A-are you going to church with me.. user?
A-are you going to church with me.. user?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a Buddhist
Yes. I'm black though.
"Teehehe, don't worry user, Jesus loves everyone. Plus black men are just sexually better in bed than little white boys. You can pound my tight white pussy all night long with your big black dick so long as you praise Jesus".
Hell yeah.
Christianity is horseshit
I should have.... Sorry Marie. I should have, even though the church damned me as an abomination.
A woman dumb enough to fall for pseudomystical bullshit like organized religion is dumb enough to be lured in by BBC
Am I going to go to Church?... LET'S FIND OUT!
Many of you might think Christianity... is... European... It's not.
>autistic children scream in the background.
>Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden Heil Oden Sale Oden
That "horse shit" created the Western World and the greatest civilization on earth.
Look at what atheism is doing to your UK - you're dying out, losing to shit skins who couldn't even kill you without your help. You even have to bring them into your country because they couldn't get their on their own.
im jewish
Look at what atheism is doing to China and Japan oh wait these places are fine because they don't suffer from postchristianity
Greek philosophy is what the western world is created from.
Choose one
women are worthless, also i'm a capitalist , atheist mgtow in the way to become the ubermensch and your emperor, but don't worry i will rape you, kill you and eat you
No cucktianity is jewish poison
Don't think so christ cuck whore.
You wanna worship a dead jew on a stick go right ahead I'm not playing let's all watch Jews fuck our assholes while we wank our dicks on a dusty old fucking book with a cross on the front.
Fuck any white cuck bowing to any semetic shit fucking gay Jew fairy tale fucking children book shit cunts.
You're literally sad and obsessed. Pathetic.
Girls just want to have fun.
Click the little blue triangle next to his post number and report his post then you don't have to see it.
He wants replies don't give the fucker what he wants.
May God have mercy on your souls.
See pic related.
>implying White Christian women don't love Big Black Dick
Yes, the Church of Kill Nigger. I'm a high priest.
Nah, it doesn't matter. If this was any other board I surely would, but Sup Forums is a shit board anyway. It deserves all these mentally insane retards it's getting.
Of course I support the traditions that helped make western civilization the greatest on planet
i will become god
Mantillas make a qt grill much, much qtr
t. latin massgoer
If god wanted to show me mercy he had the chance more than once.
Don't talk to me about god, I bled out in Iraq I have met god.
Shit taste
God I wish woman would wear veils to church again. It's so based when you see it next to all the degenerates wearing yoga pants and daisy dukes in church. No one respect's God's house anymore
>wearing yoga pants and daisy dukes in church
Now that's some herecy.
Absolutely heretical
Yet somehow you're still here user
You're going to have to attend an Orthodox church for that user
heheh, why do you need imaginary space daddy, when you can find a man of intelligence?
No, I don't worship dead kikes on sticks.
Age her by about 80 years and it’s accurate
Whether they wear dresses or yoga pants, they're still going to be taking black dick all night long while you stroke your little dicks to your fantasy race war.
I’m from Galveston, this is totally believable.
i agree, i'm atheist, but i also don't worship worthless creatures like women, each time you post a sexy woman you are paying tribute to them, those monsters must be raped killed and ate, also kill commies
No, you prude geek.
Fuuuuuck no
I don't worship women, but the Chiss are based.
i doubt their females are in the same way, female that evolved similar to human female are worthless in comparison to their male counterpart.
It's the northeast. What do you expect?
No, Natasha.
I know. Catholics have gone soft. Either orthodox or latin mass seem to be the best options
> be a Muslim convert
> Come into random Shiite mosque one day to finish asr prayer
> hear woman talking, go to see
> female psychologist is giving presentation on synthesizing Ghazali's ideas of spiritual growth into modern psychology
> Audience chairs are gender segregated
> Brothers side has maybe four older guys in it
> Other side is packed with about 40-50 chador'd qts
> Must avert my eyes according to Sunnah
> Sweatyman.jpg
> Leave quickly after lecture
i like this, trath this worthless creatures as they desere, some day women will return to be cattle(rape ,kill , eat them do as you wish with them) or be replaced by sexbots
use her "sacred" faith to post selfies and call attention, if i was a cristh cuck i will put her in fire.
Why dont you show us your real flag?
as an atheist i consider you muslims treath too well those creatures, women should be used as cattle, rape them kill them, eat them
With equal parts Christianity.
cool story bro
Imperial Russia was the most backwards and undeveloped country in Europe and was also the most religious. Coincidentally the most religious countries in the world today are also the absolute worst. The fact of the matter is Christianity did not make the west great. It was the enlightenment and the industrial revolution, which also destroyed Christianity.
Mar Elias
You'd be surprised how well Muslim women are treated in the west in my experience. They get their own section of the mosque and when we make food they get it first.
Why do Christians use these memes? It doesn't make your religion any more true, and it doesn't make Jesus any less of a kike on a stick.
I am going there anyway, even without you, anonette.
You're not wrong. I grew up on the Orthodox and Maronite churches. Currently I'm attending a Russian OC since there is no Antiochian one where I live. It's a long and narrow path, but a small price to pay for an eternity in the Kingdom of the Lord.
