This happens to you, what would you do?

This happens to you, what would you do?

ask to be moved to another mcdonalds outlet

Fire back with "actually my nickname is already fetus penis"

I didn't know pirates allowed soyboy to join.

Yo-ho, soy boy! And a bottle of soy sauce!

>This happens to you, what would you do?
Stop drinking soy milk

>Be me
>Accidentally call my female boss a braphog
>Get laid

Braphogs everyone

Shit that didn't happen

Im not a retard

I’d just not be weak and effeminate
You know, me

filter the thread, since it's another shitty wojack/frog image.

eat onions in front of everyone and become the real alpha


He made the mistake of explaining it to everyone, he should have just played it off as a nonsense name or just said fug off I’m not explaining shit

>This happens to you
It never will. I'm not participating in your experiment.

This is why you're supposed to hide your power level, even if OP's power level is like 2.

youre being generous, i see

2 BEFORE the incident

Kek, fpbp.

Stop being such a cuck if you want respect

Or, be a lib and claim gender harassment

Someone on the ship's gotta get fucked in the ass, and it's not going to be Fungus Gary over there.

I would 1 post by id on Sup Forums

>claim gender harassment
and be called a soycopter instead

That's what you get for using shit memes desu

isn't it Soy "Boi"?


redditor detected
go upboat some normies and leave us alone

>soyboy popularizes our term to normies at his own expense
Soyboys are a gift that keeps on giving.

dumb wojakposter

This is fake news.
By real jews.

At least you made more people know about soy...

Haha Soyboy Soyboy you are a Soyboy (name calling intensifies) hahaha faggot. You know what your Mum's a Soy boy OP and I'l bet she's a trap too.

>Gen Ztard acts like a low test beta
>gets called out on it
>hur wut du?
Grow up and stop acting like a faggot. Life ain't high school ffs

I'm 6'2 220lb and regularly lift stuff by myself that my coworkers have to be two to carry.

So that would never happen. My nicknames have been "Boss", "Chief", "Big Man" and "Big Dog" at my last couple of jobs.