, I see some interesting development here, may as well catch up.
It's still fine if izetta bites the dust, just replace "the country" with "the world" in the legend
Mostly its stops marriage.Though an 8 month timeline is too fast these days
>MFW this anime will most likely end with Fine telling her grand children the story of the last witch.
izetta already impregnated her?
With a mating press on top of the mountain, screaming at the world below.
Goddamn this is hot.
It seems pretty unfair though. Izetta had it worse than any other character during her childhood. Her life was literal shit. Things are only now starting to look up for her, and then she dies? That's so fucked up.
Seems like witches are destined to suffer.
Just look at Sophie.
Well, the legend parallels work anyway with fine dying and izetta continuing to protect the world despite loving izetta, not eylstadt
It really could go either way
>why does everyone want a happy end
For someone who has suffered for years, a "happy ending" would be more like the actual starting point in their lives.
She went from zero to hero. She certain can go the distance.
Fine and Izetta would make cute mahou shoujos.
Isn't Izetta already one
No, she's a witch.
Aren't they the same thing?
coobie no
I love how Fine is leaning against Izetta here and how Izetta looked so comfy with it. (I think) If anything, it's a step up of their relationship.
>they caused avalanches/rockslides that destroyed villages and killed dozens of people
Real question: Isn't this really fucking high?
yes, so?
I mean, wow. I guess that is impressive.
y-you too..
That's just a drama monger user. It's just MISUNDERSTANDINGS before the finale.
I meant truly fucking impressive. How can anyone ever compete with that kind of date?
alps are like 4 km high
They can't. Fine knows she scored the ultimate qt witch waifu.
Is it bad that I see Izetta as basically a sweet ride to anywhere I'd want to go?
yes. do not abuse the izetta.
leylines man
Have you been watching? She's got that dank gem now.
you want her to suffer pain and shorten her lifespan just to taxi you around?
you're the worst user
so will the sophie clones actually come into play or...?
Izetta will beat Sophie who will start to gloat as she dies saying nobody can stop her vengeance, but then we'll cut to bergman going keikaku doori as he detonates bombs in the clone lab.
Chances are the site gets nuked
how will berkman get from westria to neu-berlin?
Don't question his keikaku.