Literally the Orthodox Church
Naturally habibi
ana maroune bas
How is it literally so? Curious because there's an Oriental Orthodox Church near me I was interested in visiting
Because they’re insecure about their place in the world and need to feel loved by muh voice in da sky
what kind of church is it. to warn you i am luciferian
I'll probably stay catholic and just go to latin mass. I have no ties to the prthodox church and other than the degenerate churchgoers and who's in charge, there's really not that much difference between the two.
That being said, I have a friend who converted to Orthodoxy from Catholicism and he's very happy with the change
Kek, they don't even believe in the trinity.
Thanks, based potato!
Not an antisemite first of all. Second my family has been christian for 1300 years and has saved the church on multiple occasions. Im not just going to abandon the God of my fathers because some edgy cunt on 4chins is screaming "muh jew on a stick"
bunch of retarded papists, protestants, pagan retards here.
Japan is going to demographic decline
China is a shitty place
But at least they don't have to... wait...
uh oh...
Is that you user?
Take off the makeup and I'll consider it
oh look, another streetcorner psychologist. Hey wanna buy some weed?
>Japan is going to demographic decline
So is Christian Poland. What's your point?
And? The Christian population in Japan has shrunk. The Christian population in the West and Latin America is shrinking. Christianity has no future outside of Africa
Baptised in the Antiochian church, but I spent most of my life in the Maronite church growing up.
The piety within the OC is much greater than what you'd find in other churches. The mere act of a woman covering her head commands respect, and in a way forces your to act accordingly (i.e. averting your eyes, focusing on mass, etc.) You should go visit user.
I'm by no means an expert; I think all the names, labels, and associations are distractions from the purpose of what we should be focusing on as God fearing people.
Your viciousness alone is enough to convince a person with understanding to give their life to Christ to avoid your fate.
A lot of people think that the Maronite Church is not part of Catholicism, while its definition is literally being an Eastern version of Catholicism. I mean, we still follow the teachings of the Church and its catechism, why are people so retarded?
>And? The Christian population in Japan has shrunk. The Christian population in the West and Latin America is shrinking. Christianity has no future outside of Africa
Japan's decline is not caused by Christianity, but by the lost of their masculinity and the virtues that was native to that race of Men. They pursued money, ignored bitches and then didn't breed. Feminism is low key cancer there.
If the Chrisitian demographics in Japan is shrinking, and china is not, and both are kinda swirling the shitter in their own ways, it invalidates the point of non-Christian societies doing alright.
Bringing up Latin America is meaningless because Commies martyr Christians and the persecution of the church in Venezuela is well known. The West in general (and Latin America is part of the west) is cancerous and needs to be healed. Guess what, Fashyfag Christianity is the cure. As for Africa? Sure but it'll survive outside of it, and be strong again.
I will visit :)
I learned Arabic and I loved it, so I want it to translate to my religious learning. I'm a big Persiaboo too. I love that they cover their women.
I bought a Maronite mass book one day, the language was so beautiful. I've turned quite Arab in how I treat women, if that makes sense.
Good. I love how stupid Sup Forumsack morons ACTUALLY think Christianity stands a CHANCE of surviving. It's fucking dead ALREADY.
Stories like this make me so happy, because it shows the ACTUAL beliefs of the youth. COMPLETELY atheistic and liberal, just as we intended.
Your politicians FULLY support open borders and NONE of them are anti-Islam, our breeding rates are 5x yours, and your women are converting to Islam more than any other religion. Islam will not be the second most popular, but THE religion and LAW of western nations. Also, LITERALLY NO Western teenagers are Christian anymore, your people are Godless and will cower to a much stronger enemy. NO WESTERN ADOLESCENTS FUCKING BELIEVE IN GOD. You HONESTLY think white girls who go to church to stop feeling guilty about being whores are actually Christian? LMFAO.
Your religion is fucking DEAD. It's hilarious seeing you lie to yourselves, acting as if Christianity is still alive, or that ANY normal western teenagers are Christian. Nope, it's over for you. With nothing to believe in, the West's children will see Islam as the shining beacon of light and willingly convert.
Go ahead, shout "deus vult", play Rammstein when you lift weights tonight, act as if you can do SHIT. But at the end of the day, your politicains are COMPLETELY loyal to us,we breed at 5x the rate of you, and we are utterly devoted to Islam when you can't even get up for church on Sunday. LMFAO.
Well the Maronite church has some hymns and prayers in Syriac/Aramaic, the language spoken by Christ Himself. You will love it, trust me. Also, I believe there are some Maronite churches in the US right? They're usually small and unknown.
And now we will surely perish from the follow up of the enlightenment powered by the industrial revolutions
honey, i want to impregnate you
what do you think?
Careful with that edge ya ayre.
Sweetie, I already went today! I'll happily go again with you, my dear!
>"woman" comes up to you
>I want to impregnate you
Run away
Yes, and then we shall have phenomenal sexual intercourse, but only if you have depilated your genitals as I have instructed.