Whitey is the purveyor of degeneracy, the world over.
Blaming Jews is just like blacks blaming colonization. Jews are just the enablers. Its actually white race which is a thoroughly and genetically degenerate race.
That is why white race is being righteously being genocided. Whitey deserves it richly.
Lets all thank God for white genocide.
White degeneracy is genetic & whitey needs to be genocided
Well put OP, and fully agreed. Whites are by far the worst and most despicable race on the planet.
At least blacks and spic males are alpha and dont put up with bullshit, and asian and jews are smart. Whites on the otherhand are just pathetic betas,.
True. The sooner whites die out, the better.
fuck off CIA
Hallelujah brother. Lets all pray for a speedy white genocide this sunday. And make sure to work towards it too. Whitey is too degenerate a race to save.
Haaaaahhhaa. CIA is a too of white degeneracy you fool. You degenerate whiteys are too dumb. Don't worry, genocide is coming for you whitey shit.
Good luck nigger.
Whore degeneracy is defined as adopting black and Hispanic cultural norms. There's no such thing as degenerate blacks just like there is no such thing as a degenerate ape... that's already as low as it goes.
Whore and white go together like peanut butter and jelly. Appropriate Freudian slip whitey.